Yes, aromatherapy is being used in healthcare and its benefits are noteworthy. Vanderbilt hospital is currently using essential oil diffusers throughout the emergency room. Silverado Hospice uses essential oils nationwide.

Vanderbilt ER employees stress levels dropped to 3% after the use of essential oils. Prior to use 41% of workers reported being stressed on the job and 60% reported frustration which dropped to 6%.

Silverado Hospice conducted a pilot program with 64 hospice patients before their nationwide launch. The benefits observed:

·       31 patients had reduction in agitation

·       17 patients healthier skin

·       27 patients had an overall boost in comfort and relaxation

Essential oils that are pure have been pressed or distilled from plants. Essential oils protect plants and have a role in pollination. Essential oils are effective and its use in healthcare needs to take center stage.

Prescription drugs and over the counter medications are expensive. Per capita prescription drug spending in the U.S. exceeds all other countries. According to JAMA in 2013 per capita spending on prescription drugs was $858 compared to an average of $400 for 19 other industrialized nations.

Think outside the box to promote better health and decrease healthcare costs. The average cost of a bottle of essential oils equates to pennies a day.

Essential oils can be used as:

·       Analgesics

·       Antibiotics

·       Sedatives

The benefits of essential oils are endless. Research has confirmed essential oils have an amazing effect on the body. Let’s revolutionize healthcare and incorporate holistic medicine into mainstream practice.


Cassandra Hill, Credentialed Professional Gerontologist, Certified Wellness Coach



