Arm Strengthening & Abs
Andreas Kanias
Chief Instructor Kansei Karate School, Karate Instructor, Kata Competitor, Nutrition Coach & Writer
Arm Strengthening & Abs
Warm Up - Approximate Time 5 Minutes
Jog 10 Minutes - Outdoors or Treadmill OR
- On The Spot Jogging x 10 Seconds
- Moving Side-To-Side x 10 Seconds
- Heel Touches x 10 Seconds
- Knees High x 10 Seconds
- Star Jumps x 10 Seconds
- Standing Mountain Climbers x 10 Seconds
Repeat Above Warm Up 5 Times
Basic Stretches - Approximate Time 5 Minutes
- Circle Arms Forward & Backward (big range of movement)
- Sumo Stance Stretch
- Side Squat Stretch Both Sides
- Hip Flexor Stretch Both Sides
- Upward Facing Dog Stretch
- Extended Puppy Pose Stretch (sit back as far as possible)
- Downward Facing Dog Stretch
- Standing Forward Bend Stretch (hamstrings stretch)
- Scapular Range of Motion
- Tricep Stretch Arm Across Body & Behind Head Versions
- Neck Stretches - Side-to-Side, Left-and-Right, Up-and-Down
Arm Strengthening
- Press Ups x 10
- V Press Ups x 10
- Fast Press Up (push up as fast as you can) x 10
- Push-Off-The-Floor Press Ups x 10
- Press Ups with a Clap x 10
- Press Ups on the Knuckles x 10
Depending on fitness level, REPEAT the Arm Strengthening exercises once more for 2 Reps.
Kata - Approximate Time 10-15 Minutes
- Choose a Kata to do once all the way through.
- Choose a Kata and practice sequences of 5 to 10 techniques from it, 3 to 5 times. Gradually, increase the speed and power. This should take around 10-15 Minutes.
Abs Exercises
- Knees To Elbows Sit Ups x 20
- Heel Taps Sit Ups x 20
- Bicycle Crunch x 20
- Reverse Sit Up x 20
- Alternating Leg Raises x 20
Depending on fitness level, REPEAT the Abs Exercises once more for 2 Reps.
Warm Down with Stretches - Approximate Time 10 Minutes
- Tree Pose - Left & Right for 20 Seconds Each
- Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose - Left & Right for 20 Seconds Each
- Wide Angle Seated Bend - Front, Left & Right
- Wide Angle Seated Revolved Head-To-Knee - Left & Right
- Seated Forward Bend
- Bound Angle Pose
- Half Lord of the Fishes Stretch - Left & Right
- Low Lunge Pose - Left & Right
- Upward Facing Dog Stretch
- Extended Puppy Pose Stretch (sit back as far as possible)
- Reclining Hero Pose
- Reclining Spinal Twist - Left & Right
- Cow Face Pose - Left & Right
- Supported Shoulder Stand
- Plow Pose
- Garland Pose
- Crane Pose
- Cow Pose
- Cat Pose
- Downward Facing Dog Pose
- Standing Forward Bend Stretch (hamstrings stretch)
- Scapular Range of Motion
- Tricep Stretch Arm Across Body & Behind Head Versions
- Neck Stretches - Side-to-Side, Left-and-Right, Up-and-Down
Additional & Recommended Steps for Improved Performance, Immune & Wellness
Massage Roller
I recommend using a massage roller daily, even if it’s for only 30 seconds. This helps further reduce the likelihood of injuries and back pain. Look out for more information on this soon.
If you’re a serious competitor/karate-ka, I would urge you to use nutrition recovery and muscle repair products around your training for better performance and improved health. I choose to use a good quality product that has been approved by Informed Sport. If you want to know what I use, just ask. The sports range I use also allow me to get 25-50% off as an ambassador. If you’d like to know how to become an ambassador, drop me a message.
If you’re not sure of any exercises, just drop me a message. Most of the exercises can be found if you google them.
If you cannot do some of the stretches, try to do an easier version. If you need help with this, just drop me a message.
Message me for a FREE PDF of the workout routine.
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