The Art of Connecting

The Art of Connecting

The Art Of Connecting - note i just fly with these articles, there will be grammatical errors and typos.....i'm also one of these weirdos that will edit after publishing rather than make it perfect on the day.

I was sat grabbing some breakfast with my colleague yesterday discussing a wider scope of coaching we can offer out of our CrossFit gym in Oldham. How could help people get their shit together for an easier life out of the gym as well as the obvious benefits of the incredible progress they make within our four walls.

We were able to have this conversation for several reasons, the main one being that we've been able to develop a deep but professional trust over a long period. Thousands of tiny interactions in real life, on social, as colleagues, as people who train together, whatsapps, emails, coffees and discussions. We worked out we're pretty good at connecting and shared a few ways we can help people who aren't as aware OR confident enough to try deeper conversation to give it a whirl.

1) Your customers - go and make sure they're ok without trying to sell them every time. A business model i've seen suggests you should be able to look after 150 clients feel special at any one time. Or do you only speak to them when you need them for more commission? Either way they'll know the depth of that depends if you're happy with that or want to try harder.

Imagine being in a busy fitness class and the coach greets you by name, asks how your new baby is doing and remembers to ask if your sore shoulder needed any physio? Are you going to feel a bit more special than in the spinning class you attended 56 times with nothing more than a PT screaming at you for 45 mis?

2) Your mates - take a bit of time each day to catch up with a couple of pals. You'll have pockets of friends - School, Uni, Sport, Hobbies, old workplaces etc. have a look at the Whatsapp groups you're in and check in on people 1-2-1. Also remember that cousin you used to play with at family parties or your silly uncle? Drop them a message, its important.

What if the guy who never responds on your lockdown 2020 lads banter group is having a hard time with his kids, stressed at work and just fancies a beer without a massive night out? He won't ask as you're all too busy organisng a trip to Magaluf for 2025 that he can't afford to come on. Imagine you took the time to send him a personal voicenote and check in that ended up having his family round for a BBQ? Would that be a wonderful use of 30 seconds?

3) Your workplace - your boss and their boss need to know more about you and you about does your network on linkedin. Always be building your network long before you need to. There's likely someone in your place that would love someone to ask "are you ok?" and all sorts might be happening that they need help with........why don't you try.....

Imagine passing a magazine to a fellow member of your gym. Its about your business? One of thousands of bits of prospecting over a period of time. You sit down have a chat and its not for them. A few years later they invite you for a 'run', for some reason they remembered whatever was said at that came across as different. Their best friend owns the gym, he reckons you're the ideal fit to be the next coach. ................if i'd not handed that bloke my magazine i'd never had got that opportunity............that magazine changed my career.

4) Out and about? Create time to be a decent human to people as you go about your day. In a rush? Stressed? Too busy? Had an awful day. Reflect. Most of those things are on you, if they're not on you then they're not worth getting wound up about. So don't be a knuckle and share the love. You can make someones day just being polite !

Imagine next time you're in a shop and the assistant thanks YOU for coming in as you've been the only person over a 10 hour shift not to pass comment about the queue, the price, the lack of availability or the quality. Over a few visits they look forward to you going in to the shop. Eventually a friend request comes in. You have things in common........a friend is made. They might even join your business, become a customer or apply for a job with you some day. Who knows.

5) Social media. Focus on sharing genuine, decent, helpful, nice stuff. There's enough bad news and opinion out there. Be transparent that your happy times are the highlights not the full story but don't be scared of being happy.........some people will LOVE your little wins, whatever they are and some will follow you like a news channel, read what you read, watch what you watch, eat where you eat. This is influence.......but the bigger picture is below..............and one day I woke up to a thank you message like nothing I've ever had. Sharing this story changed my relationship with social media.

Imagine you share a simple post about mens mental health. A year later you get a message from an old friend. That person acted on that post. They needed it. They got fixed. They are thankful that their dark days are gone, they cuddle their kids every night grateful that they didn't act upon the fearful thoughts of them being better without him. (this simple action saved a human, since then I share what i think will help not what i think will get likes)

So lads, lets make it our mission to connect every day with a few people from different areas of our busy lives. Can you ring your mum straight after a sales call? yes you can. Can you leave a little note for the kids when you have to leave early for a train? Yes you can. Can you save a life by sharing a social media story - absolutely.


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