The Art of the Handwritten Letter

The Art of the Handwritten Letter

There is something unique about a handwritten personal letter. It’s better than an email, no matter what the social media gurus claim. We read emails and often delete them. An excellent handwritten note can last a lifetime and become a treasured possession.

Letters congratulating me on my graduation and scholarship are precious to me. Other treasures include an invitation to my wedding and several thank-you letters from former associates telling me they enjoyed working with me.

A personal handwritten letter tells you a lot about the writer. When you open the envelope, you unmask the sender. You quickly determine the writer's mood and sincerity. Is this a giving letter providing information, a compliment, or an offer letter requiring something?

The time of the handwritten letter is almost gone. Few students receive cursive writing instructions. Many people don’t know what it is. Some people don’t take the time to be personal; they zip off a cold email and hope they won’t offend.

Christmas 2024 is an excellent time to handwrite a thank you to someone who gave you a holiday gift.

Over the years, I have saved many treasured handwritten letters. Today, I deleted yesterday’s emails.


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