The subtle art of making decisions
How to master decision-making ????
These methods and strategies can help you stop over-thinking, hesitating or going in circles- and?to take decisions in your life more actively instead. This can save you some time, energy and most importantly some nerves.?
Trust your gut
Asking too many people for their opinion, can often make a situation more confusing. Remember that you are making the decision for yourself and for your life, therefore your opinion should come first. It is okay to ask a trusted person for their opinion if you are?indifferent between two options. However, always try to rely on your intuition and and gut feeling as much as possible. Strengthening the belief in your own gut and ability to take decisions independently and in YOUR best interest, will automatically stop you from second-guessing and will over time grow your confidence. You can start off with the small decisions. :)?
Many things in life are unpredictable, and even if we take a decision, it is not entirely up to us how things turn out. Try to accept that there are things that are out of your control and that will happen regardless. Also, nobody has the ability to predict the future. Therefore, there really are no "wrong" decisions. You are taking a decision in a specific moment based on the circumstances and information presented, and that's about it.?
Pro's and Con's?
Comparing advantages and disadvantages can often help and can add some objectivity to the decision-making process. Make sure to put them down on paper, though. Simply collecting them in your mind can become even more confusing as they might blur. Putting them on paper and seeing them in black and white can help structure your thoughts.
Flip a Coin
Don't worry, we are not advising you to let chance take the decision for you. Flipping a coin can help you understand your gut preferences though. Define which choice each side of the coin represents, flip it, and then pay close attention to your ultimate (gut) reaction when you see the result. In many cases, it can really help you figure out what it is that you wanted in the first place.?
No Second-guessing
Once you made your final decision, even if you face some obstacles in the aftermath, try not to think about it or second-guess it. Be happy with the decision that you made. First of all, there really is nothing that you can change about it now and secondly, moving on will make you more confident and equipped for all other decisions to come!?