

Once again we are delighted to see the flags fluttering and car stickers proclaiming the arrival of #ArmedForcesDay . We do a great many things very well in this country, no sooner have we celebrated the platinum Jubilee of a woman who, herself a Veteran, dedicated her life to our nation and our commonwealth when our patriotic zeal is given another airing.??

Now, for the avoidance of doubt, I never met a soldier, sailor or airman, are they still called airmen or has the name been changed? Aviator? Starship Trooper? Whatever, I never met anyone in uniform who actually enjoyed marching up and down the square but like it or not we do it very well. If like me you took great pains to avoid the RSM’s drill parades and never really ‘got’ the attraction of pace stick competition you will no doubt be moving heaven and earth to avoid involvement in marching past some dignitary this #ArmedForcesDay .??Or will you?

I thoroughly enjoyed my Army career, I made life-long friends (and enemies) and did my bit for the afore mentioned Queen and Country ( it was a very small bit but I did it).

Since leaving to chase a civilian career I am always amused when I meet former comrades in arms who had similar views of the Drill Square??and now can’t wait to polish up the medals, squeeze the old beret onto their heads and strut their stuff through town centres to the manner born.??Long may it continue.

That said, there is more to a soldier than the muscle memory instilled by an angry drill sergeant with a sash and a stick.??Our mission, for mission it is, is to convince both service men and women and prospective employers of that fact.??Here at #PimentoConnection we take great pride in placing talented people into great jobs and particularly when the candidates are former service personnel.??

The skills learned in uniform are readily transferred to civilian life.??OK maybe being number 2 on the GPMG may not easily be converted to life in a civvy suit though there will be times I am sure when you wish it were. But the attitude the, will to win and the reliability that marked your route to being number 1 on the GPMG will be.?

At #PimentoConnection we have placed a range of candidates from Generals to Troopers into second careers as diverse as Directors to Truck Drivers.??

We can help.??So, if you are about to leave, or left some years ago and are looking for a new route, if you are an employer looking for loyal and talented team members or even if the closest you ever got to being in the military was Call of Duty game playing, give us a call

Now, will I be the only one this Armed Forces Day that finds myself inadvertently adjusting my ace to match the beat of the drum?

Cliff Allum, MBE

#SaluteOurForces #hellopimento



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