Arrows of Truth # 7 - What is the 1st step of the Hunters strategy? (Part 2)
Arrows of Truth: Hunters Tips
A weekly series to help believers engage with loved ones, friends and neighbors who are dropout believers to restore them to the church - the Body of Christ.
Arrows of Truth # 7 - What is the 1st step of the Hunters strategy? (Part 2)
The 1st step of the Hunters strategy is to strengthen yourself in the Lord. What do we mean by strengthen ourselves in the Lord? Unless we are strengthened for our engagement with the dropout, we will end up spiritually exhausted and cease our pursuit of restoration for them.
This step consists of three distinct facets of your spiritual walk:
1. Be filled with the Spirit
2. Consistent Prayer
3. Praise
Last week we looked at #1. This week we will examine #2: Develop a consistent prayer life. The key scripture is James 5:16(KJV): The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. You cannot be strong in the Lord without effectual, fervent prayer. Let's look at what this means.
Effectual- Philemon 6 says: ”I pray that the communication of your faith become effectual (same Greek word in used in James 5:16 KJV) by the acknowledging of every good thing in you in Christ Jesus." Prayer is simply the "communication of my faith" to God. This Scripture can be rephrased as " I pray that your [prayers] become effectual by acknowledging every good thing in you in Christ."
To "acknowledge every good thing in you in Christ" means to affirm and believe what God says about us in the Word -- who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us.
Fervent- Our prayers must also be "fervent" to be like Elijah of old. This term means with zeal, with energy (to be hot). You cannot drum up fervency. Simply praying loud isn't necessarily fervent. You must have an encounter with God personally to become fervent. Not just once, but continually. The more encounters with the Living God we have, the more fervent we become. So start getting alone with God long enough and often enough that His glory starts to have a major impact on your daily life.
TIP #7
Start getting alone with God long enough and often enough that His glory starts to have a major impact on your daily life. Pray what He says about you. For more depth on this read Hunters of the Harvest book chapter 8. To order the ministry book go to website and click Order.
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