In the Arms of Mum
Vicky Karuga
Psychometric Consultant | Genos Emotional Intelligence Master Trainer | Digital Learning Advisor | Architectural Advisory | Rotarian |
Today is Mother’s day, a chance to reminisce on the beautiful moments spent with our mums. I had to do a poster for our local Rotary Club and ended spending three hours on the internet down the rabbit hole that was the #Africanmumschallenge that ran about two years ago via twitter.
As usual, KOT did not disappoint and here is one lesson as I go down this rabbit hole.
Mum must have been very wary of how I would make her look. Reminds me of when my kids go over to their auntie’s and yell loudly “SAUSAGES!’ As if they only ever see the damn delicacies when outside the house. Man, this makes you very aware, when you are off to visit, but not at your aunties, of what might come out of their mouth. Again, Awareness, before I even leave the house, I am already feeling uneasy. I am not in an open state of mind. If we are to follow the science of emotions, I am preparing to experience unpleasant feelings even before I have landed at the brunch.
Couple that with the fact that we are going to Bibi Ziada who happens to always be well put together. I wonder if the kids dressed right. I make them do a short fashion show as I critic their shoes, socks. The poor things. All they want to do is stay home and hang out with the neighbours. But NO. “…Vaa Ngui twende, we shall wait.” I am not being seen without my kids.
Husband gives me a sideways look. “Relax…..,” he says. ATI? I look him up and down to also ensure that he has dressed the part. Memories of Growing up.
I digress but you can see how this goes from here. A very simple lesson in why Self awareness is so foundational and Emotional Intelligence a big determinant in the outcome of relationships.
Learnimg to understand where it is all coming from. Taking a pause and reflect on the emotion, not the behaviour. It tells the stories that valances your reality at this time.
Suffice it to say, The party is a constant. The only difference is the mood I am in, the mood I have put my partner and my kids in. Will they enjoy it?
All things were lessons but we might hang on to certain interpretations of the situation depending on the emotions that we want to experience. Yes, it this is true.
And wherever you are, I hope you had a wonderful Mothers’ Day.