The Art of Leadership & Horses
Sarah Julia Wong
Visual Artist | Sr Imago Creative | Visual Communication | Visual Anthropologist
This is the compassionate story of surgeon Dr Piet Leguit. We met because of our common interest: compassionate leadership in healthcare. His dream is to create a compassionate platform in healthcare for doctors.
He told me, at times he didn’t sleep very well. The older, the more reflective he got about his feelings about patients he treated in the past. In his mind he kept on asking himself if he did the right thing in situations where patients passed away, even if he knew it was not his fault.
He and his wife Juliette touched my heart and I offered them a leadership training with my horse. I grew up with horses so in a playful way I understand their silent reflective communication to our human body language. And as a portrait photographer the images of the camera captures what we can’t explain with words. As a child I learned from horses how to be reflective in a pure way.
What has purity to do with leadership? Knowing your authentic self starts with being honest from the heart, just as kids are. So no strategy’s or marketing.
Surgeon Dr Piet Leguit reflects: ‘I have always been a little scared for horses. This experience with the compassionate white horse was totally different! Magic and touching how the horse curiously, lovingly sniffed on me.
Totally unexpected was that the horse was reading my inner reflection and he loved to do what I asked him with my body language! It was a life-changing experience. Now I’m aware we’re all connected with each other without words-on common vibrations. I try to live with that awareness.’
More about leadership and your authentic self