The Art of Checking-in
Have you ever had a friend or family member reach out to you at the perfect time? Perhaps a time in your life where things weren't going so great? Well, nearly 12 months into this global pandemic, many of us are dealing with intense anxiety, stress, loneliness, and depression under the pressures of isolation, which is why it is so important to check-in with friends and family members regularly. Kindness, supportive, compassion, empathy, honesty, and respect are words that come to mind when thinking about the art of checking-in on someone.
Showing genuine care and having someone check-in with you and saying, "Just checking in on you" or asking, "How are you doing?" sends a message that someone thinks of you and cares about you. Being mindful that we are all fighting battles in life, and now with COVID, we all know what one of those battles are. All the social disruptions this pandemic has brought have created opportunities for people to be more honest about their feelings. We have experienced so much trauma and turmoil that COVID has naturally made us more vulnerable. A simple "How are you doing?" can be a means to starting the healing process. These are just a few reasons you should go out of your way to check-in on your family and friends; the best thing about this act of kindness is it doesn't cost us anything!
Technology has made checking-in that much easier. A couple of clicks on your phone or computer, and the message is on its way to the recipient. It's a simple thing to do, yet you have no idea how much that message means to the other party. So please, if someone pops into your head right now, send them a short text or a phone call saying, "Just checking-in." You will never know how much that will mean to someone until you're that someone.
"Go beyond yourself and reach out to other people with a sincere love, respect, caring, and understanding of their needs." - Susan Polis Schutz