Arrggggh, I Can't See The Woods For The Trees
Lee Houghton
Empowering Senior Leaders to Build High-Performing Teams | Expert in Leadership, Strategy & Change | Founder of ‘Change Champions’ | Host of ‘Business Problems Solved’ Podcast
Hello, hello, hello, how are you?
I cannot believe we are half way through the year already, where has that time gone?
Quick Question: If you plan stuff by the calendar year, how are you getting on? In fact irrelevant of when you plan stuff, how are you getting on?
For me, its been a right mixed bag, further ahead with some things and behind with some others. This coming week though see's the full launch of the online version of the 'Overcoming Resistance Online Programme' with a huge special launch discount. On the 5th July it is the 4th anniversary of my best mate Chris' passing and if you have followed me for a while you will know the impact his 3 life lessons have had on me and continue to do so. That is why on the 5th I am launching the online programme that have his 3 lessons as the foundation. Please look out for my posts next week, but if you want a sneaky peak at the landing page this will give you all the info you need 'CLICK HERE'....
Have you heard the phrase before;
"I can't see the wood for the trees"
It is often used to explain when someone is too involved in the details of a problem and can't see the situation as a whole.
Why am I asking this, well...
I am in the fortunate position to have the opportunity to speak to lots of people each week, and also get to see the magic happen and processes flow in some amazing organisations. BUT, one common thing I see is people become so focussed on a metric or two, they can often miss the bigger picture which could in fact lead to some even more amazing conversations and opportunities.
I am going to over simplify the obvious now, but, at the highest level of your team, department and business you will have inputs, a process and outputs, and no matter which lens you put on you will see micro and macro inputs, processes and outputs.
If you look at the highest level for your business or area you lead, do you ask yourself questions like these each day?
You may have some other questions more relevant to your team and what you do, all I want to do in writing this is get you to step back and reflect on your highest level inputs, process and outputs, because over time I often witness people using magnifying glasses when in fact taking a step or two back will actually allow you to move forward...
Do you agree? Or not?
And, what prevents you from looking at the whole and stepping away from the detail?
I'm trying a shorter newsletter this time out, I would love your feedback and if there is anything in particular you'd like me to cover, please let me know.
Chat soon, & have fun