Art = Angst
Rod Jones Artist-Writer
Writer of Human Generated Literary Works | Unconventional Short Stories & Think Pieces at | Contemporary Abstract Artist | Proud Navy Veteran
Art = Angst: Many years ago I read a book about a very famous photographer. The photographer was quoted as saying; "You have to be willing to die for photography." The quote was a bit over-the-top, but I think what he was trying to convey was that, to be recognized for your art you must be all in. That's all you think about morning, noon and night. There's a heavy price to pay if all you think about is your personal fame.
Some of the most successful creative people, like artists, writers and composers have suffered for their art. One of the greatest composers that ever lived was Ludvig Von Beethoven. 2020 just happens to be the worldwide celebration of his 200th birthday. I believe if you were to ask Beethoven would he give up all his fame to prevent his hearing loss? He might've said absolutely, but then again maybe not. He no doubt thought, "Out of all of the people in the world to lose their hearing why me?!" He was considered one of greatest composers that ever lived, mature without the ability to hear his compositions performed; much less the accolades and the applause he could have relished in after one of his performances. You can only wonder why the greatest amongst us are so often presented with challenges that would bring most men and women to their knees in profound angst.
Jackson Pollock — a poster boy for the top reason not to drink and drive. Might’ve thought differently about how he was handling his fame. The lone survivor — his girlfriend Ruth Clingman in Jackson's fatal car accident often said to anyone that would listen to her. "This was probably the best thing that could have happened to Jackson. If he had lived into old age no one would've paid much attention to his art."
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