The Art of INFLUENCE: Three Pillars of Attraction and Growth for Brands
Heather Havenwood @Like A Boss Media

The Art of INFLUENCE: Three Pillars of Attraction and Growth for Brands

I recently spoke in front of a large entrepreneurial thirsty crowd. They were full of excitement and desire to grow their business. 

At that event in Las Vegas, I presented for the first time

The Art of Influence - Three Pillars and Principles of Attraction and Growth for Brands

Before, I dive into the very valuable content that any entrepreneur can put into action inside their business, I would like to share a personal and life altering story about myself. 

In 2014, my mom, at age 67, unexpectedly died. In her home, in her bed, with her dog, alone and on my birthday. I was out of town, taking a much needed vacation in Northern California, secluded in the mountains. After two days of my sister trying to get a hold of me, I raced home back to Austin, to deal with the overwhelming grief and heartache. 

My personal life coach at the time, suggested I do something in Austin - different, anything outside of my comfort zone, to help me get my mind of the grief. I enrolled into an 101 Improve Class, .5 miles from my house. I figured, I would not have to put much effort into something so close to me. The first 6 week 101 class, I hated. I did not like how unstructured everything was, and all of the fun and games the instructor forced me to play. 

Despite that, I enrolled into 102, then 103,104,105,106. I did a LIVE Improve Show and the end of 106 class. I had fallen in love with the art of ‘not knowing’. The creation, the freedom that Improve gave me. On the last day of being in the school for over a year - the owner of the school, suggested that I now enroll into ‘Stand Up Comedy’. LOL! “Are you kidding me? I am not funny, I am the structured one, control of everything kind of gal - and I know, I am NOT funny!’ 

It took me three years after that Improve Graduation, to enroll into a 12 week Stand Up Comedy Class. The entire 12 weeks was really focused on ‘what is your stick’ ‘your unique voice’ in comedy? 

I had no idea what that was. It kept me up at night, staring at the ceiling fan go round and round. Asking my self -

“What makes me unique? What makes me funny?” 

The mind was blank! “I am NOT funny!” My brain kept announcing. To graduate, we had to perform LIVE in front of an audience a 5 min stand up routine. I was freaking out! Scared! I am not funny! I am going to FAIL Funny Class! This can not be happening, to me! 

So, I did what any resourceful entrepreneur would do, 24 hours before the evening of my performance, I desperately hired a comedy coach. After listening to my fears, he shared with me really great advise. “Comedy is all about one thing - Doubling Down on Who Already Are” he stated with clarity. 

I thought about his statement, and then said - OK, I get the principle, but...


He grinned, and said something I will always remember and it changed my life, and my brand forever……

”Heather, you are a Ballsey, Big Boobed Blonde Shell, Southern Smart Ass Bitch.” 

I laughed and laughed out loud, I could not argue with that truthful statement. Then, I shared with him, that that was the piece I was consistently trying to cover up, diminish, make small, ignore!

He said ‘Stop it! That is the piece of you that is Unique, Different, and Relatable. People laugh at things, they understand, it gives them permission to be themselves, to laugh at their flaws. That is the brilliance of comedy.’

With that great advice, I went out of stage, and allowed myself to be that Ballsey, Big Boobed Blonde Shell, Southern Smart Ass Bitch - and everyone laughed! I then over the next year, changed my entire brand, images, and name of my company to Like A Boss? Media and The Sexy Boss? Show! 

This brings me to the FIRST Pillar of The Art of Influence...

Pillar 1: Double Down On Who You Are. 

Yep! That THING, that makes you weird, or odd or an outcast or different. Double Down on that! 

Bring that to the for front, of The Brand, The Voice, The Essence. 

What is that thing, that family want you to change, or ex relationship people think is weird about you? That is what you highlight and double down on!

Example: ‘Keep Austin Weird” which is the tagline of Austin, TX - I love this, because it has become the MOTTO and actually influenced politics, roadways and the way the city does business. 

Got it? 

Great! Let’s keep going…

Pillar 2: STOP Proclaiming to Be an Expert of ANYTHING! 

Be an Influencer! 

One of the most Master Influencers in my Lifetime is Oprah. She is NOT an Expert. She is Oprah. Period. Oprah, does not position herself as an expert, instead she brings experts to the spotlight, to be highlighted, she gives them a voice! 

Another example of an Influencer you may be aware of is Donald Trump. YEP! He is our president, and before his seat in the Oval Office, he was an influencer. He consistently tells the public, via twitter - that he influences, persuades, announces, and declares statements. He is surrounded by top advisors and experts, yet - he is NOT an expert, nor does he really position himself that way. He is a synthesizer of information, from associates and advisors, then he makes statements and decisions. (I am neither confirming nor denying my political views, simply sharing the art of influence)

Still another ‘Influencer’ and NOT Expert was Hitler, Martin Luther King and may more. 

I did NOT say, nor did I elude, to being ‘likable’ is a part of being an Influencer. You most likely disagree with Hitlers perspective and influence, however you can not deny he was a LARGE Influencer in our History of the WORLD!

This is a nice transition into the Third Pillar of Influence: 

Pillar 3: Be Polarizing!

I did NOT say, be sweet, nice, lovely or accepting of everyone, I said - BE POLARIZING! 

Polarization, causes decision, diffusion, and a clear separation. 

A true Influencer, of any industry, of any cause, of any vision - is WILLING to go against the odds, the normal, the socially acceptable, they are willing to be a REBEL! 

How are you resisting being a REBEL? How are you holding back from pushing up against the ‘normal’ in your industry, in your business or your brand. 

Be OUT THERE! Be Unique! Be a REBEL, with a CAUSE

Welcome to the ERA of Influence!

Many marketers and brand experts, are against this movement, calling it a FAD. Something that people will not follow. I DISAGREE 100%!

We are in the ERA of INFLUENCE. 

People are tired of being TOLD what to do, they instead want to follow a cause, a vision, a purpose, a position of truth - something they can align themselves with or AGAINST!

We are seeing this play out in our politics, every day, every week! You may laugh at this, but every morning ‘ALEXA’ reads to me ‘Trump Tweets’. In her computer voice, she states the tweets, that Mr. Donald Trump sends out to her 61 Million Followers. Do you think that 100% of his followers ‘like him’? NO! I would guess, over 60% of his followers ‘HATE’ him, yet they still follow, they still read, they respond. Trump, understands the principles of being POLARIZING, NOT BEING THE EXPERT, and DOUBLING DOWN ON WHO YOU ARE!

The reason, I ask ALEXA to daily read me Trump Tweets - is because I know, that those tweets, set the tone for the Media Cycle for the net 24-48 hours. YEP! One man, in 240 characters, actually drives the entire media cycle of the United States and abroad. THAT IS INFLUENCE! 

In My Final Sexy Boss Thought: 

We as humans, value people who make us think, drive wedges between us, forces us to make decisions, which in turn brings us together. We Value Leaders and VISIONARIES. 

As one of my greatest business coaches said to me: Are you going to be an Influencer or a Follower? 

I choose: Being Influencer

What do you choose?

Be You! Be REAL! Be the Sexy Boss of your LIFE! 

Heather Havenwood


Mikey Cherubin

I Work With Executives To Alleviate The Challenges Of Developing Top Talent While Maximizing Cash Flow.

5 年

Great article Heather!? I believe we grow by embracing the unknown and stretching our comfort zone.

Sharon Horne-Ellstrom

Sharon Horne-Ellstrom: Challenger, Consultant, Author...How To SUPERSIZE YOUR BUSINESS w/o Working Yourself To Death...

5 年



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