In the kingdom of God, there are no lockers,

People reach Him only if they overcome the turmoil of the world,

The paradise of souls, filigree with silver, carries our ancestors like angels,

Walks without prohibitions, the truth, There, has a name,

Divine Justice dissolves human injustice,

The madness of the world with the Chinese drop becomes a fleeting laugh,

Coded for indoctrination, the global crowd does not feel the Upper World,

The struggle for survival in some, in others for more accumulation,

Stabs in the womb of the Paradise, through the crack, many souls, in Hell they fall,

They are the ones who have falsified, they have trampled underfoot through their deeds

those who have voluntarily sat at their feet,

In the heavens, the law is made only by God,

The snake-man, little God on earth considered himself.


Glories, ambitions, pride, credit cards and safes,

Some guard them with thousands of electronic dogs,

Cybernetics-advances to guard the masters of the world,

Many people weep at the height of the political pillars,

All the chosen ones incorporate devils from apolitical sons,

When politics waltzes straight with crooked and make it amputated

No law matters anymore, the honor is damaged,

The law of the jungle is what reigns, for Romanians and foreigners,

When governments collect the price of lives thrown in crematoria,

The survivors under the scorn of multiplication, are grieved by Cherubim and Seraphim.


People watch silently as the traitors spin,

From one well-paid job to another, they dare not,

to stop, the bold grotesquely dance,

They have no power or no intelligence, living in fear paralyzes them,

Asian communism, the world in stakes will pin,

The foundries have not died, our foreheads will not rest,

Our little ones, their great ones, put the whips on all the people,

Where the world kneels, only for fear of killing

The hyenas, rejoice, right in their hungry mouth, fall, the ignorants kept locked.


Those who dare, armored doors to pass,

They become by society, marginalized, reassured by wrong decisions,

What is good, is not given for free, what is right, from ignorants hidden,

The Barometer of the Uninformed World has been adjusted, to the frequency with a reduced mind,

The locked ones no longer are able to aspire to the divine from Above.


Conceived, from suffering and sweat, the authentic,

Do not invite you with sweets or with yachts on exotic oceans,

Nor with gilded deposits, or accounts in well-renowed banks,

The authentic is felt only in the heart when you fall deep in prayer,

You ask God, where to take your life,

The wave on your face, to lift it to see,

Who lies, who steals from you, who cheats or teases,

Who takes advantage, who gets you, who sent you to the grave,

The one who seems is not what he is, gives credence to the heart,

Connected with the divine, cuts off the lust of the devil of perdition,

Drawn- to the ground, swallowing your harmonies,

The world of demons has given, the passport to weak souls.


The one who saw the death and escaped from it,

Has a clear mind to understand: what is good, what is stained,

Everything that makes a man, surpasses suffering,

Brings messengers of justice only to the Last Judgment,

Judgment on earth is dust in the wind,

Lawyers do not grumble at the word of the corrupt,

Judged we will all be for our smallness,

becoming from sanctified, fallen, in social garbage frothing

Ancestral road of common people, many barefoot I kept beating him,

The eyes of man show, how empty or how plump,

His interior is, the divine was covered.


Foolishness comes in such a way, society asks you to sell your soul for nothing,

To accept it under the locks of demons, for a position or for a bonus,

The finances surpass the divine, Caragiale's world fully vest,

Eminescu struggling under the deprivation of dignity was considered the madman of a parasitic society,

Which came to stab each other today, freedom kept in prison.


Go into the woods, into wild scrub, where you will not see a human foot,

Feel how the pulse of the earth tells you, with God's plate to arm yourself,

Walk on the ocean shore, feel the wind breeze mixed with salt,

Millions of aerosols get into your brain, the lobotomy made of society's chair,

It will dissipate like a smoke, which is lost far away,

The clear judgment you cannot have under lock and key,

Look at the one next to you, indulgently, do not put him to be what is not written in his destiny,

Follow your star, even if you will be burned at the feet walking on a hot desert,

Where on the left and right, you will see a lot of injustice and manipulation, all kinds of abominations.


God did not leave the man alone on earth, he renounced at all that is holy,

The purity of the stole put on the heads of angels at the baptism of infants,

It was perforated with decay, the standards of Renaissance society were pushed to rubble,

The digital age, chimera promotes, by false ideals the internet is full,

Just a hermit on a forgotten by the world small village, he sharpens his scythe, he has a lot of hay to mow,

At him, the cosmopolitan did not arrive, he enjoys the evening when the Bible reads, at a gas lamp,

Not even luxury, neither pride would tempt him, from the top of the mountain he would not go,

There, he became acquainted with God, he became consciousness from His consciousness,

Heaven with his hand was allowed to touch him, even to caress the night the moon,

The goodness of God touched his heart in such a way,

Exhausted after a day's work, he sits and listens to the crickets hidden in the velvet grass,

Lying on his back, he looks at the stars that caress his face, he becomes one and the same with the Universe.


Loneliness comes naturally when man connects deeply with nature,

Here technical progress could not break what is ancestral,

Nor to cover the eternal plenary that ennobled the being,

God speaks to the hermit through nature's tongue,

Through the grass, through stones, through the forest garment,

The agricultural tool put his body at hardship, left wounds into his palms,

But they also worked his soul, the sap of the earth entered into him imperceptibly,

Through sweat and blood, he became part of the turmoil of the earth,

He loves so much the living ones that he threw, his own pride, into the oceans,

He let the fallen humanity that in the face of the devils is humble

To skin and deforest him, to poison him, to throw away his fruits,

To defile him, in despair and alcohol to drown him,

His kinetic moment changed a little more.


The hermit put on the plateau of God,

The starry sky began to communicate to him,

The plan to save all mankind,

A silver thread that descends from the moon,

Descends to him, turns into a thin brush,

He wrote automatically, on one of his palms:

"The Savior did not betray God, be like Him!"

By Lora Levitchi, May 28th, 2021


Romanian translation:


?n ?mp?r??ia lui Dumnezeu nu sunt z?voare,

Oamenii ajung la El doar dac? ?ntrec a lumii valtoare,

Paradisul sufletelor, filigranat cu arginturi, poart? str?mo?ii nostrii ca ?ngeri,

Circul? far? interdic?ii, adev?rul, Acolo, are un nume,

Justi?ia divin? dizolv? netreptatea omeneasc?,

?nnebunirea lumii cu pic?tura chinezeasc?, devine un ras pasager,

Codat? spre ?ndoctrinare, gloata global nu simte Lumea de Sus,

Lupta pentru supravie?uire la unii, la al?ii pentru mai mult? acumulare,

?nfinge pumnal ?n pantecul Paradisului, prin sp?rtur?, multe suflete, ?n Iad au ajuns,

Sunt cei care au falsat, au c?lcat ?n picioare prin faptele lor

pe cei ce la picioare de bun? voie li s-au a?ezat,

?n ceruri, legea o face numai Dumnezeu,

Omul- n?parc?, mic Dumnezeu pe p?mant s-a dat.

Gloriile, ambi?iile, fala, cardurile ?i seifurile,

Unii le gardeaz? cu mii de electronici caini,

Cibernetica-avanseaz? s? p?zeasc? pe ai lumii st?pani,

Mult poporul l?crimeaz? c? la- nal?ii stalpi politici,

Toat? floarea- ?ncorporeaz? diavoli din fii apolitici,

Cand politica valseaz? drept cu stramb ?i-l face ciunt,

Nici o lege nu conteaz?, cinstea-i pus? pe chituci,

Legea junglei e ce troneaz?, la romani ?i la str?ini,

Cand guvernele-ncaseaz? pre?ul vie?ilor aruncate-n crematorii,

Supravietuim sub oprobiul inmultirii, ?ntristand Heruvimi ?i Serafimi.

Oamenii privesc t?cu?i cum tr?datorii se rotesc,

De pe-un post b?nos pe altul, nu- ndr?znesc,

ca s? opreasc?, tupeist dan?at grotesc,

N-au putere ori nu gandesc, frica din san ii paralizeaz?,

Asiatic communism, lumea-n pari o va priponi,

Turn?torii n-au murit, fruntea nu ni se va odihni,

Mici ai nostrii, mari ai lor, pun biciurile pe tot ce-i popor,

Unde lumea ingenunchiaz?, doar la frica de omor

Hienele, jubileaz?, drept ?n gura lor fl?mand?, cad, ignoran?ii de sub z?vor.

Cei care se-ncumet?, u?i blindate a str?bate,

De societate devin, marginaliza?i, lini?ti?i prin decizii eronate,

Ce e bun, nu se d? gratis, ce e drept, de prosti ascuns,

Barometrul lumii dezinnobilate, fost-a reglat, la frecventa cu mintal redus,

Nu mai ajung ?nz?ua?ii s? aspire la divinul cel de Sus.

Z?mislit, din suferinti ?i sudoare, autenticul,

Nu te-mbie cu dulce?uri ori cu iahturi pe exotice oceane,

Nici cu aurite z?c?minte, ori conturi ?n b?nci de renume,

Autenticul se simte doar ?n inim? cand cazi adanc in rug?ciune,

?l ?ntrebi pe Dumnezeu, unde via?a s? ?i-o duci,

Valul de pe chipul t?u, s?-l ridice ca s? vezi,

Cine minte, cin te fur?, cine te-nseal? ori se gudur?,

Cine profit? , cine te sap?, cine te- a trimis la groap?,

Cel ce pare, nu este a fi, d? crezare inimii,

Conectate cu divinul, taie pofta dr?c?rimii de pierire,

Tr?gandute- in p?mant, inghitindu-?i armonii,

Lumea demonilor a dat, pa?aport la slabe suflete.

Cel ce moartea a v?zut ?i din moarte a sc?pat,

Are mintea deslu?it? spre-a-ntelege: ce e bun, ce e p?tat,

Tot ceea ce pe om il face, suferin?a s-o ?ntreac?,

Aduce soli de dreptate numai la de-Apoi Judecat?,

Judecata pe p?mant este pulbere ?n vant,

Avocatii nu cracnesc la al coruptilor cuvant,

Judeca?i vom fi cu to?ii pentru a noastr? micime,

devenind din insfintiti, decazuti, in social gunoi scrumand

Ancestralul drum de plebe, mul?i descul?i l-am tot b?tut,

Ochii omului arat?, cat de gol or cat de smult,

?i interiorul care, pe divin a acoperit.

Sminteala vine ?n fel ?i chip, societatea i?i cere s?-?i vinzi sufletul pe nimic,

S? ?l accep?i sub al demonilor z?vor, pentru o functie ori pentru un spor,

Financiarul ?ntrece divinul, lumea lui Caragiale ??i intr? pe deplin ?n drepturi,

Eminescu se zbate sub privarea de demnitate, a fost considerat nebunul unei societ??i parazitare,

Care ajuns-a s? se-njunghie unul pe altul ast?zi, libertatea tinuta la r?coare.

Mergi ?n p?dure, ?n s?lbatice h??i?uri, unde picior de om n-ai s? vezi,

Simte cum pulsul p?mantului i?i spune, cu plato?a lui Dumnezeu s? te inarmezi,

Mergi pe mal de ocean, simte briza vantului amestecat? cu sare,

Milioane de aerosoli ?n creier i?i ajung, lobotomia f?cut? din al societ??ii scaun,

Se va disipa ca un fum, ce se va pierde ?n zare,

Judecata limpede nu po?i s? ai sub z?vor,

Prive?te-l pe cel de lang? tine, cu ?ng?duin??, nu-l pune s? fie ce nu-i scris ?n destin,

Urmeaz?-?i steaua, chit c? vei fi ars la talpi mergand pe un desert fierbinte,

Unde ?n stanga ?i dreapta, mult? nedreptate ?i manipulare ai s? vezi, tot felul de uraciuni.

Dumnezeu n-a l?sat omul singur pe p?mant, s-a lep?dat singur de tot ce este sfant,

Puritatea patrafirului pus pe cap de ?ngeri la al pruncilor botez,

A fost cu putreziciune perforat, standardele societ??ii renascentiste au fost ?mpinse ?n moloz,

Epoca digital? himere asmute, de false idealuri internetul e plin,

Doar un sihastrul pe-un c?tun uitat de lume, ??i bate coasa, are de cosit mult fan,

La el, cosmopolitul nu a ajuns, se bucura seara cand Biblia cite?te, la o lamp? cu gaz,

Nici luxul, nici mandria, nici fala nu l-ar tenta, de pe varf se munte nu ar pleca

Acolo, a f?cut cuno?tin?? cu Dumnezeu, a devenit con?tiin?? din con?tiin?a Sa,

Cerul cu mana i s-a dat voie s? ?l ating?, chiar s? mangaie noaptea luna,

Bun?tatea lui Dumnezeu i-a atins ?ntr-a?a fel inima,

Istovit dup? o zi de munc?, sta ?i asculta greierii ascun?i ?n iarba catifea,

?ntins pe spate, prive?te stelele ce-i mangaie chipul, il face cu Universul totuna.

Insingurarea vine natural cand omul se conecteaz? profund cu natura,

Aici progresul tehnic nu a putut s? rup? ce e ancestral,

Nici s? acopere eternul plenar ce a ?nnobilat fiin?a,

Dumnezeu vorbe?te sihastrului prin a naturii limb?,

Prin iarb?, prin pietre, prin al p?durii vesmant,

Uneltele agricole i-au pus la cazn? trupul, i-au b?t?torit mainile,

?ns? i-au lucrat ?i sufletul, seva p?mantului a intrat pe nesim?ite ?n el,

Prin sudoare ?i sange, a devenit, parte din zbuciumul p?mantului,

Isi iube?te atat de mult vietuitoarele ?ncat, propria mandrie, ?n oceane ?i-a aruncat,

A l?sat omenirea dec?zut? ce ?n fata dracilor se auto-umile?te,

S? ?l jupoaie ?i defri?eze, s? ?l otr?veasc?, roadele s? i le arunce,

S? ?l spurce, ?n dezm?? ?i alcool s? ?l innece,

Momentul lui cinetic se mai schimba un pic.

Sihastrul a imbr?cat platosa lui Dumnezeu,

Cerul instelat a inceput s? ii comunice,

Planul de salvare a intregii omeniri,

Un fir argintat ce coboar? din lun?,

Coboar? pan? la el, se transform? in penel,

Scris-a in automatism, pe-o palm? de la man?:

“Mantuitorul pe Dumnezeu nu a tr?dat, fiti ca si El!”

De Lora Levitchi, 28 Mai, 2021




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