Art or Impact? Why not both?
In marketing, there is a chasm between making art and making an impact.
Sure, you can do both, but that’s rare. If you create something meaningful and beautiful, it does not necessarily mean that it’s resonant and inspiring with the audience you’re seeking to address.
Even if the creative inspires and resonates, you need a strategy — owned, earned, shared, paid or all of the above — to get your thinking to the audience so that it can have actual impact. Sometimes, that impact is even measurable.
At Brand Definition, we’ve had thought leadership campaigns that comprised beautifully inspired and well-written articles with brilliant and insightful client SMEs. We accompanied the articles with clever art, and had earned, owned, shared and paid programs to get those content packages consumed by the right audiences.
The strategies are typically digital with sprinklings of print to address specific client preferences or market idiosyncrasies. Still, once in a while — as in this case, with print booklets for LG Business Solutions — we’ll repurpose the content in new and sometimes surprising ways.
This book resonated strongly with its audience, underscoring how repurposing content you’ve worked so hard to generate can pay strong dividends — and couples art and impact!