Is It Arrogant or Selfish to Say That Jesus Is the Only Way to God?
Pastor Emeritus Dr Jaerock Lee

Is It Arrogant or Selfish to Say That Jesus Is the Only Way to God?

The Nature of Truth

Let look at the word selfish. Suppose I live in Washington DC and I love the historic monuments all around there. And I say only Washington DC is the capital of the United States. Is that selfish? Why is it not selfish ? Only Washington DC is the capital of the United states. Why can’t it the Chicago? Why can’t it be New York? Why do you only have that? The reason it is not selfish is because it is the truth. The moment it is the truth, selfish falls away. Nothing is selfish if you are telling the truth.? In some form , that Christianity really stands above all the rest . You are allowed to say that not because it’s selfish, but because it’s the truth.

Truth in Christianity

When you preach the gospel, sometimes people ask the following question: "Why do we have to be a Christian when there are so many other religions? Isn’t it enough to just live a good life without believing in Jesus Christ?" Or they might ask, "There have been many great men in history, so why is it that only Jesus is the Savior?"

To address these questions, let's consider what Jesus Himself said in John 14:6: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." This statement by Jesus highlights His unique and exclusive role as the path to God.

Furthermore, Acts 4:12 reinforces this exclusivity: "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." This means that according to Christian belief, God has not provided any other name for salvation except that of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, from a Christian perspective, only Jesus can be the Savior. Accepting Jesus as our Savior is essential for salvation, as no one else can fulfill this role.


Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent in the Garden of Eden, disobeyed God's command by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, driven by their desire to be like God. This disobedience resulted in sin entering the world, affecting Adam, Eve, and all their descendants.

Consequences of Adam's Sin

Because Adam chose to disobey God, he lost the authority and power originally given to him by God. As a slave to sin, all that belonged to Adam, including his God-given authority, was naturally transferred to his new master, the devil. This act of disobedience not only affected Adam but also all his descendants, making them slaves to sin and subject to death.

In Luke 4:5-6, the devil tempts Jesus, offering Him all the kingdoms of the world, stating that this authority had been handed over to him. This implies that someone had given this authority to the devil. Initially, Adam received the authority to rule over all creation from God, as stated in Genesis 1:28. However, by disobeying God, Adam became a slave to sin, and all his authority was transferred to the devil, as described in Romans 6:16.

The Law of the Spiritual Realm

The "law of the redemption of the land" has profound symbolic connections to the salvation of human beings. This principle from the Old Testament provides a framework for understanding how mankind, fallen into sin, can be redeemed and restored to their rightful place with God.

The Law of the Redemption of the Land and Human Salvation

The concept of redemption is rooted in the Old Testament law. Leviticus 25:23-25 outlines the law of the redemption of the land, stating that if someone sold their property due to poverty, a close relative could redeem it by paying the price. This law symbolically applies to the redemption of humanity. Just as land belongs to God and can be redeemed, humanity, made from dust, also belongs to God and can be redeemed.

In today's context, once land is sold, all ownership rights typically transfer to the new owner. If the original seller wants to reclaim the land, it depends on the willingness of the new owner to sell it back, often at a negotiated price, which could be higher than the original sale price.

However, under the biblical law of redemption, the buyer was obligated to sell the land back if a close relative of the original owner offered the redemption price. This law provided a safeguard for families to recover their lost inheritance and maintain their ancestral property.

3. Jesus is Qualified According to the Law

For humanity to be redeemed, a qualified redeemer must pay the price. According to the law of the redemption of the land, the redeemer must meet specific qualifications. The Bible states that only Jesus Christ meets these qualifications, making Him the only one capable of redeeming humanity from sin. Here’s why:

Senior Pastor Dr. Soojin Lee of Manmin Central Church

First Qualification of the Redeemer: He Must Be a Man

The Law of the Redemption of the Land

In Leviticus 25:25, the law of the redemption of the land is laid out, which states: "If a fellow countryman of yours becomes so poor he has to sell part of his property, then his nearest kinsman is to come and buy back what his relative has sold.” This implies that the redeemer must be a close relative and, importantly, must be a man. This concept is reinforced in 1 Corinthians 15:21-22, which states, “For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.” Hence, the first requirement for the Redeemer is that he must be a human being.

The Vision in Revelation

Revelation 5:1-5 describes a scene in which a scroll sealed with seven seals is held by God. A strong angel proclaims, “Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?” No one in heaven, on earth, or under the earth is found worthy, causing the apostle John to weep. However, one of the elders reassures John, saying, “Stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.” This passage identifies Jesus, who is from the tribe of Judah and the lineage of David, as the one who is worthy to open the seals. The "book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals” represents the contract made between God and the devil when Adam sinned.

Why Only Jesus Can Open the Seals

  • Heavenly Beings: Angels in heaven are not human and thus cannot fulfill the requirement of being a man.
  • Earthly Beings: All humans on earth are descendants of Adam and thus are sinners.
  • Under the Earth: This realm is inhabited by evil spirits and souls condemned to hell, who are also disqualified.

Jesus as the Lion of Judah

Jesus, referred to as the "Lion of Judah" and the "Root of David," fulfills the prophecy and lineage requirements. Acts 13:22-23 explains how God raised David as king and promised that from David’s descendants would come a Savior, Jesus. This lineage establishes Jesus as fulfilling the first condition of the law of the redemption of the land.

Jesus’ Dual Nature: Divine and Human

Some may argue that Jesus, being the Son of God, is not truly human. However, John 1:1 and John 1:14 clarify this: "The Word was God” and “The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” Jesus, who was God in essence, took on human flesh and lived among humanity. This dual nature of Jesus—being both fully divine and fully human—is central to Christian doctrine.

  • Historical Evidence: The division of history into B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini) attests to Jesus’ existence as a man. His birth, life, and crucifixion are well-documented historical events.


Jesus is qualified to be our Redeemer because He meets the first requirement of being a man. He was born into humanity, lived a human life, and thus could fulfill the law of the redemption of the land. His unique nature as both God and man allows Him to bridge the gap between God and humanity, making Him the only one capable of redeeming mankind from sin.

Senior Pastor Dr Soojin Lee

Second Qualification of the Redeemer: He Must Not Be Adam’s Descendant

The Concept of Debt and Redemption

The analogy of debt explains why the Redeemer must not be a descendant of Adam. Just as a debtor cannot pay off another person's debt, a sinner cannot atone for the sins of others. The Redeemer must be without sin to redeem others from their sins and death. All humans are descendants of Adam and inherit his sinful nature, making them ineligible to be the Redeemer.

Jesus’ Unique Conception and Sinlessness

Matthew 1:18-21 details the birth of Jesus, highlighting His unique conception by the Holy Spirit. The passage reads:

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.’”

These verses affirm that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and not through human union, thus He did not inherit the sinful nature passed down from Adam.

Genealogy and Original Sin

Although Jesus' genealogy in Matthew 1 and Luke 3:23-37 traces Him back to David, His conception was divine, ensuring He was not a direct descendant of Adam in the sinful sense. All humans inherit original sin from their parents, starting with Adam, but Jesus did not because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit.

The concept of original sin, inherited from Adam, means all his descendants are born sinners. This sinfulness disqualifies them from redeeming others. Jesus, being conceived by the Holy Spirit, did not inherit this original sin, making Him uniquely qualified to be the Redeemer.

Divine Plan for Redemption

God the Father’s plan involved His Son being conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary. This divine conception ensured that Jesus, although fully human, was not tainted by original sin. Therefore, Jesus was born sinless and remained sinless throughout His life.


Jesus meets the second qualification of the Redeemer: He is not a descendant of Adam in the sinful sense. His conception by the Holy Spirit ensures His sinlessness, making Him the only one capable of redeeming humanity from sin and death. This unique nature of Jesus sets Him apart from all other humans and qualifies Him as the sole Redeemer according to the law of the redemption of the land.

Senior Pastor Dr Soojin Lee

Third Qualification of the Redeemer: He Must Have the Power to Overcome the Devil

The Requirement of Redemption Power

Leviticus 25:26-27 states:

"Or in case a man has no kinsman, but so recovers his means as to find sufficient for its redemption, then he shall calculate the years since its sale and refund the balance to the man to whom he sold it, and so return to his property."

This passage implies that a redeemer must have the resources or power to redeem the sold property. A poor man cannot pay off his friend's debt, even if he desires to do so. Similarly, the Redeemer must possess the spiritual strength to overcome the devil and redeem humanity.

Spiritual Strength and Sinlessness

In the spiritual realm, having no sin is a source of strength. The Redeemer must be sinless to have the power to liberate humanity from the bondage of sin and the devil. This sinlessness includes the absence of original sin and personal sin. Only a sinless Redeemer can confront and defeat the devil, restoring the lost authority of Adam.

Jesus' Sinlessness

Jesus meets this qualification in several ways:

  1. Conceived by the Holy Spirit: Jesus had no original sin because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, not through human union (Matthew 1:18-21).
  2. Obedience to God's Law: Jesus fully obeyed God's law and lived a life of perfect righteousness. He was circumcised on the eighth day (Luke 2:21) and consistently obeyed the will of God the Father.
  3. Sinless Life: Jesus never committed any personal sin. 1 Peter 2:22-24 describes Him as one who “committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth.” Even when He suffered, He did not retaliate but entrusted Himself to God.

Jesus’ Power over the Devil

Jesus' sinlessness gave Him the authority and power to perform miraculous works, demonstrating His dominance over the devil and the forces of evil:

  • Driving Out Demons: Jesus cast out demons, showcasing His authority over spiritual beings.
  • Healing the Sick: He healed the blind, deaf, lame, and those with incurable diseases, demonstrating His power to restore physical health.
  • Controlling Nature: Jesus calmed a storm and rebuked the wind and waves, illustrating His command over natural elements (Mark 4:39).

Biblical Testimony

  • 1 Peter 2:22-24: Jesus bore our sins in His body on the cross, so we might die to sin and live to righteousness.
  • Hebrews 7:26: Jesus is described as holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.


Jesus' sinlessness and divine power make Him the only qualified Redeemer who can overcome the devil. His unique nature as both fully human and fully divine, His perfect obedience to God, and His authority over evil and nature confirm His ability to redeem humanity. This qualification is crucial because only a sinless Redeemer can liberate all men from the devil and restore the lost authority of Adam.

Senior Pastor Dr Soojin Lee

The Fourth Qualification of the Redeemer: Sacrificial Love

Necessity of Sacrificial Love

In the context of redemption, merely having the power and resources to redeem is insufficient if there is no love motivating the redeemer. This is clearly illustrated in Ruth 4:1-6, where Boaz's nearest kinsman refused to redeem Naomi's land despite having the means to do so, because he did not want to jeopardize his own inheritance. On the contrary, Boaz, who had a sacrificial love, stepped in to redeem the land and marry Ruth.

The Role of Sacrificial Love in Jesus' Redemption

Jesus exemplifies this sacrificial love through His life and death. Here are key points that demonstrate how His love fulfills this requirement:

  1. Incarnation: Jesus, who is the Word, became flesh and came to this earth (John 1:14). This act itself was a profound demonstration of His love, as He left His divine glory to dwell among humanity.
  2. Sinlessness and Sacrifice: Born of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was free from original sin and lived a sinless life, making Him the perfect candidate for redemption (Matthew 1:18-21). However, it was His sacrificial love that drove Him to take upon Himself the penalty for humanity's sins.
  3. Crucifixion: Jesus' crucifixion was the ultimate act of sacrificial love. He endured the cross, despising its shame, and bore the sins of humanity (Hebrews 12:2). He was treated as the most heinous criminal, insulted, mocked, and shed His blood and water for our salvation.
  4. Historical Uniqueness: No other figure in history matches the blameless and noble Jesus, who willingly died for the sake of sinners. He is described as the Son of God, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, yet He chose to suffer and die for us.

Biblical Testimony of Jesus' Love

  • Romans 5:7-8:

"For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." This verse highlights the extraordinary nature of Jesus' love. He died for us while we were still sinners, demonstrating the depth and breadth of His sacrificial love.


The sacrificial love of Jesus is the final and perhaps the most crucial qualification that sets Him apart as the Redeemer. His willingness to endure suffering and death on the cross, motivated by His profound love for humanity, ensures that He meets all the necessary criteria to redeem mankind. This love is unparalleled and is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, highlighting the profound relationship between divine love and redemption.


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