The Art Of Delegating
Anne Caron
People Strategy Expert | Leadership Advisor | HR Coach | Author | Speaker | LinkedIn Top Voices | Ex-Google
You find it hard to delegate tasks away to your team?
You are not the only one! Most managers want to delegate... But when it comes to actually doing it, they become anxious and often disappointed by the result.
Here are a few tips to help you delegate to your team efficiently.
Why doesn't it work?
Here are the main reasons why most managers struggle when delegating:
So what are the steps to delegating efficiently?
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Wrong reasons to delegate a task or a responsibility:
? You do not like that part of the job
? You do not want to be help responsible for anything going wrong there
? You do not have enough for your team to do
Delegating is not synonym to getting rid of a part of your job. Even when you delegate a task or a responsibility to your team, you remain accountable for what your team delivers. So you need to delegate wisely!
Instead, delegate tasks or responsibilities because:
? You do not have enough bandwidth to do it all anymore
? You do not have the right expertise
? You have the right person in the team to take this on
When you are trusted with management responsibilities, what is expected of you changes. You are trusted with more strategic responsibilities such as defining the team's objectives and priorities, setting up the team that will deliver the plan and driving performance. As a consequence, you need to properly redefine your priorities and focus your time where you bring the most value. As such, you'll improve the team's performance by delegating the least strategic tasks and finding specialists better than you at doing those.
Being clear about WHY you delegate the task helps you rationalise and remember that all this is for the greater good of the business!
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When you delegate a task, you are still responsible for the task being executed well. As a manager, you are the one accountable for everything your team does.?
So thinking that once you have delegated a task you won’t need to dedicate any time to it is very wrong! You will spend less time doing, but you will have to dedicate a significant amount of time enabling it.
Your role is now to train, explain, coach, guide, monitor, share feedback, encourage, remove roadblocks, etc. And this takes time!
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It is not about your performance anymore, it is about theirs. The ultimate success of a manager is to make others succeed.?
Your priority is to get the team to perform first, before you do anything else. You are a “manager”, your primary job is to “manage”! So allocate your time accordingly and only add time for operational work in your calendar once -- and only once -- you have blocked the necessary time with your team (to train, explain, coach, guide, monitor, share feedback, encourage, remove roadblocks, etc.).
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Managing is similar to parenting: you invest time in training and growing them with the objective is for them to be autonomous, and when they are, you feel proud and fulfilled! This is your reward.?
They do better than you? Great!
“Training and growing” them is what is expected of you as a manager and their success is what will make you shine.
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Make peace with the fact that even if it is done differently, it does not necessarily mean it is not done well. The truth is that it is often done better!?
Our way of doing things is not necessarily the right way or the only way. It may be the best way for you. But everyone has different working styles and talents.?
What matters most is for you to provide the right tools and context for your employee to execute the task well: Why does this task have to be done? What happens if it is not done well? What does good look like??
?? If you are unhappy with how your employees execute tasks, question yourself first!
If not, their poor performance is actually on you ;-)
About the author:
Anne Caron is an international speaker, author and People Strategy expert. Drawing on her 10 years' experience as a senior HR executive at Google, she set up her consulting practice in 2015 to support leaders in building high performing and positive organisations that scale. Through her experience working with entrepreneurs, she developed a practical methodology for startups to grow the right organisation and teams, which she describes in her book?From Zero to 1,000: The Organisational Playbook For Startups .
Find out more about Anne Caron:?
Pragmatic Delivery Leadership | Enterprise Advisory | Digital Entrepreneurship | Agility Realist
1 年Spot on, Anne Caron! I find that leaders often-times have difficulty 'letting go', and teams find it hard to ask for more accountability. Not a great combination. A constructive way out of this is gamifying the conversation: Delegation Poker is a cool method to help leaders and their teams to hash out, where to draw the line(s). It's never a 1/0, black/white decision, but requires nuances. Furthermore, a delegation agreement once reached will (have to) change over time.
An introverted presenter and storyteller - bringing authentic narratives to life.
1 年Totally agree with this “Delegating is not synonym to getting rid of a part of your job. Even when you delegate a task or responsibility to your team, you remain accountable for what your team delivers.“ One of my pet peeves is seeing managers and more senior (in tenure) employees delegating the tasks they don’t like doing or have less visibility, to more junior team members.