Aromatics as Profitable Alternative to Markets with Gasoline Surplus
Dr. Marcio Wagner da Silva, MBA
Process Engineering Manager at Petrobras
Introduction and Context
According to some recent forecasts, the petrochemical market tends to rise in the next years and, in middle term, will be responsible by a major part of the crude oil consumption over passing the transportation fuels this fact have been made the refiners to looking for closer integration with petrochemical assets through the maximization of petrochemical intermediates in their refining hardware as a strategy to ensure better refining margins and higher value addition to the crude oil. Figure 1 present an overview of the trend of growing to the petrochemical market in short term.
Figure 1 – Growing Trend in the Demand by Petrochemical Intermediates (Deloitte, 2019) - Note: Bars represent total demand (million metric tons or MMT), circles represent total capacity (MMT).
As presented in Figure 1, some of the most promising petrochemical intermediate is the aromatics benzene and p-xylene. The maximization of aromatics in the refining hardware is possible through the installation of catalytic reforming technologies associated with aromatics separation unit. The catalyst applied to catalytic reforming units have a fundamental role in the aromatics yield and consequently to allow the achievement of profitable and reliable operation.
In the current scenario of the downstream industry, the refiners are facing to important trends, the petrochemicals maximization as a strategy to ensure added value to the processed crude oil and the hydrogen question, which the refiners are facing a growing demand and environmental restrictions related to the CO2 emissions of the traditional steam reforming generation route. In this sense, the catalytic reforming units can develop a fundamental role in the strategy of some refiners.
Beyond the aromatics production, in markets with surplus of gasoline, some alternatives like blend the heavier fraction of naphtha with diesel and jet fuel can be an interesting strategy, but this alternative presents limitations due to the middle distillates specifications like volatility and Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP). In this case, technologic routes capable to manage naphtha molecules aiming to direct these streams to petrochemical intermediates can ensure closer integration with petrochemical assets as well as higher added value to refiners. Some markets already are facing with the gasoline surplus, in these cases, directing naphtha to petrochemicals against gasoline can be an attractive way to ensure competitiveness to refiners. Figure 2 present the evolution of gasoline surplus in the Russian domestic market, as an example.
Figure 2 – Evolution of Gasoline Surplus to the Russian Domestic Market (IHS Markit, 2020)
Again, being a high demand and most profitable market, the alternative to convert naphtha to petrochemicals should be a trend to refiners inserted in markets with gasoline surplus in the next years. According to data from Wood Mackenzie Company (2021), the highly integrated refiners can add from US$ 0,68 to US$ 2,02/ bbl. Still according to Wood Mackenzie, the Asian Market presents the major concentration of integrated refining plants.
Catalytic Reforming Technologies – A Review
The main objective of the Catalytic Reforming unit is to produce a stream with high aromatics hydrocarbons content that can be directed to the gasoline pool or to produce petrochemical intermediates (benzene, toluene, and xylenes) according to the market served by the refiner, due the high content of aromatics compounds the reformate can significantly raise the octane number in the gasoline, in the current scenario this a less attractive route.
A typical feedstock to the catalytic reforming unit is the straight run naphtha, however, in the last decades due to the necessity to increasing the refining margin through installation of bottom barrel units, hydrotreated coke naphtha stream have been consumed like feedstock in the catalytic reforming unit.
The catalyst generally employed in the catalytic reforming process is based on platinum (Pt) supported on alumina treated with chlorinated compounds to raise the support acidity. This catalyst has bifunctional characteristics once the alumina acid sites are actives to molecular restructuring and the metals sites are responsible for hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions.
The main chemical reactions involved in the catalytic reforming process are:
· Naphthene Compounds dehydrogenation;
· Parafinns Isomerization;
· Isomerization of Naphthene Compounds;
· Paraffins Dehydrocyclization;
Among the undesired reactions can be cited hydrocracking reactions and dealkylation of aromatics compounds.
Figure 3 present a basic process flow diagram for a typical semi-regenerative catalytic reforming unit.
Figure 3 – Typical arrangement to Semi-regenerative Catalytic Reforming Process Unit
The naphtha feed stream is blended with recycle hydrogen and heated at a temperature varying 500 to 550 oC before to enter in the first reactor, as the reactions are strongly endothermic the temperature fall quickly, so the mixture is heated and sent to the second reactor and so on. The effluent from the last reactor is sent to a separation drum where the phases liquid and gaseous are separated.
The gaseous stream with high hydrogen content is shared in two process streams, a part is recycled to the process to keep the ratio H2/Feed stream the other part is sent to a gas purification process plant (normally a Pressure Swing Adsorption unit) to raise the purity of the hydrogen that will be exported to others process plants in the refinery.
The liquid fraction obtained in the separation drum is pumped to a distillation column wherein the bottom is produced the reformate and in the top drum of the column is produced LPG and fuel gas.
The reformate has a high aromatics content and, according to the market supplied by the refinery, can be directed to the gasoline pool like a booster of octane number or, when the refinery has aromatics extraction plants is possible to produce benzene, toluene and xylenes in segregated streams, which can be directed to petrochemical process plants. The gas rich in hydrogen produced in the catalytic reforming unit is an important utility for the refinery, mainly when there is a deficit between the hydrogen production capacity and the hydrotreating installed capacity in the refinery, in some cases the catalytic reforming unit is operated with the principal objective to produce hydrogen.
The main process variables in the catalytic reforming process unit are pressure (3,5 – 30 bar), which normally is defined in the design step, in other words, the pressure normally is not an operational variable. The temperature can vary from 500 to 550 oC, the space velocity can be varied through feed stream flow rate control and the ratio H2/Feed stream that have a direct relation with the quantity of coke deposited on the catalyst during the process. To semi-regenerative units, the ratio H2/Feed stream can vary from 8 to 10, in units with continuous catalyst regeneration this variable can be significantly reduced.
Due to the process severity, the high coke deposition rate on the catalyst and consequently the quick deactivation leaves to short operational campaign periods to semi-regenerative units that employ fixed bed reactors.
To solve this problem some technology licensors developed catalytic reforming process with continuous catalyst regeneration steps.
The process Aromizing? developed by Axens company apply side by side configurations to the reactors while the CCR Platforming? developed by UOP apply the configuration of stacked reactors to catalytic reforming process with continuous catalyst regeneration. Figure 4 presents a flow diagram to Aromazing? catalytic reforming unit.
Figure 4 – Aromizing? Reforming Technology by Axens Company
Both technologies are commercial and some process plants with these technologies are in operation around the world. Figure 5 presents a basic process flow diagram to CCR Platforming? developed by UOP Company.
Figure 5 – CCR Platforming? Reforming Technology by UOP Company
In the regeneration section the catalyst is submitted to processes to burn the coke deposited during the reactions and treated with chlorinated compounds to reactivate the acid function of the catalyst. Figure 6 presents a basic process flow for the catalyst regeneration sequence.
Figure 6 – Catalyst Regeneration Sequence (DOMERGUE et. al., 2006)
Despite the higher capital investment, the rise in the operational campaign and higher flexibility in relation of the feedstock to be processed in the processing unit can compensate the higher investment in relation of the semi-regenerative process.
The catalytic reforming technology gives a great flexibility to the refiners in the gasoline production process, however, in the last decades there is a strong restriction on the use of reformate in the gasoline due to the control of benzene content in this derivate (due to the carcinogenic characteristics of this compound). This fact has been reduced the application of reformate in the gasoline formulation in some countries. Furthermore, the operational costs are high, mainly due to the catalyst replacement and additional security requirements linked to minimize leaks of aromatics compounds.
Catalytic Reforming Catalysts
The catalysts applied to naphtha reforming are based on platinum carried on high purity alumina, in many cases is applied ruthenium or germanium as promoters to the catalyst activity. The catalyst has dual function, the metal site are responsible by hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions while the acid function, determined by the chlorine content, is responsible by the molecular arrangement reactions like paraffin cyclization, isomerization, and hydrocracking.
In some formulations, can be added Tin (Sn) to the catalyst, especially in most severe operating conditions. The tin promotes a better dispersion of platinum leading to a more selective catalyst to aromatics like xylenes, reducing the coke deposition and gases production.
As aforementioned, the main disadvantage of the semi regenerative catalytic reforming units is the relative short operating cycles due to the catalyst deactivation. The main deactivation mechanisms to catalytic reforming catalysts are the poisoning due to the contaminants in the feed, pore plugging, chemical attack to the structure, sintering, and leaching due to the catalyst cracking leading to fines production.
Regarding contaminations, the sulfur and nitrogen are temporary poison to catalytic reforming catalysts and normally the content of these contaminants is controlled through the feed hydrotreating, it’s important to quote that in some cases sulfur and nitrogen can be purposefully added to the feed to keep under control the acid function of the catalyst. As permanent poisons are quoted metals like Lead (Pb), Silicon (Si), Mercury (Hg), Copper, (Cu), Vanadium (V), etc. The poisoning involves the selective adsorption in the active sites in detriment of reactants. The metal contamination involves the chemical bond of the contaminant with platinum leading to metal alloy with activity loss, especially to dehydrogenation reactions.
The sintering is normally caused by high temperatures as well as excessive water concentration in the feed and is related to the agglomeration of metal particles reducing the active surface area.
The most common deactivation mechanism in catalytic reforming units is the coke deposition that leads to pore plugging with drastic reduction of the catalyst activity. In catalytic reforming units that rely on catalyst regeneration sections like the CCR Platforming? by UOP Company and Aromizing? by Axens Company, the catalyst is subjected to a sequence of process aiming to restore the catalyst activity. The first step is a controlled burning process to burn the coke deposited over the catalyst, in the sequence the catalyst crosses the oxychlorination section where is added chlorine to restore the acid function, and normally is applied perchlorethylene as chlorine source. Following the catalyst regeneration process, the catalyst is dried and cooled before to back to the process.
Due to their formulations, the catalytic reforming catalyst presents a high cost and adequate management actions are fundamental to maximize the catalyst lifecycle.
Aromatics Separation Section – Ensuring Maximum Added Value
As aforementioned, in markets where there is demand, the production of petrochemical intermediates is economically more advantageous than the production of transportation fuels, especially in countries with easy access to lighter oils. The production and separation of aromatics are processes with great capacity of adding value to crude oil.
The aromatics production complex is a set of processes intended to produce petrochemical intermediates from naphtha produced in the catalytic reforming process or by pyrolysis process. An aromatics production complex can take on different process configurations, according to the petrochemical market to be served, an example is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 – Basic Process Configuration for a Typical Aromatics Separation Unit
The naphtha rich in aromatics, produced in catalytic reforming or pyrolysis units (in some cases from both), is fed to an extractive distillation column where the separation of aromatic compounds is conducted, which are withdrawn in the extract phase, are recovered at the bottom of the column while the non-aromatic compounds are withdrawn from the top in the raffinate phase. The aromatics are separated from the solvent in the solvent recovery column and directed to the fractionation section of aromatics where the essentially pure benzene and toluene streams and xylenes blend are obtained. The raffinate is sent to a wash column and the non-aromatic hydrocarbons are usually sent to the refinery's gasoline pool.
The process shown in Figure 6 involves only physical separation steps, that is, the process yields in a given stream depends on the concentration of this compound in the feed stream.
The growing demand for high-quality petrochemical intermediates and the higher added value of these products have made it necessary to develop conversion processes capable of converting lower interest aromatics (Toluene) into more economically attractive compounds (Xylenes).
Aromatics separation, mainly xylenes, is a great challenge to the modern engineering. The similarities between the molecules make the separation through simple distillation extremely hard, for this reason, several researchers, and technology licensors dedicate their efforts to develop new processes which can lead to pure compounds with lower costs. A basic scheme for a xylene separation process is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 – Basic Process for Xylenes Separation
The xylenes blend is fed to a distillation column where the ethylbenzene is separated in the top and sent to styrene production market while the bottom stream is pumped to another column where the mixture of Meta and Para-xylenes is withdrawn in the top and the Ortho-xylene and heavier compounds are removed in the bottom.
Ortho-xylene is separated from heavy aromatics in another distillation column while the Meta and Para-xylene are fed to a crystallization process, where is obtained a stream with a high concentration in Meta-xylene and the residual stream is directed to an isomerization unit, aiming to promote the conversion of residual Meta and Orto-xylenes in Para-xylene. The aromatics production units are normally optimized to maximize the Meta-xylene production because this is a petrochemical intermediate with higher interest, this compound is raw material to produce terephthalic acid that is used to produce PET (Polyethylene terephthalate).
To raise the production of higher commercial and economic interest compounds (P-Xylene and Benzene), technology licensors developed several processes to convert streams with low added value in these compounds. One of the main developers of this technology is the UOP Company, the PAREX? process apply the separation through adsorption to obtain high purity P-xylene from xylenes blend.
Another UOP technology is the ISOMAR? process, which promotes the xylenes isomerization to Para-xylene raising the recovery of this compound in the aromatic complex. TATORAY ? process was developed to convert toluene and heavy aromatics (C9+) in benzene and xylenes through transalkylation reaction. Another economically attractive technology is the SULPHOLANE ? process that applies liquid-liquid extraction operations and extractive distillation to reach high purity aromatics separation from hydrocarbon mixture.
The UOP Company developed an integrated aromatics complex aiming to maximize the production of benzene and P-xylene, which lead to a higher profitability to the refiner. A UOP Aromatics Complex scheme is presented in Figure 9.
Figure 9 – Aromatics Complex by UOP Company
Other companies have attractive and efficient technologies to produce high purity aromatics, the Axens Company license an aromatics production complex also based on separation and conversion processes, called ParamaX? that can be optimized to produce P-xylene. This process is presented in Figure 10.
The ParamaX? technology offers the possibility of Cyclohexane production (Raw material to synthetic fibers) through benzene hydrogenation beyond raise the production of this component through toluene HydroDealkylation (HDA).
Figure 10 – Schematic Process Flow Diagram for ParamaX? technology, by Axens Company.
As aforementioned, the capital investment to installation of aromatics production complexes is high, however, the obtained products have high added value and rely on great demand, and even the compounds with low interest can be commercialized with high margin. In countries with easy access to light oil reserves as Saudi Arabia and United States (Tight Oil) the installation of these process plants is even more economically attractive. Another aromatics recovery technology is the process ExxonMobil aromatic complex presented in Figure 11.
Figure 11 – ExxonMobil Aromatic Complex
It’s important to quote that all technologies have molecular management process in order to improve the yield of p-Xylene, the most added value aromatic.
The Role of Catalytic Reforming Units in the Refineries Hydrogen Balance
Demand for hydrogen raised strongly in the last decades following the necessity of hydrotreatment units installations in refineries to comply with the pressure to reduce the content of contaminants like sulfur and nitrogen in the petroleum derivates and consequently minimizing the environmental impact caused by fuels burn. This scenario became the hydrogen one of the most important production input in modern refineries and adequate hydrogen management actions reach strategic character to keep under control the operating costs and refining margins, contributing to economic sustainability in the downstream industry.
The hydrogen matter is one of the most important question to the future of downstream, the growing participation of renewable raw material in the refining hardware as a decarbonization strategy tends to raise even more the hydrogen consumption. The renewable streams have a great number of unsaturations and oxygen in his molecules which lead to high heat release rates and high hydrogen consumption, this fact leads to the necessity of higher capacity of heat removal from hydrotreating reactors aiming to avoid damage to the catalysts. The main chemical reactions associated with the renewable streams hydrotreating process can be represented as below:
R-CH=CH2 + H2 → R-CH2-CH3 (Olefins Saturation)
R-OH + H2 → R-H + H2O (Hydrodeoxigenation)
Where R represents a hydrocarbon.
These characteristics lead to the necessity of higher hydrogen production capacity by the refiners as well as quenching systems of hydrotreating reactors more robust or, in some cases, the reduction of processing capacity to absorb the renewable streams. In this point it’s important to consider a viability analysis related to the use of renewables in the crude oil refineries once the higher necessity of hydrogen generation implies in higher CO2 emissions through the natural gas reforming process that is the most applied process to produce hydrogen in commercial scale.
CH4 + H2O = CO + 3H2 (Steam Reforming Reaction - Endothermic)
CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 (Shift Reaction - Exothermic)
This fact leads some technology licensors to dedicate his efforts to look for alternative routes for hydrogen production in large scale in a more sustainable manner. Some alternatives pointed can offer promising advantages:
· Natural Gas Steam Reforming with Carbon Capture – The carbon capture technology and cost can be limiting factor among refiners;
· Natural Gas Steam Reforming applying biogas – The main difficult in this alternative is a reliable source of biogas as well as their cost.;
· Reverse water gas shift reaction (CO2 = H2 + CO) – One of the most attractive technology, mainly to produce renewable syngas;
· Electrolysis – The technology is one of the more promising to the near future.
Refiners and technology developers are looking for alternatives to produce hydrogen in industrial scale with lower CO2 emissions and some attractive routes have been considered as competitive in the future.
Despite the advantages of the green production routes of hydrogen, they are still in development and poor attractive to the most part of the refiners, in the current scenario the refiners to look for more efficient operations aiming to optimize the hydrogen balance the refining hardware as well as apply CO2 capture technologies (the blue route), in this sense an attractive alternative is to apply technologies capable to recovery hydrogen from refinery off-gases and apply control strategies capable to minimize the hydrogen losses to flare system.
As exposed above the hydrogen generation is a key matter to refiners, and refineries that rely on Catalytic Reforming units apply the hydrogen produced in this process unit to compose a relevant part of the hydrogen network becoming an important internal source of hydrogen. In some markets, where the demand by petrochemicals is lower, the main relevance of the catalytic reforming to the refining hardware is the hydrogen generation against the production of light aromatics. Figure 12 presents an example of hydrogen network in a crude oil refinery with high hydroprocessing capacity.
Figure 12 – Example of Hydrogen Network to a Crude Oil Refinery (LAFLEUR, 2017)
In refineries with bottlenecked hydrogen generation units, the hydrogen from catalytic reforming units is fundamental to ensure the compliance with the current quality and environmental regulations, becoming a fundamental enabler to profitable and reliable operations of the refining hardware. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to find refiners operating catalytic reforming units with the main objective to hydrogen generation, especially to refiners that operates with octane giveaway in the gasoline pool.
As aforementioned, face the current trend of reduction in transportation fuels demand at the global level, the capacity of maximum adding value to crude oil can be a competitive differential to refiners. Due to the high capital investment needed for the implementation that allows the conventional refinery to achieve the maximization of chemicals, capital efficiency becomes also an extremely important factor in the current competitive scenario as well as the operational flexibility related to the processed crude oil slate.
The search to add maximum value to processed crude oil is a constant among the refiners, especially considering the competitive scenario faced by the downstream market, in this sense, the flexible refining technologies like Catalytic Reforming and aromatics recovery section can offer a significant competitive advantage.
Installation of aromatics production units can significantly raise the profitability to refiners inserted in markets with high demand for petrochemical intermediates and surplus in gasoline, this fact is especially true in the current scenario where the transportation fuels consumption suffered drastic reduction due to the economic crisis caused by the COVID 19. The catalytic reforming technologies can develop a fundamental role in the downstream industry to allow profitable and reliable operations to refiners both to maximize petrochemicals and allow closer integration with petrochemical assets and ensure a positive contribution to the hydrogen balance, reducing the necessity to higher capacity of traditional steam methane reformers with consequent lower CO2 emissions. These advantages can be even more relevant in market with great gasoline surplus aiming to ensure higher added value to the processed crude.
Deloitte Company. The Future of Petrochemicals: Growth Surrounded by Uncertainties, 2019.
DOMERGUE, B.; LE GOFF, P. Y.; ROSS, J. Octanizing Reformer Options. PTQ Magazine, 2006.
GARY, J. H.; HANDWERK, G. E. Petroleum Refining – Technology and Economics.4th ed. Marcel Dekker., 2001.
LAFLEUR, A. Use and Optimization of Hydrogen at Oil Refineries. Shell Company, Presented at DOE H2@Scale Workshop – University of Houston, 2017.
OYEKAN, S.O. Catalytic Naphtha Reforming Process. 1st ed. CRC Press, 2019.
VU, T.; RITCHIE, J. Naphtha Complex Optimization for Petrochemical Production, UOP Company, 2019.
ZHOU, T.; BAARS, F. Catalytic Reforming Options and Practices. PTQ Magazine, 2010.
Dr. Marcio Wagner da Silva is Process Engineer and Project Manager focusing on Crude Oil Refining Industry based in S?o José dos Campos, Brazil. Bachelor’s in chemical engineering from University of Maringa (UEM), Brazil and PhD. in Chemical Engineering from University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Has extensive experience in research, design and construction to oil and gas industry including developing and coordinating projects to operational improvements and debottlenecking to bottom barrel units, moreover Dr. Marcio Wagner have MBA in Project Management from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and is certified in Business from Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV).
Process Engineering Manager at Petrobras
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