Around the Bases 9/14
Welcome back! Hope everyone here is doing well. I got some great feedback about the newsletter from some colleagues of mine earlier this week, so the word has been getting out and I'm so glad to hear this has been helpful to so many so far. Not to bury the lead, but we have hit the latest goal of 900 subscribers here!!! Thanks to everyone for spreading the word and visiting each week- it means a LOT, and now we head towards 1000!!
I was at a golf outing this week with a lot of my colleagues from the "old days" at ESPN. It is a memorial for the late great Calvin Haywood, a legendary director of just about every show you can think of there in the 1990's. Wood was perhaps the most unique person I met there. He taught me "the secret" of slow pitch softball hitting ("Man, you just don't swing at the right pitches...) as well as how to get ready to work ("LJ, is it time for me to stand up yet?). This year was especially tough for all of us without another legend, Barry Sacks, out there on the course with us. The impact these 2 had on so many of us there (and other places like the YES Network and Quinnipiac University) it's impossible to measure. My buddy Matt put it best at the dinner about the family we all are and how lucky we are to have such a group to this day. So, when things get crazy where you work, remember the people next to you and how important those relationships are no matter where you end up.
This week's Something to Watch is a feature that was put together years ago that is timely with this being the week of 9/11. It is still one of the best things I have ever watched, and it still hits every year. After it's over, remember how valuable helping others can be and what you might be able to do for someone else.
This week's Something to Read is a book that is about martial arts and how it can help you- VERY cool.
The 32 Principles: Harnessing the Power of Jiu-Jitsu to Succeed in Business, Relationships, and Life
This week's Something to Listen To is a quick podcast episode from a series named "Quote of the Day". Lots of choices there, and all very short and to the point- I found this one super helpful.
Here are the Top 10 jobs I saw this week- The first 5 as usual are with our group at Paramount. Our CBS Sports Digital office is looking for so many spots I couldn't put all of them here. The Golazo Network is looking for just about every position possible for both production and tech roles. Our team at CBS Sports HQ is currently looking for a PA role (freelance)- more details in my earlier post about that spot. Please reach out to me here or email me at [email protected] for more. I am a direct connection for the Paramount roles and can get you right in front of the important people very quickly, and I may have a way into the other roles as well.
I was paid some great compliments by some colleagues of mine this week letting me know that I am helping a lot of people here with the newsletter. Knowing that really fuels me as I go forward here. I know I can help you with your search, whether it be something new or trying to make the most or get better at the place you currently work. The consultation call is free. My experience, know-how and energy level may pay off in ways you never knew. The website is below the image, feel free to check out how we can help each other.
Thanks for your time this week. The march to 1000 subs is on, and any word you can spread about what is going on here each week would be appreciated. The help that is found here is making some good inroads, and that couldn't happen without your participation. Thanks again and have a great weekend!
Senior Manager at ESPN Creative Studio
1 年It was wonderful to see you on Monday Tom and you nailed it about Barry and Calvin. I look forward to next years tourney and to sharing a laugh with you.