The Art of The Interview for POTUS
William Natale
Regional Executive Director Ohio/IL Centers for Broadcasting Public Affairs/Outreach
We all know what an interview is. In order to get a job, you have to go through that process. I've interviewed several times for various positions and as an executive at NBC, PBS and at the vocational colleges where I've served as an Executive Director, I've probably hired well over a hundred individuals in the course of my career.
Right now, the American people are conducting their interview process for the next CEO of the U.S. For those that take this seriously, you take the time to tune in to the debates. Today, via the internet, you can and should take the time to review the proposals of the candidates regarding their issues - although - studies show that very few Americans actually do this. If you can, you also watch one-on=one interviews of the candidates. That's the interview process.
In all the times I interviewed candidates for a job, I asked probing questions, observed their body language and prior to hiring anyone, did background checks (not just criminal checks - which are limited) but also sought opinions from references -- and today, many employers look at a person's social media accounts. If I found anyone who was a misogynist or treated female co-workers badly - I didn't hire them. If I had found anyone who made fun of someone handicapped - I wouldn't hire them. As an educator, I had to be careful not to hire an executive that played fast with the accrediting rules that govern educational institutions - or in anyway defrauded students by taking their money and not delivering what was promised - like what's going on at TRUMP university...that's not someone I would have brought on one of our teams.
If I found a candidate that consistently lied about their past or was noted for saying one thing but not delivering, I didn't hire them.
America can see the character of the candidates - so - ask yourself , would you hire a misogynist, would you hire someone who makes fun of the handicapped, would you hire someone who defrauds their customers? If you can say yes to that and all I've noted above - then you're not really being objective about your selection. God help us all.