"The Art Of Instacart"
"Same Day Grocery Home Delivery...Perfected"
We live in an age where grocers from coast to coast are looking to compete in the onslaught of the digital marketplace and how best to deliver grocery essentials. Most food retailers are just that, food retailers. So how does this retailer decide how best to furnish his or her customers needs while trying to compete in the price, customer service and quality game?
"In Steps Instacart With the Expertise & It's Fast Becoming Trusted Brand"
Today, time is one of the consumers seemingly most valued commodities. Instacart stepped in to fill this void in 2015 and has done a great job. As shoppers flocked to this now same day delivery service retailers across the country and soon perhaps the world could now give this California start-up a try.
What the shopper found was for the first time, either on a break at work or even perhaps while watching a Sunday NFL game, he or she could order what they wanted or needed. The Instacart shopper would also expect the delivery to take place so quick it would be delivered before they could make the shopping trip themselves.
Last fall we tested Instacart to see for ourselves what the shopping experience was really like from start to finish. Was it really that quick? What was the level of the quality of the perishables we ordered? Would we be comfortable with the delivery person? Was it crazy expensive? While seldom surprised by retailed offerings we were amazed the cordial, experienced shopper delivered exactly what we ordered faster then we could make the shopping trip ourselves.
The shopper even sent photographs when concerned which beef item to purchase to enhance our comfort level and confidence in the Instacart shopping experience.
So Wait, I Can Really Order From Multiple Retailers Within An Order?
That answer would be a resounding yes. If you have a shopping request or idea, Instacart likely has that shopping option in the digital platform and more now at your fingertips.
Instacart is a relatively young start up in an industry as old as they come....the local grocer. A number of huge advantages for the retailer begin with no learning curve or upfront expenses to enter home delivery. No retailers employees within the customers home with all of those inherent risks. The ability through Instacart to compare prices from retail member to retail member online immediately in order to remain relevant with pricing and gross margin concerns.
Today Instacart services or is about to service retailers like Walmart, B.J.'s, Stew Leonards, Lowes Foods Food Lion, Superior Grocers, Albertsons, just to name a few.
For the retailer the cost of shopping (the actual transaction) and delivering groceries are handled by Instacart. With little to no start up costs the retailer. The retailer can just incorporate this program into the normal weekly numbers or essentially the cost of doing business and avoid the variable costs of direct labor that occur with a home delivery solution of its own.
In short for todays retailer and or consumer we believe Instacart is not only a viable alternative but frankly about to become an industry standard.
Instacart is not only a great business model but an ingenious start-up likely to play a major role altering our views as shoppers how shopping is likely to be experienced going forward.
So Now Who Are Instacart's Biggest Competitors....Not One. Try Instacart & Let Me Know What You Think!
Many have asked why I choose to write about what I see in the supermarket industry today and my ideas. At Bad Adz, PreparedFoodPhotos.com & Adlife we believe great ideas and the resulting "Branding" will give new life and direction to any company. So for that reason we chose to open the discussion.
Yes, I understand I probably misspelled something or butchered the English language in a few places. The goal however was to open your minds to new ideas.
Joel Albrizio, President of Bad Adz Digital Marketing PreparedFoodPhotos.com & Adlife
Follow Me On Twitter @joelalbrizio or right here on LinkedIn!
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