When you grow up son….what do you want to be? ..what do you want to do ? It′s the kind of question that kids have to deal with. Nobody has to become a somebody….or does he/she? At an early age we are already conditioned that we have project ourselves into a future form,shape,state that in some way pleases the society…..this is bull….it′s the beginning of slavery…it′s the beginning of sheepdom…there we were unspoiled…childstate…playing & then they come with this idea that we must start doing something!....that′s time to say NO!...which is exactly what I did….internally …secretly …the revolution had begun…I was not gonna be a sheep …I wanted to become a lion (Nietsche put it nicely)… began the first step..not wanting to be a somebody…a some one…I wanted to shape myself….not be shaped…I wanted to find my own tendencies….flow down my own river….like this life was gonna be FUN….a surprise..not a groundhog day…c′mon…why do we try to live our lives in never ending repeats?...why do we wanna wake up every morning in the same way? I don′t….& believe me…it′s great….You can rewire yourself in 24 hours…you can become a person with a new past ….new outlook….in 24hrs….wake up new every day. To be in a frame of mind to do exactly that you must be able to discern WHERE exactly the thoughts are arriving from… other words look at the thinking, watch it, & be able to make the decision to partake in the impulse or not! You have the choice….Goethe the great German Philosopher once said…”Schaue ob Du die Sache hast…oder die Sache dich hat”….in this case…Do you have thoughts???...or do the thoughts have you??? you wake up in the morning & say ohhh…I think I′m gonna think about Pamela Anderson….or is there a picture/impulse of Pamela arriving & you decide to stretch your thinking out around it?

Let′s at this point have a quick look at the brain & that wonderful instrument the Reptile Brain….seated at back of the neck/spine/beginning of the skull area…the first & oldest brain area….been there since the very beginning….with only one job ….which is?....C′mon why are we here? SURVIVAL that is the first premise…..keep the body safe….this is the job of the Reptile brain & reptile brain thinking….where is the danger? anything potentially wrong? I still healthy etc? Now how fast do you imagine this system to be? (in thinking terms?)…..FAST yes FAST!....milliseconds…so fast you cannot catch where the thinking is coming from! It′s automatic….it′s a mechanisim…& it′s well trained…we had it at the beginning & we will have it till the END …personal or worldly…certainly bodily….& here comes the point , as long as we have the earthy body suit it′s part & parcel of the deal to be here….& damn necessary!....The big point now is to apply Goethe′s idea on DOES THE REPTILE BRAIN HAVE YOU?......OR DO I HAVE THE REPTILE BRAIN?....well look around….look around to see people everywhere driven by fear/angst /insecurity/pushed….their thinking revolving around survival…suppressing their natural right to live a free & creative life….” I would have loved to be an artist…..BUT I gotta pay the rent!!!”…..when the traffic lights are RED, you better not cross the road….always amazed me that some are so programmed by REACTIVE REPTILE THINKING that they stop at the red light although ther is NO traffic either way….I was standing at a crossroad in Munich Germany some years ago…it′s around 1am at night….it′s snowing…no it′s a snow storm….guy comes cycling (heavy going)….lights turn RED…he stops & waits for green…Hey man there′s nobody except me around!!!...I walk & yes he WAITS….OK…he′s German I guess…that with all the wars makes his Reptile Brain very careful…even the new generations haven′t gotten rid of the Nazi programming yet……sooo…what to do with the Reptile brain?....TIP 1….You have a RB…not the other way around…try to catch it trying to force you to REACT on something, you wouldn′t like to react on! Then tell it (&be nice about it) what to do! dear RB , you are a valuable instrument, but I am the MASTER.

TIP2....The mornings…while waking…let it, RB do the body check…yes legs are OK...left arm slight pain…oh yes played 2 hrs of squash yesterday….think my throat′s a little sore…ohh should go for a pee soon …now we see it…great….put RB on hold…tell yourself to stay in bed…because (RB loves a REASON)….YOU want to look at your dreams! WOW…it will go on hold…it will come back..BUT you are outta REACTION & in PROACTION….COOL!!!

TIP3….Go back to Alpha state (relaxed consciousness)…..tell the circus, the monkeys & clowns & all the rest of the junk stuff…monkey mind thinking…to go on hold…they will come back…but right NOW I wanna stay in my dreams & sort all my mind & program MYSELF!!!....otherwise the outside mess will program you!.....ohhh no it′s raining again….ohhh she was really mean to me last nite etc…won′t get you anywhere that type of powerless thought pattern….just goes round & round & round….NOWHERE

TIP4…the power of positive thinking is…..easy it′s positive thinking….so how about letting a nice positive thought pattern go round & round….after the circus has come & gone….I love Deepak Chopra′s  EVERY DAY:::IN EVERY WAY:::I INCREASE:::MY MENTAL & PHYSICAL CAPACITY….nice & easy & effective!                                                                 

We live in a universe & have NO idea what it is…..WE DON`T KNOW WHERE WE ARE!....WE DON`T KNOW WHY WE ARE!.....WE DON`T KNOW WHO WE ARE!....& WE CERTAINLY HAVE NO IDEA WHERE WE ARE GOING……coz we are going NOWHERE!!! So you think you know where you are….yep…I ′m in Spain….ok where is Spain?....on the earth….ok where is the earth? a planetary sun system….ok where is the sun system? a galaxy…..ok where is the galaxy? a universe….ok where is the universe? a….???...surely not in an enclosed room….or what is space???.....true answer is we have no idea where we are……is it lovely when some one asks or says “UP or DOWN”…..heaven is up there….or hell down there…in an infinite universe this can not be…what is infinite…mind cannot grasp this context at all!....even nicer is the idea of self identification…I′m this & that…I′m Fred from Boston…I′m a baker…I have 2 kids….etc…is that so…so who are you really? Certainly the way we try to define ourselves is material, vegetable, animal & not spirit or mental….to be able to say the energy I connect with is….fire…is dancing like flames in the wind…now that′s a different appreciation of what I really am….when I was with OSHO in Poona India….he gave me a new name…it was Sami Shakya Annand…it was a name or title describing my energy at that time….energies change…we are constantly changing…the body you inherited at birth changed into youth, changed into maturity changed into what we call aged….I prefer wisdom…who you were yesterday you are not now…change is the only constant….so play with that & begin to LET GO…FLOW…..don′t define yourself over the PAST….define yourself over the FUTURE….that′s basically what REALITY CREATION is…I will become my VISION.

We are going NOWHERE coz there is NOWHERE to go!.....OSHO used to say…YOU ARE ALREADY THERE!....NOWHERE to go….just inside…just sit…just breathe & turn inside…YOU ARE THERE….HOME ….where you always have been & always will be….I′m reminded of a beautiful story about a great Sufi Mystic…her name was Rabiya….the story goes that Rabiya was outside her hut in the village, out on the street searching for something….the people nearby noticed this & came to help…”Rabiya” they said” what are you looking for?...maybe we can help?”…..she replied “I′ve lost my needle …I′m looking for a needle” They started looking but nothing was to be found & it was getting dark….so they said “please Rabiya where did you lose it?...Rabiya was said to have replied….” I lost it in the hut!”….they said “ We always knew that you were a little insane…you said the street before!”….Rabyia is reported to said..”To help you look INSIDE ,I said the hut…because there is a little lite INSIDE….& OUTSIDE it is getting dark!”…..she went on…”That′s the reason everyone searches OUTSIDE….but one day that I saw the sun set…the darkness come OUTSIDE….I realised that the real search must be looking INSIDE!”…….above the Apollo Temple in Delfi….the first inscribtion is “KNOW THYSELF” …..we knew that was the real answer a long,long time ago….the ART of going NOWHERE…INSIDE….there is of course another angle to this all….& that is being able to let-go of our structured thinking….let-go of the rational mind…& as you cut out the matrix thinking (society influence thought)…just follow your own instinctive, gut feeling…Carlos Castaneda did a lot of work on & with this…to just move & dance from the own center…to just follow the inner voice…& not have anywhere to go…not have anywhere to be…NOWHERE then begins…..HERE & NOW then begins.

Paracelsus had wonderful ideas about sleep & dreams….he said that in sleep the sidereal body….the animal spirit becomes free & thus it moves freely & can move to the stars to converse with them….cool…communicating with stars…WOW….He spent years wandering…NATURE he said, was his teacher…” I desire nothing, neither to live comfortably, nor do I wish to become rich.Happiness is better than riches & happy is he who wanders about possessing nothing that requires his care. He who wants to study the book of nature must wander with feet over its leaves”                                               

HAPPINESSNOWHERE….now what do you read?....check out if you get the negative version or the positive version first…90% of the time the Reptile Brain…the survival & FEAR instincts will choose the neg. version…HAPPINESS NOWHERE…..if you start to take your time & meditate on it the pos. version will pop up….HAPPINESS NOW HERE!....& that′s the one I would like to choose!....We have an average of around 50 000 thoughts a day (don′t ask how they measured that) ….WOW…incredible…the only problem is…we keep REPEATING the same old thought patterns…& the older we get…the worse it gets…less & less new thinking & repeating the same old mainly Reptile Brain waves…then the society adds Dementia/Alzheimer/brain cell loss etc. to the Groundhog day that they & the Pharma Mafia created….& what is the outcome???...a shell, a body that reacts purely to outside influence….sorry SPIRIT , inside worlds GONE HOME ….my father is 95…the worst thing that ever happened to him was becoming a pensioner….he was a happy aircraft engineer …that was his life….then one day around the age of 65 they offered him a “golden handshake” because in the 80′s they believed that the younger & not the experienced were more important..(now we realize that′s rubbish!)….wham…the WHY…is gone in his life…the WHY I get outta bed in the morn…& no more challenge…no more new thinking…LIFE OVER ….SPIRIT slowly starts to leave…Pharma Mafia doctors start prescribing PILLS….PILLS for this & PILLS for that….he degenerates into a BODY…no more SPIRIT….intellect…motivation…GONE FISHING….Spirit′s GONE HOME….Pills keep the system going! That′s what happens in OLD AGE when you don′t start TRAINING/MEDITATING/CREATING anymore….when you are young u don′t need to to train the brain…the older u get the more u need to train brain!....& it never stops….I′ve never met a senile LAMA!....those wonderful people in the mountains of TIBET…who are doing an immense amount of LIGHT WORK…for ALL of us…they are soooo young & healthy when they die!....Death is a friend….they decide when to go!!! WE AARE GOING nowhere ANYWAY!...It′s amazing that we really have this urge that we have to go somewhere…be someone…do something…when actually we are NOWHERE….are NOBODY….do NOTHING…. Life is a paradox,it doesn′t make sense….it doesn′t have to make sense….in our way of thinking…the WEST has always been trying to prove everything via the man-god science…science is continually trying to prove something in the outward world…faster / better /advanced etc….in fact it is a search to prove that GOD IS A MAN!....we have to be RIGHT….we must struggle…fight/win/success etc……we are here to go further…expand…be more…never content with ALL that IS!!!....the EAST is female…it moved in the inner world…estatically …searching in an alchemistical way …….we need balance….west & east should meet….man & woman should meet…YIN & YANG                 


Some of the best advice I ever had….learning from everything….EVERY DAY IS A TRAINING….it never stops….but c′mon why be sooo restless about it?...why create so much hectic…Osho once described life as train station platform…& there we are waiting for the train…& believe me the train will come..then watch how the people wait…how much FUSS they make…WHY?...relax into it…breathing into it…begin to enjoy the wait…begin to walk out of PRISION…enjoy the nature,the trees,the rain,the wind….stop making soooo much FUSS… I write this TRUMP & KIM JUNG are creating all this FUSS…switch of the news…switch off the mobiles…the net…just BREATH & enjoy…remember just 60 seconds of smiling…smile & the mirror smiles back!!!

Where is the train going?....NOWHERE?...NOBODY knows…& it′s good that NO-ONE knows…..don′t let them tell you that ANYONE knows where the train is going! religion knows…no guru knows…no Buddha knows…′s going NOWHERE….heaven & hell are not geographical…they are not PLACES….they are HERE….in our mental conditioning….I′m reminded of a great fable….about Junnaid a great Sufi master…who believed that if your ears & heart are open you can learn from everything or everybody….one day on his travels he entered into asmall village. A little boy was carrying a lit candle , obviously going to a small temple of the town to leave the candle there for worship, for the night. Junnidad stopped the boy & asked…”Can you tell me from where the light comes? You lit the candle, you must have seen. What is the source of light?” The boy laughed & said “Wait!” Then he blew out the candle & replied “ You have seen the light go.Can you tell me it has gone? If you can tell me where it has gone, I will tell you where it has come from, because it ha sgone to the same place.It has returned to the source.” Junnidad answered “I had met great philosophers but nobody had made such a beautiful statement. IT HAS GONE TO THE SOURCE! EVERYTHING RETURNS TO IT`S SOURCE FINALLY! Moreover the child made me aware of my own ignorance. I was trying to joke with the child, but the joke was on me!From where has the light come?-that′s not intelligent. IT COMES FROM NOWHERE AND IT GOES BACK TO NOWHERE!.....Since that time I have been meditating on NO-THINGNESS….& when the final moment will come…when the candle goes out…when the light goes out…then I know where I will be going….home to the source!”

There is a beautiful TAI-CHI exercise to learn about going nowhere….you stand still, follow your breath around the point just under your belly-button….eyes half shut…not focused outside…hands cupped around the navel….& as you are going nowhere physically u being to feel how monkey-mind …jumping up & down wants to move to go somewhere….u stay calm & keep following your breath & that slows down the circus in the mind…& slowly u can begin to feel at ease with going nowhere….the circus & the monkeys will come back shouting at u to go somewhere….but in time u will learn to send them on their way for longer & longer periods!

BREATH!...let your AMYGDALA shrink…expand your pre-frontal cortex…MEDITATION does not have a shadow side…OM….let me explain (KUNDALINI & WHIRLING)                                                             

Kundalini….wonderful word…the serpent rising…the coiled up energy around the base of the spine area…that can be wakened to rise through the spine and thus cleaning the chakras ….& eventually shooting out at the third eye area…wow what a picture…symbolically on the Pharos crown…golden of course…now tha′s what I call going somewhere! Now I don′t know how or where these ideas or picturelike images came from, but must admit I like them…all of it is of course a form of imagination..It is something that you can begin to perceive through the eyes of the meditator…energy work..something you would not be thinking about when focused on the outside world & daily thought patterns which are endless repeats anyway…..just one of the powerful assets of the meditating mind…opening up horizons..& expanding the neo-cortex systems so that “new thinking” is let in to become part of the usable software of our brain capacity.

Meditation does not have to be “still sitting” facing a white wall…although that is an incredibile experience in itself…1 hour can be an incredibly long time like that…you probably have be born in Japan or Tibet to master such an art…becoming aware just requires you to spend time with yourself…going inside…this could be done walking silently in the woods…or even at home just silently being…eyes open or shut…when open then the Tai-chi version of half-shut eyes focused inwards…outside can be action…but no intent outside because the intent is inside…with ME…the hands could be doing the washing-up…but the meditating mind is not with the washing-up or dreaming or imagining…it is with the ME…the watcher, watching the mind…with no intent…no ambition to DO or GO anything or anywhere…just watching & relaxing into SELF.

One of the most fascinating meditations I have ever come across is “ Whirling”…done by the Sufis (Islamic masters)….it′s a form of dance which has you turning in circles…spinning faster & faster on the spot…one arm raised, one towards the ground…until you a pulled inwards in such a grounded & determined way…that the outside world disappears…& only YOU exist…powerful stuff…pulls you in like a magnet!  Another good way for us western oriented people to get into meditation cause sitting still for us is so difficult….The OSHO (indian master/guru) Kundalini meditation….it′s split into 4x 15 mins…session 1…Shaking with your arms & thighs to very rhythmic drum music…feet must not move, they are grounded like roots …this has the effect that when you can move in the following session , you really move….session 2…free style dance…music change to melody & drifting dancing …swirling & whirling…I remember doing it with 20 people in a relatively small hall…& surprise no-one touched or ran into anyone else…session 3…finding a place to sit or stand non-moving , frozen, straight back important, shoulders relaxed…eyes shut or half shut….to very slow meditation music starting with a high frequency & finishing with a deep primal sound ….this made meditation much easier now because all the restless energy was out…then last change …session 4….SILENCE…lying on the floor in savasna (dead like, arms & legs apart, palms facing up)..just being…Ahhhhh now meditation begins …great stuff, good old OSHO!

NO ONE = Letting go of identity….letting go of IDENTIFICATION…I′m Irish & so were my forefathers & so starts the voice of GENETIC DETERMINISM ….so I have to drink wiskey & fight, can′t help it…I′m Irish…so the reason,the voices of reactive people begin by pushing away responsibility…it′s much easier being a sheep! (or so they think)…One of the biggest steps towards personal freedom is the act of taking responsibility for ALL you′re actions & failures.

Sooooo here I′m sitting now in my wife Esther`s apartment in Palma de Majorca …on an average day, if such a thing exists…with nothing really to do…nothing pressing at least...watching the debate in my head on SOMETHING to do…listing to the lawyers suggesting this or that….not making a decision on what to do…waiting for NOTHING…just being…NOWHERE to go….NOTHING to do…until Esther comes home from WORK…& asks me what I′m doing & if I have done this or that? is life…life goes on or does it? when I′m sitting here in stillness trying not to move…straight back watching my breathing….meditation…EVERYTHING inside me is moving…everything OUTSIDE me is moving…on a cellular level there is no stillness…no no-motion…no inertia…it is ALL in continual MOTION…empirically speaking LIFE=MOTION…& the weirdest thing is it′s ALL going NOWHERE!!!

In my drug experimental phase, which started when I was at boarding school in the 60′s…first with haschisch & grass…then LSD…new horizons began to emerge…& the art of going NO-WHERE…NOW –HERE began to develop…I recall sitting on the lawn of UEA university staring at the grass…like I`d never seen grass before for hours….timeless …here & now…thanks Timothy Leary…grass is beautiful & when on acid it′s like u see the patterns of nature like you′ve never seen before…astonishing…timeless…no-where u need to go!....I recall going to a University dance on acid & getting into the musak…dancing like a Sufi…& suddenly someone came up & asked me my name…& I froze…I COULD NOT REMEMBER MY NAME…& it didn′t matter!!!...I was completely happy being no-body…timeless…just there…here & now….I recall sitting in Geneva at a bus/tram station on LSD…I′d just taken it one hour before…& then realizing I had NO idea where I wanted to go….where I was heading….so I began to watch the people….getting on & off….WOW…timelessness…is a real permanent state…when & why did we begin to create this illusion of time ? Have u ever noticed that when u are in the state of FLOW u don′t need time anymore…u just FLOW…Sport is one of those FLOW moments…no think about thinking possible….no past or future perceptions ….just playing…just being…mind′s gone on holiday

A disciple of a Zen master met a fellow of a another Zen school & bragged about how incredible his master is…..” Once he was on the other side of the river & wrote on a piece of paper….we on the other side were asked to pick up a sheet of paper & hold it up towards him & his writing appeared on the paper”….then the disciple asked the other….” So what can your master do? Can he also create miracles?”…..the other disciple laughed…”Oh yes….when he eats ….he eats…& when he sleeps he sleeps”

Where are we usually? Barefoot in the mind….NOWHERE….searching for the next mind game, listening to the ego plabbering on & on & on….trying to find the next place to go…to do…to think about….so much time wasted ….on NOTHING…..trying to be a SOMEBODY….so is there a way out of the dilemma ??? my experience it′s not an easy thing to get out of that jail…u need help from the outside, to find yourself inside…..that′s the catch 22….to be there without being there….so here some tips.


OK…how do I find a master?

When the QUESTION inside has become profound enough he will appear!


More than you think! Deep in your shadows is the real divine you! Waiting to be uncovered!


By using courage to uncover & enlighten your SHADOW SIDE, you will begin to loose FEAR which is part of mind control!..Fear exists only in the future…which is why most Gurus teach mind meditations to concentrate on the NOW…that′s where fearless exists…that′s where you can begin to see deep into the SHADOW & slowly …bit by bit thru using the power of acceptance we begin to see that fear is nothing else than mind projecting itself into future states of worry.

Holding a thought or picture by use Mandala or Mantra is like using a fly swat ….it keeps the Monkey Mind down or at bay, thus creating a trance like state.

The OSHO no-mind Tarot card was always a great inspiration to me…The empty sky…nothing leaves a trace, you can write in the sand….eventually the wind will blow it away….you can write with you′re finger in the water….for seconds there will be ripples….but if you write in the sky….it remains empty…forever NOTHING!

I just did my I-CHING for the next weeks & surprise, surprise it was the wanderer…57 LU…so here a little poem.

The greatest traveler / has no itinery /  When traveling / be a gardener / of every new experience!   The greatest traveler/ does not know where he is going!

Strong stuff…NOBODY knows where we are going!?!


All those fleeting moments of glory….nothing but chemistry…all that imagined power of motivation. Nothing but DOPAMIN…Reward system…Basically dopamin is addiction. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, all create dopamin….it makes u feel good…that′s what the body gives u when u wanna feel a HIGH…now here is something that we are now experiencing with the new generations….the millennials…they are getting their dopamine from the NET!...They are ALWAYS connected….the mobile phone is ALWAYS on….in fact recently I talked to a young real estate agent & mentioned that I couldn′t remember my security code for my mobile.He looked at me astounded & said “ What u turn your mobile fon off?” & yes he had no idea what his pin was as for years his mobile was never out of charge or off. They are addicted coz of the dopamine kick they constantly get of being on-line.They are all going nowhere thinking that they are somewhere connected all the time to an instant gratification life style. Life exists in the NET….not outside around their bodies, or inside mind consciousness….in the NET…..relationship….Facebook….job…LinkedIn….fun….internet games…LIFE is a SCREEN!....we don′t let kids drink whiskey….we don′t let them drive…or take drugs…but we get them addicted to the net, at a very early age. These generations lack emotional feedback….it′s as though they don′t have deep feelings…no big HIGHS….no big LOWS…they aren′t to blame…as Simon Sinek puts it “ we dealt them a bad hand”….like in the film Matrix they are plugged into the net all the time & aren′t interested in nature situations….smelling newly mown grass…diving into a mountain lake…a walk in the forest etc….if you ask them how they feel…the answer will probably be “ well…OK”….how′s your job? ….”well…OK”….how′s your relationship?....”well OK”…..Life is one big OK….but nothing special….OK?

They were dealt a hand which included everything you want you get easy….push of a button….instant…Amazon…Ebay….Net….Social media….start a relationship go to speed dating etc…..finish a relationship go to text message or whatsapp…easy! Their heights of depression (just below OK) is when u get disliked on Facebook….Their top good feeling is many followers on Instagram…WOW….plastic fantastic world! The new religion is called DATA RELIGION….in his great book HOMO DEUS, a brief history of tomorrow, Yuval Noah Harari (a great read by the way) he describes modern politicians & economists have create the illusion that growth & MORE STUFF is vital to life & economy. Only prob is we only have one world & one pie so to speak! He calls it the “Miracle Pie”….thus economic GROWTH has become the credo for all countries around the world….more STUFF….accordingly urges individuals / firms / governments to disregard ANYTHING that might stand in the way of growth. Capitalism has all the answers & Data is the new religion….This lesson is hammered home to the kids thru ubiquitous capitalist games….Premodern games like Chess belong to a static, stagnant economic view. You begin with 16 pieces….u finish with 16….never more! So chess players never had to concentrate on investment or growth ….in contrast to the modern games which focus on exactly that…..Minecraft/ The settlers of Catan/ Civilisation they all want MORE….& are all & always capitalist…..the prob is as already said….WE ONLY HAVE ONE PIE! keep playing those games gets more & more difficult with the population that exist at present….way out create a new super generation & get rid of the masses…they aren′t needed anymore….we don′t need millions of soldiers / factory workers / & farm labourers anymore. Is this where we we are going to survive?....into virtual reality with a much smaller group of humans…superhumans…..Homo Deus! 

Having power means knowing what to ignore…..we have never had soooo much data available…information flow on mass….wipikedia….google….apple….microsoft…these are the states of power now….Dictators & Nations & Politics are OUT!...even if they try to forbid the flow, eventually they are swamped….pushed way by the need of the people to get information…but here comes the problem…RELEVANT INFORMATION… our past history censorship worked by blocking the flow of information….now in the21st century censorship works by flooding the people with a mass of totally irrelevant information. ….we just don′t know what to focus on anymore…I give a lot of AWARENESS COACHINGS in big corporate companies, to stressed CEO′s, who just can′t handle the flow of infos anymore…I′ve noticed that most of them can′t understand what silence & awareness is & how necessary meditation & a walk in the park….NOWHERE & with no deliberate meaning is!....just with being present & here…..or as Eckhart Tolle calls it….just feeling ones presence!.....we just don′t know what to pay attention to, & spend our time debating side issues & investigating useless side roads,

The advantages of being a NOBODY

Since I have swiched off my EGO identity to a large degree….I don′t believe in the NEWS…I don′t need to know who Brad Pitt is sleeping with…I don′t care if Trump has just made a another stupid statement…or if Putin was seen bare chested again…I can train my mind to be INTELLIGENT & look for valuable infos…like what food keeps me healthy & I can expand my neo-cortex & effectively use my limbic systems.

Yesterday I saw a program about US…..Homo Sapiens….apparently we are a lot older than we thought we knew….they are finding skeletons all over the place now that date way back to nearly 200 000 years & they were not so different from us….so their genetic strain started our evolution millions of years ago…the idea that we were all running around half naked 100 000 years ago seems pretty strange, seeing that evolution moves & adapts relatively quickly…..if 20 000 years ago we were building cities & making tools then who to say that we weren`t creating lots long before then…maybe in some of our pasts we were highly advanced & disasters & wars set us back….Also interesting is the fact that we now know that we did not kill out the Neanderthalers but merged with them….& all other different strains of Homo Sapiens, even dwarfs , giants & pigmies ….it made us stronger….more diverse…ADAPTILITY….Darwin was wrong….not the strong survive….FIT….SEXY…ADAPTABLE!....SEX plays a major role in our ability to survive & prosper & adapt….the women always chooses the sex…biology will force her to choose for the survival of offspring. In bizness we can also see how good this method works, the company that adapts most quickly to change will always be ahead of the competition….talking about evolution I see an interesting topic coming up as far as hunting cultures & farming cultures can be compared …..we were much more sexy as hunters , than as farmers….our bodies were much fitter & our minds were much more challenged as hunters…how boring the farming cultures must have been…...& not very beneficial for the body (posture)…bending down all the time…no running…fighting…playing, as hunters do. For me horrible times , being a farmer or worse a farmer`s wife, producing offspring to work the fields.

2 ears….1 mouth…means we were given double the ability to LISTEN & not talk so much…TOO many words ….TOO much speaking without thinking about the effects words have on our realities…imagine going back to the time of say the Pyramids….you are a young girl & your father is riding donkey cart with you & a month′s worth of grain to sell at the market….as the donkey pulls you thru the desert you begin to them….the golden shiny tops of the white pyramids of power…you are blown away by the sight…it is an unbelievable sight…an unbelievable statement…now compare that with today….Paris…Eifel Tower….New York…Empire….London …..Picadilly Circus…full of statements like “ drink CocaCola….like buy a new car…all too much…no clarity…too many words etc. OVERFLOW of information….symbolism muddled, unclear, no real shining lights, nowhere to turn for guidance …..that′s one thing Hitler & Goebbels got right….the Swastika…the symbol & colors ….the whole nation could see where they were going…albeit world domination…power trip…domination etc….so where are we, our nations going????....coca cola….pepsi…Audi …Deutsche Bank…Apple???...NOWHERE… we better learn the ART OF GOING NOWHERE!

Jeremy Todd

Training Consultant - Aspire-Leadership

8 个月

Good to meet you today Brian, all be it on-line. I enjoyed the article, thought provoking with a hint of hope.

Ivonne Van Dis

Vastlopen doorbreken, helder kiezen | Intu?tieve Business Mentor | Rust, focus, resultaat | 100+ gingen je voor

5 年

???? thanks for sharing I totally agree


Thanks for the comment..... We are the space and the time...we are the ONE consciousness... to find sense go back inside to the source of YOU ?????????



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