Around the Bases 1/4
Happy New Year! Sending positive thoughts for everyone here as we all get revved up to get 2024 off on the right foot. We hit another subscriber goal here in the last week, so thanks again for your time and spreading the word out to keep things flowing. An early shout out for the new readers- I hope you find something in the newsletter each week that can help you out in some way. I am always on the lookout for content to post to give whoever comes along a little boost in some way, shape or form.
Resolutions- do we need them? I don't think they have to be so formal, and I know they can often be just another thing we set ourselves up to fail with when we don't achieve what we set out to do once the calendar flips. I feel putting all of that pressure on yourself might be a bit much. It may not seem so huge, though, if you line up what you really really want and get things in motion to reach whatever goal that is. I've said that here before. Knowing what you want is half the battle. So in that framework, then yes, a resolution is OK. A contract with yourself to get after what you really want is something to strive for. The trick is sitting down with yourself and finding what it is that you really want. No secret sauce here, what worked for me can work for you- get in a quiet place, turn off the phone and the rest of the world, the answer might be closer than you think.
This week's Something to Watch is a musical performance (I've posted a few here) that I watched the other day and just had to share it. Country music isn't my bag for the most part, but I like anything that's done well. This is from Glen Campbell, who has had his share of hits to say the least, and this one might top them all. "Wichita Lineman" is a song that's been around and is pretty famous, but somehow, it slipped by me. Lyrically (check 'em out- AMAZING), it is pretty great and will really speak to the grinders out there, doing their jobs every day. The song is worth a deep dive (as is any video showcasing his unreal guitar playing), just to see other great musicians talk about it.
This week's Something to Read seemed pretty appropriate to kick off the New Year. Michael Hyatt has a few books worth your time, this one stood out to me.
This week's Something to Listen To is a podcast episode I stumbled on the other night, featuring Robin Arzon, easily one of my favorite trainers on the Peloton app. The show is called "Am I Doing It Wrong" - Her story is pretty amazing, and she offers quite a bit here.
Here are the Top 10 roles I saw this week, with the first 5 coming from our team at CBS Sports. We have some great roles in Stamford, NYC and Fort Lauderdale. I can get you right into the process for those roles, and I may have a connection that will help you for the others. DM me here or email me at [email protected] for more info.
The first step can be a daunting one when a New Year comes along. In our business, the only constant is change, and it can be hard to find your way both into and through the crazy sports media world. Allies are important, and I know that first hand. Know that you have an ally in me as you navigate your way into this field. I have the know-how, the contacts and the energy level required to get you headed in the right direction. All it takes is a first step. The only guarantee that is out there is if you do nothing, then nothing will happen. Check out my website below and see how we can help each other. The consultation call is free, the return on the investment in yourself will pay off in ways you may have never seen coming.
That's if for the first week of 2024. Final shouts for those starting something new, whether it be a new job or you are staring the process of searching for what you really want (you know who you are!). Thanks again for you time here, it means a lot. See you next week!