The Art of Fundraising – The Official Playbook to Maximizing Donations with Smart Coins?
Gray Water Ops Smart Coin? fundraising tool

The Art of Fundraising – The Official Playbook to Maximizing Donations with Smart Coins?

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Target Audience: Anyone involved in #fundraising .

I'm going to give YOU something! I'm in the middle of writing a new book about my journey as an artist and designing custom minted challenge coins for the past almost 30 years. My book is about my history and experience with challenge coins in the military, a love and respect for an artist that I found during my service with the 193dSOW, who helped me make an art decision that steered my career and life path towards designing challenge coins.

Who orders challenge coins?

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Organizations I've designed custom coins for

My customers are units and organizations within our US military. Local, State and Federal law enforcement agencies, businesses, clubs and organizations come to me when they want a custom coin designed. They're looking for a quality gift that will represent their values, office, or position. I've built a reputation since 1995.

These coins have an emotional connection between the bearers and the organization minted on the coins. It is this tradition that I would like to bring or introduce to non-profits. The value in the coin isn't due to it's metal content. The value comes from what the coin represents and what it can do, and continue doing, for any charity.

My Smart Coins? can do something no other challenge coins have done. It can bridge the gap between the last donation and the next donation, creating a perpetual donation model that grows like a multi level marketing network but on a grass roots level, person to person.

People like to feel connected to things they believe in. Let's give them a coin they can carry in their pocket every day. This keeps the charity TOP OF MIND with the supporters but I'm getting ahead of myself!

From 1990, when I became aware of challenge coins, I followed a path that has lead me to built two successful challenge coin companies, the most recent being Gray Water Ops? . I I've developed a challenge coin display case that I patented and in 2015, had my second US utility patent approved. This new patent is for a custom minted coin with an embedded NFC NTAG 424 DNA chip in the center of the 2" brass core coin. Outside of the beautiful design we will mint for each coin, the coin will have another purpose.

Here's my Claim: I'll guarantee I can help any charity or non-profit organization raise MORE money by using my patented Smart Coins? vs a fundraiser without them. I'm not just making a empty claim. I've laid it all out with my playbook of how to do it.

This is one of the chapters in my upcoming book about challenge coins. I wanted to share it with my linkedin connections for #free. I hope you find value in this playbook and since we're on LinkedIn LinkedIn Guide to Creating , if you can connect me with any of the top 400 non profit organizations who raised $25.9 BILLION last year fundraising, I would appreciate you putting this information in front of them! I believe this tool is my legacy. It's the culmination of all of my years of experience designing challenge coins and it really is my greatest invention! I believe if all 400 of the top charities USED my patented fundraising tool, they could easily raise 58B in that hypothetical year! Here's a sneak peak at one of the chapters in my new book!

Chapter 11:?

In this pivotal chapter, “The Art of Fundraising,” we delve into a groundbreaking fundraising strategy that could redefine how charities engage with their donors.

By using the power of our patented Smart Coins?, we transform every donor into an ambassador for the cause they support, thereby expanding the charity’s reach and potentially multiplying donations exponentially.

Let me paint a picture. You are deeply committed to a cause, let us say Saint Jude Children’s Hospital. In your office of a hundred colleagues, you enthusiastically share about Saint Jude’s lifesaving work. You urge them to visit the website and donate (Traditional Method).?

But here is the harsh truth: despite their best intentions, the hustle and bustle of life get in the way, and most will forget to donate. If a couple of your colleagues end up donating, consider yourself fortunate.

Now, envision a different approach (Smart Coin? Method): Saint Jude starts a unique fundraising campaign. For every donation of $100 or more, donors receive a beautifully crafted custom coin, symbolizing the invaluable work of Saint Jude. This is not just any coin; it is a Smart Coin?. It is designed to be carried daily, serving as a tangible reminder of the profound impact Saint Jude has on countless lives.

This coin is more than a keepsake—it is a conversation starter. Its weight and intricate design intrigue those who hold it, offering you an opportunity to discuss Saint Jude’s mission. And then, something magical happens when they return the coin. An NFC chip embedded in the coin, when tapped against a smartphone, instantly opens the donation page of Saint Jude’s website.

In this scenario, you’ve not only shared Saint Jude’s mission with a hundred people but have also put a tangible piece of that mission in their hands and, provided their phone has NFC, got them to load the donation page of the charity on their phone.?

By allowing them to interact with the Smart Coin?, you have connected them to the cause and simplified the donation process.?

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The Smart Coin can link them directly to your donation page by simply tapping a phone to the coin.

This approach could yield 10 to 20 donations from those hundred interactions—a significant leap from the 1 or 2 donations the Traditional method might generate.

With a $100 donation, each donor receives more than a coin; they become a part of the fundraising movement. They become the first brand ambassadors.?

Imagine if Saint Jude sold 10,000 Smart Coins? at $100 each, with their first marketing launch. That is a staggering million dollars raised but that is not the impressive point!?

Now, there are 10,000 individuals, each enthusiastic about Saint Jude’s mission, each carrying a Smart Coin?, and each eager to share their passion and the coin with others.?

How many donations will come in just from the 10K out showing the coin to their friends?

This is not merely a fundraising tool—it bridges the gap between the last donation and the next donation, perpetually. It is a conduit linking one donation to the next.?

The charity asks for three things from donors who want to be brand ambassadors:?

1.) carry the coin

2) seize opportunities to share it

3) aim to inspire at least one other person to donate.?(who would stop at just one though?)

With this method, we have created a network of supporters, each actively contributing to the charity’s growth and success.?

The following chapters delve deeper into this innovative method, offering insights and practical advice on harnessing the power of Smart Coins? for fundraising efforts.

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You'll have to read the book to understant this photo! It's not what you may think!


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