Arsonist Begs Ohio Court to Release Him From Prison
Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE
Insurance claims expert, consultant at Barry Zalma, Inc. and author/Publisher at ClaimSchool, Inc.
Posted on March 11, 2024 by Barry Zalma
Compassionate Release Not Available to Convict Only Because he is Fat & Diabetic
Post 4752
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Evans moved the USDC in the Northern District of Ohio, pro se, for compassionate release under 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A).? In United States Of America v. Daryl Evans, No. 4:18-cr-00717-1, United States District Court, N.D. Ohio (March 6, 2024) the judge determined Evans was not a candidate for compassion.
Evans argued that his medical conditions
Generally speaking, once a court has imposed a sentence it does not have the authority to change or modify that sentence unless such authority is expressly granted by statute. However, under 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A), a district court may reduce a defendant’s sentence upon a motion from the defendant if the defendant filed the motion thirty or more days after the defendant sent a compassionate release request to their warden.
If a defendant’s compassionate release motion meets this exhaustion requirement, the court then considers three factors in deciding whether to grant the compassionate release motion.
Evans exhausted his administrative remedies but did not show the extraordinary and compelling circumstances needed for relief. Evans cites his hypertension, heart failure, sleep apnea, obesity, and age as extraordinary and compelling. However, the Court noted these medical conditions of Evans existed at his sentencing. Facts that exist at the time of sentencing are not extraordinary and compelling reasons for compassionate release.
Evans’ Type 2 diabetes, which the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) diagnosed in October 2022, and which the BOP is capable of treating Evans’ diabetes, or other medical conditions. Evans’ medical records showed the court that when he was diagnosed, the doctor recommended a life-style modification and to recheck Evans’ HA1c at a later date. Evans was given educational materials and assented to his understanding and his condition improved.
Because Evans offered no extraordinary and compelling reasons for compassionate release the Court briefly discussed why, even if Evans had shown extraordinary and compelling circumstances, § 355(a) factors stop early release. While Evan’s extensive rehabilitation efforts while incarcerated are commendable, these efforts are insufficient to overcome the severity of his crimes. In fact, Evans ordered three arsons of two properties, which put Warren community members at risk of death or serious injury. In exchange, he received $146,000 in insurance payments (an amount he currently owes in restitution).? His petition was refused.
I have personally investigated several arson fires and advised insurers with regard to many more. Arson-for-Profit is the most vicious and reprehensible variety of insurance fraud. People die in those fires – sometimes the arsonist – including neighbors, tenants, police and firefighters. His sentence was appropriate and its a shame that the USA must pay to feed, house and medically treat Mr. Evans. The punishment is appropriate and he is one of the least likely prisoner in the federal system entitled to compassion.
(c) 2024 Barry Zalma & ClaimSchool, Inc.
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