The Art of Creating Space Within
In Picture: A phase of Life, when I questioned everything. I called myself a 'Seeker' who was desperately seeking 'something' in the outside world.

The Art of Creating Space Within

Biji, my grandmother and one of the strongest women I have known in my Life. Her presence was a huge constant in my life for as long as I can remember. She left us at 102 and while I can go on and on about numerous inspirational stories from her life, let me use only a few for now in the context of the topic.

In Picture: Biji, One of the most strong-willed centenarians, I have known in my lifetime.

Biji for me was synonymous with Strength, which in many ways (in my view) came from her routine, cast in stone. A routine, that never wavered over decades, come what may. By virtue of sleeping in her room as a kid, we had this little thing every morning 4am (sometimes even 3:30am)- she would switch on the room light (totally not bothered about my sleep) and I would have this little frown with no option but to sleep as-is. As Life took its turns for me with my own spiritual practice evolving, I realized how that routine of hers'- Waking up in Brahma-mahurat hours, taking cold shower irrespective of the weather, Om chanting, spending hours with lips moving in silent mantras and beads flowing through her serene fingers one at a time- was her way of connecting with something beyond her and cultivating Space in her Life, driving immense strength in her. I would toss and turn in my bed, only half asleep by now and stealing a glance at her- Her eyes closed in deep meditation, smiling at times, tears rolling down her cheeks at other times, sometimes all of it together- I would keep looking at her in awe and she would be in her own world, disconnected from the worldly world, connected to a divine energy somewhere. The sunshine serene smile of hers, the tears -the scene is etched in my memory, It all felt surreal.

Why am I sharing all this ? Biji had this amazing sense of healthy detachment from everyone in Life. I mean, she loved and adored everyone, but she still had this superpower to detach in a way that nothing shook her Being, ever. There were very few occasions in life, when I saw her shaken and overwhelming emotions consumed her but even in those hardest and painful times (when nothing matched her pain, really), she was quick to shake the immense grief off her and get back to her anchored self- not just that but she even shook others out of the grief and pain, giving them the much needed strength and peace, for everyone's Life to move on.

As a kid, the words never came to me to describe it all. But now I understand it better- Its the art of creating space within which drives a sense of healthy detachment from the worldly world. One does his/her karma, performs all the duties, lives Life to its fullest but remains detached, while being attached.

The first memory, I have of my own self experiencing Space, is sleeping on the terrace with Biji in a peak summer of Punjab, looking at the clear sky with zillions of stars gazing at me (or so, they appeared). I would imagine this wonderous ball of Mother Earth, living and breathing its own circular rhythm and me standing on the top corner somewhere, looking at my own self on the terrace. In a nutshell, for the first time, I became the observer of my own self for a few moments, unconsciously. I would absorb how tiny of a speck I was in the whole universe and in no time- a deep sleep would consume me. I don't think I felt any of it, consciously then.

Then, it was all fleeting. But now, it's clearer.

What happens in the absence of Space?

We Cling to it all and operate from an unconscious space in Life. To cling means to stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or to refuse to stop holding it, him, or her. Most of us have a natural urge to cling in Life- to the familial safety and security of things/situations in life (however hurtful they could be at times), to People (an urge to possess/hold our loved ones so tight that they/we even bleed at times), to Negative emotions (Anger, Fear, Hate, Jealousy etc. that we/others hurt), to Positive emotions (Success, Fame etc.), to Wealth, to our perceived Identities and so much more.

Take a pause and think about it - How clingy have you been in Life ? and to What all ?

Creating space, within, helps one detach healthily from it all. The positives don't give you a high and the negatives don't pull you down. You move yourselves away from it all mentally/emotionally and become the observer. This space slowly becomes so sacred that- it becomes the very source of light and wisdom. It becomes a place where you and the Universe can have your own dance, your own conversations, sing your own song, find answers to questions and you slowly become the calm and peace that you have been seeking outside for ages- And everything you need walks up to you with Ease & Grace.

The space brings you all that's meant to be. Your intention and action become clearer to your own self, in complete harmony with the Universal order.

So, How do we Create Space in Life ?

Few tips which have worked for me (my journey continues..) and I have seen working for others:

  1. Be the Observer: Try the 'I AM' meditation, daily. Sit in a comfortable position with your own self, take a few deep breaths and start removing all the layers of Life, you have gathered- labels, identities, belongings, relationships, wealth, fame and go back to the pure raw Life that you are- the heartbeat that you are, the pulse that you are, the breath that you are. You become an observer with this and could choose to simply focus on your Breath as you mentally let go of all the covers. You could also do Om chanting, if that works or find your own way of self-connection. You will feel yourself merging with the Universe, boundaries dissolving and an amazing space getting created within and it expands into just nothingness.
  2. As an observer, what do I really observe? As you sit silently, observe your own thoughts/feelings, observe yourself. Let it all come and go- embrace them, accept them and release them. They fleet, they get stuck at times, they keep coming back, they go back and forth- Its alright, Let it all come and then go. Interestingly, some thoughts/feelings could consistently keep coming to you every day/most days- those might need some work. Seek help from a learner Guru, externally. As mind slowly becomes empty (relatively), Life unveils itself in all its glory.
  3. Wake up during Brahma Muhurta as Universal energies align to support growth: I am attending a course on Vedanta currently and our revered Teacher shared this tip. He shared how we should find our own best morning time (typically Brahma Muhurta is an idea time- 2 hours before sunrise, lasting for about 45 minutes, thereon; so, time range is 3:30-4:00am. This is the time when our potential could operate at its maximum as it's supported by the universal forces, themselves). My teacher shared - for beginners, one should strive to wake up during Brahma Muhurta and do the meditation, even if it's for a few mins to start with. One could go to sleep again post that (I am sure it's my teacher's way of getting the students used to waking up during this special time of the day and as one gets used to experiencing the benefits, one won't go back.) This can certainly help in Creating Space. Personally, I am working on myself to get to this. Hope to get there soon, following footsteps of my dear grandmother.
  4. Lean on a Self-Connection Activity: I didn't suggest this as the first option since ideally one should learn to spend time with own self to learn the true art of creating space. But, if it's tough to sit in your own company, then pick up an activity which brings you closer to your own self and helps you finally like your own company :). Leave it to you what you want to pick (Pottery, Gardening, Music, Trip to Mountains/Beach probably- something that brings you closer to inner-self. Nature is always a good via-media.)

Learning to create space is one of the best tools I have learnt in Life to navigate it's amazing twists and turns. Every time, I felt a fear or insecurity, I took a step back, created space, became an observer, anchored myself and moved forward (at times, jumped without parachute) with absolute clarity about the move itself. The Space always brought along, the much-needed wisdom and courage to carve out my own path in Life, anchored in simply the Truth.

Keep Creating Space & Keep flowing ahead with absolute Clarity.

In Picture: Lost in the hills nth time and finally, I did find what I was seeking. It was all Within.

Sachin Patil

Director - Customer Experience and Partnership

10 个月

I always knew, the special connect with you, and it was because of self search, which i am too striving hard to be there within my true self, my shiv tatva. Observer I am, Brahma Mhurtha I am still struggling. "The life force [prana] and the mind are operating [of their own accord], but the mind will tempt you to believe that it is "you". Therefore understand always that you are the timeless spaceless?witness. And even if the mind tells you that you are the one who is acting, don't believe the mind. [...] The apparatus [mind, body] which is functioning has come upon your original essence, but you are not that apparatus."



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