The Art of Effective Communication
Alex Nubla
Executive Leader / CIO / CTO / Innovator / Technology / Strategy / Cloud Transformation / Digital / AI / ML / Data Science / Program ? Product Delivery / BCP ?DRP
We’re constantly communicating through various forms, multi-media channels, gestures and expressions. It is the natural reflection of ourselves. But while it is completely voluntary, our communication is not always conscious. We sometimes communicate without clear understanding of our audience, leading to misleading or even conflicting expressions of ourselves .
And there lies the key to a communication topic: Awareness. If we can stay constantly aware of the subtle communication signals we send out every moment, we can align this to reflect what we want to express. Our communication is then – no longer accidental, it’s thoroughly intentional!
Let me take a step back and ask you:
- Are you aware that you’re communicating every moment? With yourself, with others, with nature?
- Are you aware of the various expressions of your communication?
- And finally, are you constantly communicating what you want to communicate, in the way you want to do it?
Often, the answers we receive to these thought provoking questions is mixed, tending towards an unsure, and most of the time “No”. Through these questions, we address this dilemma. We throw light on the various types of communication and their multi-dimensional expression, so you can develop awareness around your communication.
Various types of communication strategies
This one is especially for you if you’ve been vaguely surprised by the initial section of this article.
“Communicating every moment? How is that even possible? It’s not like I have my mouth open every minute.” But you see, we communicate not just verbally, but also non-verbally, and even informally. The entire gamut of the various types of communication channels and expressions we enjoy is outlined in this chart.