This sums up the art of smile, rhythm of appreciation and keeping yourself confident within your skin even when you are let down by others. This dissuasion from them can be sometimes very trifling and can come from people very close to you too. This is true that their opinion has nothing to do with your reality but they somehow manage to ruin your day by their hollow disposition.
The charisma you carry while not acquiring the same characteristics as others, separates you from putrid atmosphere of people who are not willing to help themselves climb the ladder of dignity.
There would be times when you stay affirmative with them, and in all your fairness you try to help them reach the fountain of positivity but they are not able to drink from it or even enjoy the glory of its presence around them. That is the time you need to understand that these people will not get along with you on the same path.
“OQP; Only Quality People” as Les Brown, the number one orator emphasizes. Define the quality and stand by it. Meet everyone with the unpretentious hand shake, greet them with an earnest smile, but not let your success path get revealed till you get there. You cannot dissipate your dynamic energies and get exhausted on the way by their garb of jealousy or timidity.
Realize the fact that you can give what you already have in surplus. If you are devoid of something, you lack the ability to give it to others. So when you don’t get the integrity you showed towards them in the first place, understand that it is not in their capacity to give you the same uprightness.
The top most Managers and leaders touching the apex of success as defined in Moslow’s hierarchy are a part of self-actualization subdivision. They have reached the level where they have innate quality of curiosity of attaining knowledge. They work on themselves and subsequently extend the helping hands towards others. This is not only applicable on corporate culture but it’s a life style worth adapting.
When your persona is wholesome within, you co create the influencers and give them the due credit. Raise them from their level of perspectives and mentor all the way to the peak.
The clasp that keeps them being inspired by you regardless of the fact that they accept it or not will keep you on a persuasive locus. Teach them this art of hand shake!