Arrows of Truth # 9 - What is the 2nd step of the Hunters strategy?
2023 Bulletin: The number of dropouts keeps on growing! Are you personally concerned for any of those? Then read on - you can make a difference!
Arrows of Truth:?Hunters?Tips
A weekly series to help believers engage with loved ones, friends and neighbors who are dropout believers to restore them to the church - the Body of Christ.
Arrows of Truth # 9 - What is the 2nd step of the Hunters strategy?
Step Two of the Hunters strategy is: Inquire of the Lord.
Think about the situation in which David (1 Samuel 30) found himself. He had lost his wives and precious family. Do you think he wanted them back? Of course! So why did he ask God if he should give chase? What if we were in a similar situation? Wouldn't we just automatically go after them? The fact that we want them back is all the motivation we need. Not David.
David was totally submitted to the will of God in this situation. He asked the Lord: "What is Your will?" So, what does this mean to us in our engagement with the dropout believer? It means we are to ask God if it is His will for us to engage with this particular individual for restoration at this time.
"If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this"(1 Jo 5:16).
It is important for us as hunters to ask God if He desires us to pursue this person at this time. Most of the time God will say "go get 'em." But on some occasions, He may put a "hold" in your spirit concerning engaging someone. This hold may be temporary or permanent. God may shut the door of communication so that even though we try and try, we can't seem to get a line of communication open.?We don’t know what His purpose is in these instances - Not the right time? A work that God needs to accomplish before we step in? Perhaps a different church/vision that He has in mind for this person??????
Only God knows the heart of a person, and in these cases, we just have to back off and trust God.
TIP #9
Consider 2 or 3 people in your sphere of influence who are dropout believers. Pray for the Lord’s will for you to engage with them to be shown to you. For more depth on this read Hunters of the Harvest book chapter 6 & 9. To order the ministry book go to website and click Order.?
Leading with Faith | Harvest Hands Ministries Pakistan?
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