Arrrgggghhh-os – how am I going to shop now?
Phil Avery ACIM
What does the end of the famous catalogue tell us about our own customers’ requirements?
Argos announced that it is stopping printing its catalogue. Over one billion have been produced since 1973, and it resides in more UK households than any book except the Bible.
The comedian Bill Bailey called the Argos catalogue, “the laminated book of dreams,” laminated, he explained, to catch the tears of joy!
The obvious reason for this shocking news is that more and more people are shopping online (and 70% of those via mobile devices) – and Covid-19 has only accelerated that trend. Even in store, people expect to be able to search digitally, rather than having to leaf through hundreds of pages to find what they want.
But what does all of this mean for your company?
Quite simply, how digitally ready are you? Is your website in good shape? And is it responsive, i.e. tablet mobile-friendly? When prospects view it, does it give them a convenient and congenial rather than awkward and unwieldy user experience?
Is your website regularly updated, so that Google and other search engines like it and rank it well? Does it include video, which not only helps the rankings (YouTube being owned by Google), but also is now an expected component in many quarters, and can often explain your products or services more quickly than any other medium.
Do you know the online habits of your prospects? Where do they expect to find the people they buy from? If one were to search for you on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Youtube, on Instagram, would you be found? How easily? If so, how enticing and engaging are your posts? How professional are they? And how regularly do you update your social media feeds?
If you need to be seen as an expert, a trusted advisor in your field, how often are you quoted in your marketplace’s specialist press? Do your learned articles populate sector websites? Do you blog often enough to make an impact?
Like it or not, it’s getting to be an exclusively online commercial world out there now. Don’t let your tears of joy turn to beads of frustration because you are falling behind your competitors in terms of your online presence and footprint.
We can help. We have been keeping our clients ahead of the chasing pack for around 20 years. Please call us today – free of charge and without obligation – and we can discuss how to turn the corporate challenges of an online society into a fertile world of business opportunity.
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