Art Calendar with Silvany Bricen
This December, we are connecting with leaders in the creative and business worlds to see what artwork they dream of owning. We are doing this to pass on their inspiration and assist you in discovering the talented artists waiting for you while also sharing what exciting projects our community of art-passionate people are working on.
Read all calendar submissions here:
Today’s guest featuring the artworks they dream of owning is Silvany Bricen —a Norwegian singer, model, TV host, and holistic beauty advocate. She is passionate about beauty, wellness, food, and art—currently working as a beauty editor at COSTUME Norge and founder of the "Hey Babe! Podkast".
Thank you to Silvany for taking the time to share some of her favorite pieces of artwork...
Paul Hellsegg: Lux Solaris, 2024
Paul Hellsegg’s art Lux Solaris, reminds me of the sun. This piece has been on my wishlist for several years. Hopefully, 2025 will be the year I become the owner of one of his colorful yet quiet pieces of art.—Silvany Bricen
Vladimir Longauer: Out stealing horses, 2007
I don't ride myself, but have alwys been captivated to the face of horses.Vladimir Longauer ?Out stealing horses? shows the beauty of this amazing animal.—Silvany Bricen
Eline Smith: Inner energy I, 2021
Not sure what to say about this painting, but it gives me a good feeling. ?Inner energy I? on my beig walls... it will surely stand out.—Silvany Bricen
Thanks again to Silvany Bricen—and if you'd like to learn more about all the great work she is doing, please check her out on LinkedIn.
Would you like to share your Atelie art recommendations or your personal art wish list? Please feel free to share your picks with opinions here. Anyone we choose to feature will receive an Atelie gift card redeemable on select artwork in our Editions or Atelie Studio.
Read all calendar submissions here:
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