Is Armageddon True and Godly, as Told By the Ethiopian Monk??????
Dr. Arega Nigussie (Walden Alumni Ambassador Network)
Educational Consultant | Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
There many stories, even modern films produced by humankind, about how life on Earth gradually disappears, hint humans, perception is limited to the stories told in reputation. The Bible, Koran, Thora, and other religions have their share of creativity in how God will appear on the Earth and do his divine work. According to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, Armageddon (/?ɑ?rm??ɡ?d?n/, from Ancient Greek: ?ρμαγεδ?ν Harmagedōn, Late Latin: Armagedōn, from Hebrew: ??? ????????? Har M?gīddō) is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or a symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario. The Armageddon is also mentioned in Hadith as the Greatest Armageddon or Al-Malhama Al-Kubra (the great battle) in Islamic theology. However, in my last scribble of the Monk's confession, none of the above will happen. As the center of our planetary system, the Sun will swallow all the planets, and the next cycle of God's creation will continue. If you recall, the Earth went through the Ice age period to cool down, and by coming closer to the Sun, and the Ice melted down, the Arctic and Antarctica are the vestiges of the melting process. Human science vastly discussed the man-made factors for the melting of the snow on the cupping of the pole. However, the Ethiopian Monk shared with me these secrets. As designed by God, the cosmic factor plays a more significant role in the warming of our Earth. Human does not possess that kind authority. The Earth drifts towards the Sun, and all its planets abide by the law of God's creation no matter the human activity on Earth. Human activity on Earth is insignificant compared to the law of creation in the cycle. Does that make sense? Humans cannot change or influence the course.
About Armageddon, the Monk emphasized, God has designed His creation in a specific law, the" law recyclability," and minor human activity can change that course. However, humans have created their own Armageddon and are ready to trigger it at any time. However, no matter how much humans accumulated nuclear and other powerful means to destroy life on Earth, God's creation will continue to exist until his master plan function as designed. The Monk stated that what man does on Earth so primitive and minor compared to the law of nature God placed for us. The human-made Megiddo history is just the human mind to master his surroundings. Megiddo is mentioned twelve times in the Old Testament, ten times about the ancient city of Megiddo, and twice concerning "the plain of Megiddo," most probably simply meaning "the plain next to the city" None of these Old Testament passages describes the city of Megiddo as being associated with any particular prophetic beliefs. The one New Testament reference to the city of Armageddon found in Revelation 16:16 also makes no specific mention of any armies being predicted to one day gather in this city, but instead seems to predict only that "they (will gather) the kings together to... Armageddon". Human science and God's design have something in typical "logical arrangement." However, human science is primitive compared to the logical arrangement of God. One example our science does not include cosmic interactions when calculating the environmental change on Earth. God's design affects all activities known and unknown to the human mind. The Monk started the Ancient Nile Civilization were more advanced to the aspect. They listened and observed nature very carefully, and the revelation comes from God. They lived in cohesion with nature, the very law that God uses to operate the many universes.