Art as Liberation

I have been thinking and reflecting so much about what`s going on in the world, and in particular here in America. 

Time to time in life we do take things for granted. I do believe that arts were taken for granted to a certain extend. The epidemic shut down our lives as we know and all forms of art suffered big times as well. In times likes this, art is the healing and the grounding force to keep us balanced, keep our sanity and calm. This year that has been taken away. We need see and hear art live, like the prayer we chant together, hear the Rabbi speak, cantor chant, to have the feeling of wholeness and to be together, united in joy and pain. 

To create art it takes effort. Like anything in life, working process takes effort, dedication, passion, love, concentration, and labor to accomplish, to succeed and be good at in what we do. It is a calling and inspiration; to make it matter we have to be driven by choosing our craft in life. (Mine is art and education) It’s all about the creative process, vision, the execution and transformation of the vision. When it’s done from the heart with the knowledge and professionalism of the craft, it is art, its creative process, sends the message. Makes us believe in anything we want and allow ourselves as audience to believe to. Ability to bring them (the audience) with you in to the journey with the magic of the art. It is creative force of art that impacts each of us as well, the society as whole, including the spiritual realm of the world and the whole creation.

As artist we have skills, craft and liberation of expressing ourselves through the art forms, that be; a dance, a music piece, a poem, a song, a painting, a photograph, a flower arrangement, a makeup, an origami, a quote, delicious cooked meal, a cake, a tailored garment, etc.

It makes me wonder, how fast we (artists) are being judged by a stranger, sometimes even by a family member. We judge what we don’t understand, something we don’t know or find to be different, unknown, and something we cannot put in a created norm form of standard, rules of society perception of art.

I feel like something new is awaking in me as artist. We`ll see how it will manifest in me, through my art and me. May be this picture is a glimpse into that something new? It took courage to post this picture. I`m sharing this not to be judged, labeled. I`m sharing this in order to show my freedom, my thoughts, my reflections through this form of visual art. Yes, it is an art and skill to be able to transform yourself into something new, unknown. Transform yourself and be the creative force, make the world to see, be inspired, believe what`s hidden in the art. (It is art, to be able to portrait, to live and to be free). To share with open heart the power of the art and see the art impact on the humanity. To give hope to someone who feels alone and is miss-understood. 

Art inspires, makes us feel alive with power of greater love for each other and, greater love for the creation, (in my case greater love to and from Elohim). My faith is always one of the driving forces and inspiration to all I do, to my life. 

Art speaks to all of us. Art is never silent. Artist cannot be put in a box created by the society, who can`t see outside the box, outside their own reality and existence. 

We`re miss-understood in our own skin, judged by fellow artist when we create and explore the unknown, explore the forbidden fruit.  May be the fruit in not that forbidden as the society things and wants us to believe it? 

I`m exploring new horizons as artist, as person, as me! 

 In the picture me wearing a bustier have nothing to do with a representation of the sexuality of any means, nor I want to offend anyone, as well as to take away something from anyone. Me putting the bustier do not make me a drag queen, or a transsexual or will to be a woman. It takes much more to be a drag queen, to be a transsexual to be woman as putting a bustier, a wig and so on. If I dress in a period costume for example, such as Mozart, it doesn’t make me Mozart, I cannot write a symphony or a piano concerto. I am reliving and portraying an image of someone, someone I read about, someone who`s music I play on a piano, listen to. But I am not Mozart, I am me. 

It takes much more than just putting a costume. Me putting a bustier has nothing to do about man wearing a makeup, a dress, a wig, Man looking, representing femininity, woman looking, representing a masculinity. Is not about a gender, sexuality, is about the Gestalt, the form and expression of the body, the through the expressive and creative form. The artist expression of the world through different mediums, tools.

It is all about the manifestation of the Art and the Gestalt, representing masculinity and femininity in the form of a visual art and pushing the envelope, exploring the human form at its core through various entities, materials, symbolisms… 

Visual impact…

What do you see is the outer of the artistic manifestation of the form of art, of body, movement, dance, and its expression through various outlets, unlimited opportunities of each artist. There is so much more to that as a bustier, a wig or make up. 

It is the inspiration, driving force behind it, intention. 

As I mentioned before, the 2020 is very “vibrant”, intense, strange, and different year in so many ways, not all of it is good, the impacts and losses are devastating. To see how it affects each of us individually and as society. 

The combination of it all made something to shift in me, what I am still processing and trying to grasp on. It is a beautiful process of inspiration leading me to something new to explore as artist, as human being. 

When I was dealing with cancer and had to shave my head, it was very emotional, which only I had to go through at that particular time. Suddenly out of nowhere I felt, I was one with the millions of others going thorough it. I felt and lived their pain in me. 

It is not easy to put that feeling, emotional condition into words. 

I was standing in the shower and I cried. Cried for each of them.

In general we understand how destructive cancer, illnesses are, but that moment when I looked at the mirror, I felt all the pain of each one who looked at themselves in a mirror and saw the unknown of what is to come, and the force to fight it.   

This new process of my thoughts and expression through the art form made me to reach out to few dear friends of mine. May be I am looking for the approval, I don’t know. 

I think, I want to make everyone to be aware of so much more outside his or her lives. 

To have a dialogue, to awake the feelings, thoughts they may be had no chance to do so before. 

As artist we seek for the approval, recognition of our art and with our art to move, to inspire audience, to bring a massage. Art is a very strong form to bring a massage across. 

It takes skill, talent and experience to do so. 

 Here I am sharing few thoughts I received so far to what I shared here above and the picture of me wearing a bustier from few of my friends:

“Makes sense and I think it speaks to why artists are needed in the world. Some people look at art as a luxury, when really it`s a necessary part of society for us to function and make meaning”


“So true and go into my heart “

“That’s beautiful”


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