Arrows of Truth # 6 - What is the 1st step of the Hunters strategy? (Part 1)
2023 Bulletin: The number of dropouts keeps on growing! Are you personally concerned for any of those? Then read on - you can make a difference!
Arrows of Truth:?Hunters?Tips
A weekly series to help believers engage with loved ones, friends and neighbors who are dropout believers to restore them to the church - the Body of Christ.
Arrows of Truth # 6 - What is the 1st step of the Hunters strategy?(Part 1)
The 1st step of the Hunters strategy is to strengthen yourself in the Lord. What do we mean by strengthen ourselves in the Lord? Unless we are strengthened for our engagement with the dropout, we will end up spiritually exhausted and cease our pursuit of restoration for them.
This step consists of three distinct facets of your spiritual walk:
1.Be filled with the Spirit
This week we will examine #1: Be filled with the Spirit.
Eph 5:18-21 offers a very simple and direct picture of what a spirit-filled believer looks like:
V19: A Spirit-filled believer continually speaks words that are wholesome, true, pure, that will edify and minister grace to the hearer (Eph 4:29).
V19: A Spirit-filled believer continually has a song in his heart toward God.
V20: A Spirit-filled believer continually thanks God in good and bad circumstances and has a grateful attitude.
V20 A Spirit-filled believer is continually submissive to one another in the Body of Christ as well to those outside.
These four behaviors are a thermometer or measure of how filled with the Spirit we really are at any point in time.?
TIP #6?
Just ask the Lord to show you how full (or empty) you are now. He will reveal to you exactly where you stand on a scale of 0 (empty) to 10 (full!). If you are like most believers the answer you receive may not be the answer you wanted to hear. That's okay because there is a remedy -- if you want it. For more depth on this read Hunters of the Harvest book chapter 8. To order the ministry book go to website and click Order.??