Army Research Lab hosts key thought-leader event
Dr. Barton Halpern, DEVCOM ARL, Army Research Office director, Dennis Lewis, DEFTECH director, and Jock Padgett, XVIIIth Airborne Corps Chief Data Officer, discuss opportunities for collaboration.

Army Research Lab hosts key thought-leader event

The U.S. Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory’s Army Research Office (ARO), located in Research Triangle Park since 1951, hosted the fifth in an ongoing series of state-sponsored initiatives to help promote and educate the North Carolina innovation ecosystem on the important work of the many military organizations in this state.?

?ARO has more than 100 scientists, engineers and staff, who manage the Army’s extramural research program, driving cutting-edge and disruptive scientific discoveries that will enable crucial future Army technologies and capabilities through high-risk, high pay-off research opportunities. Program managers competitively select and fund basic research proposals from educational institutions, nonprofit organizations and private industry to increase fundamental knowledge and understanding in the chemical, life, physical, engineering, materials, mechanical, computing, information, network, mathematical, earth, and social sciences, related to long-term national security needs.

During the five hour interactive program, ARO showcased some of its current initiatives and offered how small businesses and academia can work with the Army on basic research and development to support the defense needs of the nation.?

Dr. Barton H. Halpern, Director of the Army Research Office said, “We are looking forward to continuing to cultivate relationships with DEFTECH and its partners who share our commitment to innovation and national security. By working together, we can leverage the strengths of our respective ecosystems and achieve greater success in addressing complex military challenges.”

According to one participant, the best part of the event was the engaged participation and collaboration by such a wide range of organizations and individuals who represented the three legs of the North Carolina innovation ecosystem – government (federal and state), industry, and academia.?Connecting and educating elected officials and elements of our State’s private sector innovators, researchers, investors, warfighters and DoD offices is critical as our military relies more and more on commercial technology to keep ahead of adversaries.

Many ARO senior leaders shared their knowledge and even some of the warfighter tools created based on their research with local warfighters from Fort Bragg, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and the Department of Defense National Security Innovation Office. ?Just as important was the participation by Congressional Staff from the offices of Senator Budd and Congressman Murphy who heard first hand about the importance of funding research and how that research can turn into useful tools for the military.?

North Carolina leaders from Governor Cooper’s Office, the North Carolina General Assembly, the NC Departments of Commerce and Military and Veterans Affairs, and the NC Board of Science, Technology, and Innovation also participated and had the opportunity to engage with University of North Carolina System and Duke University representatives as well as executives from RTI NC-COMP, First Flight Venture Center and the Defense Alliance of North Carolina.

In addition to these types of events, the state also supports and funds other defense innovation initiatives including the #Frontline of the Future education campaign, North Carolina Defense Technology Transition Office, the One North Carolina small business grant program and, most recently, a proposal to create the North Carolina Defense Innovation Network. ?

"The U.S. Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory was honored to host DEFTECH, federal and state officials and the broader North Carolina defense community, to share the exciting and important role that our extramural basic science research plays in the future of national defense,” said Director Halpern.

This event was part of the “Defense Awareness Program” organized and coordinated by NC Defense Technology Transition Office (DEFTECH) and the Economic Development Partnership of NC (EDPNC).?

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