The Art Of Killing

The Art Of Killing

Old habits die hard. It takes something like an earthquake that hits a 9.0 on the ritcher scale that brings down a whole city and kills dreams. What gets built next is a new way or rather the correct  way to build a city that withstands shocks of nature with water tight disaster management systems in place... A complete transformation. But imagine, had these ways been followed right from the beginning, there wouldn't be a disaster. One would have only had a quake overcome with management. When people die in disasters, it is not dying,
it is killing.

"Brand building is similar".

We the humans are an incorrigible race. We often promise ourselves to live in that comfort zone in spite of our matchless ability to comprehend what brands are and what they stand for. It is as simple as this; there are many brands alike and they will always bask in the glory of success. Not that I have anything against them, but when it comes to mention brands like TATA , many other contemporaries hits a rock fort invincible. The difference is neither money nor acquisitions, neither its brands nor the products. It is PEOPLE.

People make brands...BRANDS.

Precisely. It is people who make a 'BRAND'. And more than the people who buy, it is the people who 'SELL' a brand that make it one.

In our madness to create 'Striking Campaigns', we often forget where to strike first.

"A spoon in a bowl of  chicken soup
for 3000 years would never ever know
the taste of it".

To sell a brand, one must understand its potential, what it could be a decade down the time not forgetting how people too would evolve during the process.
That would indeed be inspiring, the ideal for branding - 'Evolution'. And for this, old habits must be killed for life to sprout.

We all believe in sharing the beauty of the process of communication in all forms with clients. While most of the time is spent to build those figures on the balance sheet,  branding actually first begins with the people who run the company followed by people who work in the company, then those who work for their bread & butter with the brand and then finally, it involves the people who buy the brand.

"To describe a  painting, one must know what the art of painting is all about".

People who buy a brand only buy what people selling a brand sell. If a brand doesn't carry the spirit of the people who sell it, then it never is one. And that spirit it carries, transforms into the indefatigable 'Psyche' leaving an everlasting impression on the people of the world.

"There are those who can't ever afford a Ferrari, but hanging a poster on the wall in their homes isn't that - Inspiration?".

The idea should start with how a brand would belong to people who are the face of it. That is how one can arrive at branding strategies as people have a long life on this planet and the behavior and reactions of people to their environment is the 'collective memory' of a civilization past. Yes, we do often fail sometimes and that is when one sees the near future rather than creating a distant one that could be bigger, better, stronger.  I think we can all call that 'HOPE'. There are instances when some are not willing to understand the idea of a brand as a Psyche. Such brands die out and so do such people. There is nothing more painful than to see people failing to recognize a brand's potential and the potential a brand can give its people. It is a disaster in making. When brands die, it is not dying, it is killing.

"Disasters would strike
eventually everybody. It only depends
how well we are prepared".

Sometimes, killing old habits is better.
The Art of Killing for life... to PROSPER.


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