The Art Of Choosing Gemstones
Lisa Sara McKnight
Dharma Mentor | Muse | Visionary | Philosopher | Helping Gen X women rock menopause
Recently a client asked me to choose a gemstone for them using their Vedic astrology chart. I have studied the art of recommending gemstones for many years and with several different teachers. I have learned that there are a few different views on this that can sometimes seem oppositional. The reason for this is that they are oppositional, it can be confusing. This is where knowing all the rules meets intuition. Learning the exceptions to the rules is an art. In this instance I was immediately drawn to one particular stone that may not have looked like the best choice if I were using a certain set of rules. I reflected and allowed myself to deeply explore that quick intuitive hit, then I went over the rules to double check. What I had chosen through intuition was the perfect stone for that person.
The biggest question when choosing a gemstone is what am I trying to accomplish? Gemstones have been objectified like so many of natures gifts. The thought that wearing or having a certain gemstone will bring a certain result without needing to make any other life changes is, in my opinion, misuse, as is using them for selfish purposes. We each have a responsibility to honor mother nature when we accept one of her gifts and use it for its highest purpose.
One of my teachers suggested a theory that we only take stones that mother earth has moved to the surface. The thought is that these are the ones she is giving freely and that we are not meant to go digging for them. From this perspective the correct stone for you is the one that you find yourself while out on a walk, connecting with nature. To me that was a huge change in perception and something to share with my clients as an option.
When I recommend a gemstone I am taking into consideration my clients ability to use it correctly. I can evaluate this in the birth chart and by talking to the person. This influences my selection more than anything else. Sometimes I don’t recommend any at all. To me a gemstone is a symbolic way to remind yourself of the areas in your life that you are working with. How deep you go with it depends on you. Where you get it and whether or not it was harvested responsibly is also up to you.
My work is to help people discover their Dharmic path so that they can accomplish what they came here to do, when I give recommendations it is always with that in mind. Gemstones are a part of the living earth; they deserve reverence, and the honoring of their gifts with love and respect.
So next time you take a walk, look around to see what mother earth is offering you!