Arkansas Town Battles Hate Legacy of Southern Poverty (SPLC) Law Center

Arkansas Town Battles Hate Legacy of Southern Poverty (SPLC) Law Center

Followup communication with SPLC General Counsel (GC), Jim Knoepp, and a brief Linkedin connection with SPLC former Senior Fellow, Mark Potok who has been described as a Harrison hater. Check out his accusatory and short fuse style responses in an attempt to avoid answering simple questions!

Our discussions focused on how SPLC selects their hate groups and how the choices from 2012-2015 caused Harrison Arkansas to be named the"most racists city in America". First by a tabloid then social and mainstream media picked up on it. See several examples later on in this article.

SPLC is using a scorched earth strategy, attempting to burn down a city to smoke out a few rats. Rats always love attention. Time for SPLC to to drill down on actual history and happenings in Harrison, and develop a strategy with community leaders. SPLC and others might be very surprised with facts over media driven perceptions! Give truth a chance!

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Coincidentally at the weekly meeting March 2,2020 Kiwanis Club we had a local rising Harrison Arkansas star who has received national attention for her cause to provide joy to nursing home residents across America by granting them small wishes. Did I say she is just 12 years old? (picture Ruby Kate is at the podium and her mother, Amanda is on the right during Q&A) Did I say Harrison Arkansas? Appears CBS prefers northwest Arkansas in their piece. Addendum 7 article has it "nursing facilities throughout Harrison, Arkansas".

Ruby Kate Chitsey is a kid hero who is shining a light on the approximately 845,000 nursing home patients living at or below the poverty level in American nursing homes. She discovered all nursing home patients in this income category receive just $40 cash a month for their personal expenses. Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents is a 501c3, 102 W Stephenson Ave, Harrison, AR 72601, nonprofit founded in 2019 by an 11-year-old girl named Ruby Kate Chitsey.

Tale of the tape in the David versus Goliath battle

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  • The Harrison area, and Boone County formed as isolated Anglo-Saxon communities with small farms and small businesses until the 1950's. Residents lived a hardscrabble life. Families and friends depended on each other for a meager existence. Ozark Vernacular mentions "a strong sense of community that still exists in the Ozarks, a trait that has helped people survive in a land of meager resources, but, on the other hand, a trait that can create a sense of exclusion to newcomers."
  • Kevin Cheri, retired superintendent of the Buffalo National River and a member of the North Arkansas College Board of Trustees, was the 2019 recipient of the Arkansas Martin Luther King Commission’s coveted Trailblazer Award. Retired in Harrison featured in the "Welcome Home" video See Addendum 8.
  • A place where a young professional white family adopted black children a few years ago. It would be easy for them with their talent, and no family attachments, to relocate, if they had experienced issues.
  • A place where there was a kidney transplant between a young mother and a carpenter, in his 60's; without a close connection, other than attending the same church.
  • That event caught my family's attention, since we have a special needs' daughter born with oral-facial-digital syndrome, she has had both knees replaced and a kidney transplant. Rare to find a community, such as Harrison, where there is as much mutual unconditional love. My daughter's favorite expression is God is good, and life is good. She has pleasant memories of working in childcare, until her health failed. Time for the Harrison haters to "chill out".
  • Sam Walton and some analysts "believe that without the success of the Harrison Walmart store#2, there would not be a Walmart company today". See Sam Walton in for details.
  • Harrison today is a community of 13,000, located in North Arkansas, nearest large city is Springfield, Missouri approximately 85 miles away. 140 miles to Little Rock, state capitol.
  • SPLC is located in Montgomery AL with 227,000 population. State Capitol. Easily accessible by Alabama residents via Interstate. As close to Atlanta as Harrison is to Little Rock.
  • City of Harrison has an annual budget slightly under $20,000,000 and SPLC's Revenue was over $117,000,000 in 2018 based on IRS Tax form 990. See Addendum 5.
  • SLPC paid their top 10 employees $2,123,111 or average of $212,311. Total salaries are nearly $35 Million. 441 paid employees for an average of $80,000. SPLC has 446 volunteers.The unemployment rate in Montgomery is 5%, which is 15% higher than than the national average. Something SPLC research might have to weigh when doing research on communities.
  • Harrison is small enough that everybody minds their own business, but still knows everyone else's too. Harrison's median income is $37,000 with 22% poverty rate. Harrison has an unemployment rate of 3.6%. The US average is 3.9%. Lot of time is spent with families, and working extra jobs. Low unemployment means the locals' time is committed. Not any free time and reason to consider hate group activities.
  • If there is an activity happening good or bad in the Harrison area, it's discussed at the dinner table, on social media, and at the morning coffee clubs.

I stand by my assessment that Mark Potok offered no defense of SPLC's 2015 Harrison Area hate group selections. His explanation made zero sense to a small community. There must be a paper trail of the 2012-2015 hate group selections? One glaring oversight was Robb's son, Jason and his Law Firm not mentioned as a hate group,

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He has a billboard without Klan being mentioned, promoting his services. Not listed as a hate group? Why? He legally represents several hate groups! See Addendum 6. for Application form legal work. Jason is the registration agent for Knights Party Committee per SOS. Might note Heritage Connection formed by Robb's daughter and Ozark Craft owned by Robb's son-in-law were listed. The obvious observation, which is well understood by Tom Robb, is those two hate groups could capitalize from publicity, while it would be very detrimental to son's law firm to be listed? Based on criteria used by SPLC it would appear Jason Robb should be outed as a hate group and attorney (there's no worse combination); so that the innocent public aren't mislead by a billboard and website. Check out website listed on billboard, no mention of Klan

"Low cost" intelligence suggestions for SPLC from Harrison residents using high touch and high tech when needed

  1. There are analytics On YouTube videos - For example many of the Christian Revival videos of sermons and lessons have only 10-50 views each. That's abysmal any way you measure it. See Adendum 3 for titles, sermon lengths, and views. You can easily deduce there is no interests in the subjects - any inclusion on hate lists only serves to generate interest when there is none.
  2. Heritage Connections Hate Group includes Robb's daughter and granddaughters. Their last names are Pendergrafts, and they perform at the Christian Revival Services - should know that with minimal search research, or from the Knights Party Committee state filing - they are officers. They sell CD's, autographed pictures, and T-Shirts. Sales tax? IRS? Same goes for revoked status hate group Ozark Craft run by Robb's son-in-law. What has he sold in the past? State sales tax? IRS? Are they included in Knights Party filings?
  3. When 1 (870)-427-3414 is the main number for 11 hate groups, and P.O. Box 2222 Harrison, Arkansas 72601 is the main P.O. Box SPLC; has been duped. Ya burnt!
  4. When SPLC creates 11 phantom hate groups with unknown members, other than Robb contact number and address, they've been duped. Ya burnt! If you look at all the Robb nonprofit filings, he does not form groups with any officers other than his family. Check it out and you'll eliminate all the bogus Harrison area hate groups.
  5. If SPLC removes KKK headquarters reference (local low cost intelligence suggestion) , and only refers to Robb's hate groups as their official name Knights Party Committee, they would quickly disappear. ADL (Anti-Defamation League) did it, and Robb and Harrison are no longer mentioned in their references. ADL doesn't even list the Zinc Robb family in their KKK list. Headquarters of what?Lost a sales and marketing channel.

Click on start below for SPLC (Mark Potok is called out for his methods "the SPLC’s chief hate-sniffer, Mark Potok, repeatedly acknowledging that the point of the “hate group” designation “is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them", unfortunately he gave no consideration to unfair serious collateral damage done to communities")

Following is an e-mail that I received from SPLC General Counsel, responding to my communications with former SPLC Senior Fellow, Mark Potok. See unedited Addendum 4.

SPLC General Counsel

Jim Knoepp Thu, Feb 27, 9:01 AM sent to me and copied to Board Chairman

to me, [email protected]

Mr. Lair—

I don’t think that is an accurate statement with respect to your exchange below with Mr. Potok (that he had “no defense of the 2015 hate groups”). (HL added this note-- See Addendum 4. for complete Linkedin transcript of my exchange with Potok).You seem to take the position that an organization can’t be listed as a hate group unless it has filed for incorporation with the state, or sought non-profit tax status with the IRS. As Mr. Potok noted, they are many organizations (hate groups or otherwise) that exist without some formal incorporation or tax status. That is not a determinative factor with respect to whether a group exists or not. 

( Herb Lair: As you will find in my response to the GC, one family, small groups of 3 or 4 friends,one person or lone wolf can set up multiple hate groups with minimum effort. In the 11 in the Harrison area, most used same P.O. Box, and same phone number, and location. State filings list primary officers. Each hate group has memberships, and methods to raise money to put up billboards, run or put ads on their Internet radio station, publish books and materials, distribute KKK or Confederate books and memorabilia. Arkansas State Revenue, IRS, and law enforcement are always on the lookout for violators. In a small town, any attempts to function outside the norm would be quickly identified, and penalties assessed.)

Jim Knoepp (GC) remainder of email

 Your reference to “time stamps” and when things were written is also off base. Mr. Potok pointed you to a 2014 article on the SPLC website about racist billboards in Harrison, Arkansas and an already existing controversy in Harrison. That article included quotes from the mayor about his already existing (prior to the release of our 2015 Hate Map) concerns regarding Harrison’s reputation and Internet presence. That article also linked to a 2012 article discussing the already existing problems in Harrison ( In fact, it appears the town even set up a task force to address these issues (perhaps as early as 2004). So, the idea that our 2015 hate group listing somehow created this problem is just not supported by the facts, nor is your argument that SPLC is the “single source” of this controversy supported by the facts.

(Herb Lair: If you look at the hate maps covering several years there were multiple years with high numbers from 2012-2015. See Addendum 2. The task force has worked at least 17 years attempting to correct errors on Wikipedia traceable to their source -- SPLC. The issue of "most racist city" is traceable directly to SPLC, based on the number of hate groups 8 to 9 to 11 more than other towns and even large cities --- A billboard erected in October 2013 read “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white," although no one stepped forward to claim ownership of the sign. Inside the most racist town in America where "diversity is a code word for white genocide"The Daily Mirror's (tabloid) Christopher Bucktin visited the Ku Klux Klan stronghold, Harrison, Arkansas, where white supremacy has long been a way of life.) The genesis and modus operandi are easily traceable to Tom Robb. ADL treated the billboards differently, reported in an earlier article- more informational, and not accusatory to local residents.

 Herb Lair e-mail response to SPLC General Counsel

I appreciate your response, unlike Mayor Crockett and task force, my family has roots back till mid 1800's in Boone County. My family operated a gas station outside of Harrison, where everyone was treated equal and given full service including those of color - I worked there daily in the 40's - 50's -60's. I never saw any sundown signs in Harrison, and never even a picture of a sign - apparently in Rogers, AR there were signs, and are pictures! (See Addendum 1. As you will see the research on cities with Sundown signs indicates -- Yes, Strong Oral Tradition on Rogers and Springdale checking off those boxes and a Don't Know on Harrison. Also if you spend any time on the race riots of 1905-09 you will find there is much more to it than the information SPLC has accepted. Check encyclopedias and reference books in addition to conflicting newspaper clippings with minimum research.

I didn't experience hate crimes until graduating from U of A in Fayetteville, AR and beginning my professional career in DC - 1968 race riots in DC (several black neighborhoods in DC where riots occurred were relocated or just removed, replaced by convention center with 5 star hotels, restaurants, and residences). Baltimore and many Northern cities far exceeded anything that happened in Harrison in 1905-09 period - check those cities' profiles, and you'll not see anything on Wikipedia (different from Harrison) and in Harrison where railroad went bankrupt affecting blacks who had been brought in to help (black slaves had been trained as much in railroads as plantations), then, lost jobs - if it been racial, then more than 1 person would have been killed, it was about jobs. As I wrote earlier the people in the area lived a meager existence with no disposable income to buy products and services.Even white families connected to railroad jobs left town and moved to Missouri. Check out Tulsa, and East St Louis where it was more racial than financial. Black percentage in Harrison today is small, but comparable to towns in North Arkansas and Southern Missouri circa 2019. Latino's have grown significantly in area with residential and business owners. How is that happening with all the white supremacists issues with immigrants?

2019 Black percentage small in all the North Arkansas cities

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No one cared about SPLC list until issues with Wikipedia and Harrison profile and Wiki's admittance their information was based on SPLC research. AP (using SPLC as a non verified, single source) did a hatchet job on Harrison with reference to SPLC last August 2019 , including comments Beirich on white supremacists "growth" in Harrison area.Incorrect! Not happening! Six months ago I knew very little about SPLC. I started with original documents not what people thought they knew.

Check 2015 list , and explain how SPLC chose the 11 hate groups. Also as far as a timeline you could see it building in prior years.

SPLC specification for hate groups is so abstract that any church in the Bible belt could be included.

If as you suggest there is no official organization required for hate groups, it's time for the government to step in and provide strong penalties for those chosen at SPLC's discretion, and are proven to be in error, and costly.

It's obvious that SPLC didn't do any homework, since hate group use Internet (website) and P.O. Box. If they are using a local P.O. Box the "group" is raising money from book sales, KKK trinkets, memberships, contributions. Arkansas revenue and sales tax , IRS, FBI are always looking for revenue opportunities from companies not reporting. Unlike SPLC, local law enforcement are proactive on hate group research.

There were other lists starting in 2012 with 8 and 2013-2014 with 9, so I wasn't using the 2015 as the only one or even the main timeline, it's inclusive. Check Addendum 2.


1.     CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CENTER -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – HARRISON -- Church -- Robb is pastor of the Christian Revival Center in Bergman, Arkansas, a Christian Identity center. Church has organization to report contributions and expenses - should be reported. If they are doing hate videos to increase membership, generate sponsorships, and sell material there are laws to be observed. shut them down. Note: if you check YouTube viewings they are minimal and abysmal - ranging from 12 to 40 views - they are on SPLC life support. Time for SPLC to stop creating self fulfilling prophecies! See Addendum 3 or click on link above. Not a different hate group when same person is the registration agent, and officers are the same on Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).

 2.     HERITAGE CONNECTION -- HATE MUSIC – HARRISON – In 2009, Robb's daughter Rachel Pendergraft and his granddaughters, Charity (born 1985) and Shelby (born 1987) Pendergraft, formed a "white nationalist" band called Heritage Connection -- Heritage Connection at Sunday services. at Christian Revival Center. If you check they are selling CD's, autographed pictures, T-Shirts - They're in Robb's organization - how's it reported? Are they paying sales tax? How about state income and IRS? How is it separate from Robb's nonprofits? Might note Rachel Pendegraft and Shelby (Pendergraft)Wickey are officers on Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).

 3.     INTERNATIONAL KEYSTONE KNIGHTS OF THE KKK --2 chapters -KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON CNN comedian met Imperial Wizard of the International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan dressed in full KKK regalia - around Zinc Wizard had disguised voice - Tom Robb associate? - all I can find is Vanndale Arkansas near Wynne not close to Harrison? The CNN publicity was an infomercial - sales and marketing. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group in Harrison with no reports on memberships and revenues? Places it under Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Harrison, Arkansas) Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).

 4.     KKKRADIO --KU KLUX KLAN – web-based “” by the Knights Party of Zinc, formerly the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and comes just a year after another billboard carrying a racist message was taken down....HARRISON Again Tom Robb - Internet radio - something anyone can have ? Not a new hate group - supported by Robb - separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. Selling ads and paying for content. Keeping logs. Not having content licensing approval for music can be very expensive. Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).

  5.     KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON not current Knights Group current Tom Robb (See 2019 for update) Local tax and investment company - Check with Stone investments since they are nonprofit. All but this are duplicates Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove reference to KKK).  I Check Addendum 6. for membership costs and application legal disclaimer verbiage "understand that The Knights Party is legal and law abiding and that I will never be asked to commit an unlawful act." "I understand I will be expected to be honest, ethical, sacrificing, dedicated, disciplined, and loyal. I understand I can resign at any time." Remaining issue - Addendum 6. Knights Party Application states checks are to be made payable to American Heritage Committee? So important to track how deposits are reported. What bank account? How funds are used?

 6.     KNIGHTS PARTY VETERANS LEAGUE -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON no filing (should be a Knights only no KKK). Contact National Headquarters for more information on the Knights Party Veterans League and to submit articles of interest, or personal accounts from your military service that would be of interest to us and other white Christian veterans. Knights Party Veterans League PO Box 2222 Harrison, Arkansas 72601 1 (870)-427-3414

The National Office: E-mail us at: [email protected] Phone us: 870-427-3414 Write us at: The Knights PO Box 2222 Harrison, Arkansas 72601 Again if you do a reverse phone number - Knights of The Ku Klux Klan -6400 Leadhill Rd -Harrison, AR 72602 - Contact: Thomas Robb Title: Director Phone:(870) 427-3414 At Robb location - separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. If SPLC has information on a group not registered time to report to law enforcement. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group, with no state filing, to not report membership entities. Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).

7.     LEAGUE OF THE SOUTH -- (see 2019 for update, appears Robb generated) NEO-CONFEDERATE – HARRISON Need record of revenue, expenses, memberships, for state sales tax, IRS, and FBI. Show proof it's different than Knights. Current state leader is located in Lead Hill(near Robb) and Camden. Circa 2016 The modern day white Southern secessionist movement in Arkansas had annual meeting at the Conway Public Library. No similar event held in Harrison. It wasn't just the thousands of publicly supported books and assorted educational materials that drew in the Southern nationalists, it was the first state conference of the Arkansas League of the South. accusing group of setting up a group, with no state filing, to not report membership entities.  Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove). No activity in Harrison

8.     OZARK CRAFT LC --- GENERAL HATE – Revoked - Robb son-in-law on state filing HARRISON revoked (See 2019 for update) separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses. Reason it was revoked? Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove). No activity in Harrison

9.     SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS TRAINING INSTITUTE --- KU KLUX KLAN – HARRISON For More Information CALL 870-427-3414 PO Box 602 / Harrison / Arkansas / 72601 Reverse phone number you get Tom Robb number again separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses.  If SPLC has information on a group not registered, it's time to report to law enforcement. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group to avoid reporting membership entities and revenues from training.  Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).

 10.  THOMAS ROBB MINISTRIES -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – BERGMAN Robb's "Thomas Robb Ministries" website declares that "the Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people are THE people of the Bible."[2] separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses.  If SPLC has information on a group not registered time to report to law enforcement. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group to not report membership entities or revenues from training.  Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).

 11.  WHITE PRIDE HOME SCHOOL RESOURCE CENTER -- GENERAL HATE - BERGMAN this website is a joint effort of the Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party. separate record keeping for membership, revenue, and expenses.  If SPLC has information on a group not registered time to report to law enforcement. SPLC accusing group of setting up a group to not report membership entities or revenues from training.  Knights Party Committee (duplicate remove).

This was the single source to "worst racists city"

All from SPLC --

HATE GROUPS – 2015 --- 11 Harrison Area hate groups - in less than an hour I determined they are all false, or point to one person, Tom Robb - SPLC damages are immense. SPLC defamation of Harrison has been repeated in newspapers, magazines, and social media. Robb (represents family and a handful of people) were jamming the ballot box, with no independent research from SPLC just acceptance - costing millions to Harrison area. Based on Robb's modus operandi had the tabloids on speed dial. Worth 10's of $thousands to Robb for free publicity.

  • Feb. 20th, 2019 on All Things Considered - NPR "We stand by our hate group listings," said Heidi Beirich said in a press call. "I would suggest that people take a look at our extremist files 
  • Sometimes called the “most racist town in America” because of its high number of white supremacist groups -- Currently found in SPLC "Meet the League" written by SPLC Hatewatch staff -- 2019
  • The high number of hate groups referenced above and listed below have been included in numerous news reports and on social media.
  • Contributing Writer, Richard Lapchick Jan 3, 2019 Harrison, Arkansas -- where North Arkansas College is located -- is, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the national headquarters of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and was profiled as the "most racist town in America."
  • YouTube Harrison Arkansas - most racist town in america???? 7,290 views?Jun 6, 2018
  • ‘Most racist town in America’ BY Max Brantley November 25, 2016 Arkansas Times
  • The New Republic "But Robb maintains a post office box in Harrison, vexing everyone in Harrison who would prefer not to be labeled "the most racist f**king community in the country.""
  • Harrison, Arkansas Continues To Be One Of The Most Racist Towns In America DUSTIN ROWLES ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES
  • Heard on NPR All Things Considered"Racial conflict is one thing. But most of those cities don't have the intense concentration of hate groups, operating out of Ozark towns like Harrison." Note use of hate groups
  • AP August 2019 - Groups that promotes racism have made their headquarters in the state.The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, one of several Klan factions, and the white supremacist Kingdom Identity Ministries are based in the Harrison area.  Once they get a toehold people follow them in there,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, referring to the remote, wooded area. The group tracked 14 hate groups in Arkansas last year.
  • Aljazeera America - In March, the Southern Poverty Law Center, a national nonprofit civil rights organization, released its hate map of the bases of 939 hate groups active in the United States last year. With its seven hate groups, ranging from Robb’s KKK to a racist music group (whose members include two of Robb’s granddaughters), Harrison was atop the list for small towns.
  • Slate -- "Though Robb’s compound sits some 15 miles away from Harrison—up a hill from an unincorporated heap of marred trailers, dirt roads, and despair called Zinc, pop. 103—his Harrison address, and its history as a Sundown Town, has given the Boone County seat an unsavory reputation, even within Arkansas. In November, the U.K.’s Daily Mirror dubbed it “the most racist town in America.”"
  • I News UK -- In Harrison, Arkansas, hailed the most racist town in America, she attempts to interview a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Salon - “Beautiful Town, Beautiful People, No Wrong Exits, No Bad Neighborhoods": Welcome to the racist billboard capital of America In Harrison, Ark., the local KKK is lining the city's roads and highways with white nationalism mantras and worse. Note -- This article was originally published by The Southern Poverty Law Center.
  • Swamp -- "He laughed and said, " Buffalo River National Parks, in Harrison, Arkansas!" I said, Okay, not a problem. I hurriedly looked up Harrison, AR on my phone. Wow! I was surprised. "Home of the KKK", "The Most Racist Town in America" streamed past my eyeballs as I try to remain calm and keep my composure."
  • -- "In addition to that: according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, tiny Harrison contains seven organized hate groups, or one for every 1,857 people. (That, in case you were wondering, is a high ratio.)"
  • PHOTO Welcome to Harrison, Arkansas: The most racist town in America
  • Inside the most racist town in America - headline American Nazi Party And A National Socialist Life
  • Colorado Community Media - "So, on Aug. 23 at 10:17 p.m., Stefanksi emailed Adams’ agent with an invitation to perform in Harrison’s Lyric Theater in the historic district of a town that has been called the most racist in America."
  • Your Black World -- The town of Harrison, Arkansas is a quaint and quiet town. It’s also probably the most racist town in America. A haven to white supremacists and neo-Nazis, it breeds mυrderers, like the one who kιlled three people in a Jewish center in Kansas City. (when you get titled most racist, you get blamed for everything)
  • Right Wing Watch confirmed a chimney servicing company registered to Knowles with the Arkansas Secretary of State office. The business license on file is registered to a post office box in Harrison, a northern Arkansas town that hosts an active white supremacist compound. In 2016, a British tabloid dubbed Harrison “America’s most racist town.”
  • Liberal America - Harrison, Arkansas has been dubbed the most hateful town in America. With seven different hate groups calling the small town of 13,000 residents home, the dubious title isn’t necessarily unwarranted. One of those hate groups is the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (now renamed the more innocuous sounding Knights Party of Zinc), which has its headquarters just outside of Harrison.

The anecdotal sampling above leaves no doubt that SPLC was the source. Many times, the number of SPLC hate groups are used to confirm various writer's conclusion on Harrison being most racists city in America.


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1. Possible Sundown Towns in AR

Showing Rogers in AR

  • Sundown Town Status
  • Confirmed Sundown Town? Surely
  • Sign? Yes, Strong Oral Tradition 
  • Still Sundown? Probably Not, Although Still Very Few Blacks
  • In 1962, Fats Domino played in Rogers, prompting the local paper to note, "The city which once had signs posted at the city limits and at the bus and rail terminals boasting 'Nigger, You Better Not Let the Sun Set On You in Rogers,' was hosting its first top name entertainer - a Negro - at night!"

Showing Harrison in AR..

  • Sundown Town Status
  • Confirmed Sundown Town? Surely
  • Sign? Don't Know (Interesting about signs)
  • Still Sundown? We Have Data on How it Changed
  • My family operated a gas station outside of Harrison, where everyone was treated equal and given full service including those of color - I worked there daily in the 40's - 50's -60's. I never saw any sundown signs in Harrison, never seen a picture of them either.

Showing Springdale in AR...

  • Sundown Town Status
  • Confirmed Sundown Town? Surely
  • Sign? Yes, Strong Oral Tradition 
  • Still Sundown? Surely Not 
  • "Springdale used to be 'Sundown Town' as recently as twenty years ago, but now has a large number of Hispanics living there." A 1952 brochure from the Chamber of Commerce touts Springdale as "a city of 7,000 people, all white native born true Americans." "I have a friend... [who] saw it himself. Bill can't for sure say he saw it past the late 50s. A man at the senior center places last seeing it in 'the 60s.' Yet other people around here mention that it was seen as late as 1976. "It was wooden, at the city limits, near a cluster of Kiwanis club and other signs. It faced Fayetteville (south). It read, according to my senior center witness, 'Black man, don't let the sun set on your back' in this town...
  • Message: "I moved to Springdale in 1984 and it was common to hear classmates referring to a sign that posted, "Nigger don't let the sun set on your ass". It was posted at both ends of town, 'north' and 'south'."

2. Harrison Hate Groups 2008-2019

2008 HATE GROUPS - Harrison


2012 HATE GROUPS-- Harrison


 2013 HATE GROUPS -- Harrison










2014 SPLC HATE GROUPS – Harrison



    2015 HATE GROUPS -- Harrison

1.    CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CENTER -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – HARRISON -- Church -- Robb is pastor of the Christian Revival Center in Bergman, Arkansas, a Christian Identity center.

2.    HERITAGE CONNECTION -- HATE MUSIC – HARRISON – In 2009, Robb's daughter Rachel Pendergraft and his granddaughters, Charity (born 1985) and Shelby (born 1987) Pendergraft, formed a "white nationalist" band called Heritage Connection

3.    INTERNATIONAL KEYSTONE KNIGHTS OF THE KKK --2 chapters -KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON CNN comedian met Imperial Wizard of the International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan dressed in full KKK regalia - around Zinc Wizard had disguised voice - Tom Robb associate

4.    KKKRADIO --KU KLUX KLAN – web-based “” by the Knights Party of Zinc, formerly the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and comes just a year after another billboard carrying a racist message was taken down....HARRISON Again Tom Robb

5.    KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON not current Knights Group current Tom Robb (See 2019 for update)

6.    KNIGHTS PARTY VETERANS LEAGUE -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON no filing (should be a Knights only no KKK) Again if you do a reverse phone number - Knights of The Ku Klux Klan -6400 Leadhill Rd -Harrison, AR 72602 - Contact: Thomas Robb Title: Director Phone:(870) 427-3414

7.    LEAGUE OF THE SOUTH -- (see 2019 for update, appears Robb generated) NEO-CONFEDERATE – HARRISON 

8.    OZARK CRAFT LC --- GENERAL HATE – Revoked - Robb son-in-law on state filing HARRISON revoked (See 2019 for update)

9.    SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS TRAINING INSTITUTE --- KU KLUX KLAN – HARRISON For More Information CALL 870-427-3414 PO Box 602 / Harrison / Arkansas / 72601 Reverse phone number you get Tom Robb number again

10.  THOMAS ROBB MINISTRIES -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – BERGMAN Robb's "Thomas Robb Ministries" website declares that "the Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people are THE people of the Bible."[2] 

11.  WHITE PRIDE HOME SCHOOL RESOURCE CENTER -- GENERAL HATE - BERGMAN this website is a joint effort of the Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party.

2016 HATE GROUPS (6 removed since 2015)

  5. OZARK CRAFT LC GENERAL HATE                                       HARRISON

2019 SPLC HATE GROUPS -- Harrison

1.    Christian Revival Center (Christian Identity)

2.    Kingdom Identity Ministries (Christian Identity)

3.    Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Ku Klux Klan)

4.    League of the South (Neo-Confederate)

5.    Ozark Craft LC (General Hate)

SPLC’s Hate Map comes without warning, and almost without explanation.

3. Google LLC Christian Revival Center SUBSCRIBE Christian Revival Center 

  1. Word of Truth 2 23 20 Unshakeable Faith by Pastor Robb 12 views 3 days ago 
  2. Word of Truth 2 16 20 Here In The Word Of The Lord 33 views 1 week ago 
  3. Word of Truth 2 9 20 Translatio Imperii 26 views 1 week ago 
  4. Word of Truth 2 2 20 Church of the Walking Dead 40 views 3 weeks ago 
  5. Word of Truth 1 26 20 A Kingdom of My Own! 32 views 1 month ago
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4. Mark Potok has accepted your invitation. Let's start a conversation.

Mark Potok

Expert on Radical Right

Fixing Root Cause, Not Just Symptoms

Herb Lair on LinkedIn

  • Reason for rev 02/15/2010 is the pending new hate group list from SPLC. Last year it was released on…
  • spend some time - on video - as you can see I look for solutions - so I need some insight on how the Harrison image got so off track - the Robb story is one of deception from his first visit to SPLC in 1984 where he posed as a reporter, he knows how to manipulate SPLC and media - he hides behind legal protections as well the aura of the KLAN - there are a lot of billion dollar investors in Harrison area who have investigated (Bass Pro - Johnny Morris - Top of the Rock) and FedEx - who don't believe the garbage but SPLC became a single source research for many companies and have created an exponential spreading of false information - I have detailed in my Linkedin articles. -- Something SPLC doesn't want anyone to know
  • HATE GROUPS – 2015 --- 11 Harrison Area hate groups - see if you can find any with state filings - in less than an hour I determined they are all false, or point to one person - SPLC damages are immense. SPLC defamation of Harrison has been repeated in newspapers, magazines, and social media. Robb (represents family and a handful of people) were jamming the ballot box, with no oversight from SPLC just acceptance - costing millions to Harrison area. Based on Robb's modus operandi had the tabloids on speed dial.
  • Sometimes called the “most racist town in America” because of its high number of white supremacist groups -- Currently found in SPLC "Meet the League" written by SPLC Hatewatch staff -- 2019
  • The high number of hate groups referenced above and listed below have been included in numerous news reports and on social media
  • Contributing Writer, Richard Lapchick Jan 3, 2019 Harrison, Arkansas -- where North Arkansas College is located -- is, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the national headquarters of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and was profiled as the "most racist town in America."
  • YouTube Harrison Arkansas - most racist town in america???? 7,290 views?Jun 6, 2018
  • ‘The New Republic "But Robb maintains a post office box in Harrison, vexing everyone in Harrison who would prefer not to be labeled "the most racist f**king community in the country."
  • "Heard on NPR All Things Considered"Racial conflict is one thing. But most of those cities don't have the intense concentration of hate groups, operating out of Ozark towns like Harrison." Note 
  • use of hate groups
  • AP August 2019 - Groups that promotes racism have made their headquarters in the state.The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, one of several Klan factions, and the white supremacist Kingdom Identity Ministries are based in the Harrison area. Once they get a toehold people follow them in there,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, referring to the remote, wooded area. The group tracked 14 hate groups in Arkansas last year.
  • There is no doubt SPLC was the source. Many times the number of SPLC hate groups are used to confirm the writer's conclusion on Harrison being most racists city in America.
  • There has been no effort to correct errors by SPLC. 11 from 2015
  • CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CENTER -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – HARRISON -- Church -- Robb is pastor of the Christian Revival Center in Bergman, Arkansas, a Christian Identity center.
  • HERITAGE CONNECTION -- HATE MUSIC – HARRISON – In 2009, Robb's daughter Rachel Pendergraft and his granddaughters, Charity (born 1985) and Shelby (born 1987) Pendergraft, formed a "white nationalist" band called Heritage Connection no filing
  • INTERNATIONAL KEYSTONE KNIGHTS OF THE KKK --2 chapters -KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON CNN comedian met Imperial Wizard of the International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan dressed in full KKK regalia - around Zinc Wizard had disguised voice - Tom Robb associate no filing
  • KKKRADIO --KU KLUX KLAN – web-based “” by the Knights Party of Zinc, formerly the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and comes just a year after another billboard carrying a racist message was taken down....HARRISON Again Tom Robb no filing
  • KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON not current Knights Group current Tom Robb (See 2019 for update)
  • KNIGHTS PARTY VETERANS LEAGUE -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON no filing (should be a Knights only no KKK) Again if you do a reverse phone number - Knights of The Ku Klux Klan -6400 Leadhill Rd -Harrison, AR 72602 - Contact:Thomas Robb Title:Director Phone:(870) 427-3414
  • LEAGUE OF THE SOUTH -- (see 2019 for update, appears Robb generated) NEO-CONFEDERATE – HARRISON no filing
  • OZARK CRAFT LC --- GENERAL HATE – Revoked - Robb son-in-law on state filing HARRISON revoked (See 2019 for update)
  • SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS TRAINING INSTITUTE --- KU KLUX KLAN – HARRISON For More Information CALL 870-427-3414 PO Box 602 / Harrison / Arkansas / 72601 Reverse phone number you get Tom Robb number again
  • THOMAS ROBB MINISTRIES -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – BERGMAN Robb's "Thomas Robb Ministries" website declares that "the Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people are THE people of the Bible."[2] no filing
  • WHITE PRIDE HOME SCHOOL RESOURCE CENTER -- GENERAL HATE - BERGMAN This website is a joint effort of the Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party. no filing
  • IN 2015, 22 HATE GROUPS IN ARKANSAS. 11 in Harrison.
  • Southern Poverty Law Center repeated that the Harrison area had eleven hate groups enough times that AP News, and others, have reported it as the truth.

Mark Potok

Not sure what you're saying here. I did see some attack article complaining, somewhat murkily, that the groups SPLC listed as hate groups in Harrison weren't registered with the state, therefore didn't exist -- which is ridiculous. There are tons of groups out there that are not registered, as non profits or otherwise. In any case, as I said, I don't think I understand what you're saying. Mark

Herb Lair sent the following message at 3:07 PM

  • View Herb’s profile
  • Herb Lair  3:07 PM
  • Any way you want to look at it this selection of hate groups, it is severely flawed, makes absolutely no sense - they served to create the "worst racist city" misnomer based on one group identifying itself as several names - location of members are in the same Robb group, which is no more than a handful of family members - the filing is important because as you can see parties responsible for IRS, State taxes, and FBI, Below a person can make up as many names as he wants, as long as there is someone outside the area who believes him. Boston had three? So why were many of these dropped after 2015? Served a purpose to create a false reputation that has spread exponentially due to SPLC recognition as a single source research center on racial issues. If you are OK and supportive of the choice of the 11, great to find out. Seemed to be timestamped when you were responsible. 
  • 1. CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CENTER -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – HARRISON -- Church -- Robb is pastor of the Christian Revival Center in Bergman, Arkansas, a Christian Identity center.
  • 2. HERITAGE CONNECTION -- HATE MUSIC – HARRISON – In 2009, Robb's daughter Rachel Pendergraft and his granddaughters, Charity (born 1985) and Shelby (born 1987) Pendergraft, formed a "white nationalist" band called Heritage Connection no filing
  • 3. INTERNATIONAL KEYSTONE KNIGHTS OF THE KKK --2 chapters -KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON CNN comedian met Imperial Wizard of the International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan dressed in full KKK regalia - around Zinc Wizard had disguised voice - Tom Robb associate no filing
  • 4. KKKRADIO --KU KLUX KLAN – web-based “” by the Knights Party of Zinc, formerly the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and comes just a year after another billboard carrying a racist message was taken down....HARRISON Again Tom Robb no filing
  • 5. KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON not current Knights Group current Tom Robb (See 2019 for update)
  • 6. KNIGHTS PARTY VETERANS LEAGUE -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON no filing (should be a Knights only no KKK) Again if you do a reverse phone number - Knights of The Ku Klux Klan -6400 Leadhill Rd -Harrison, AR 72602 - Contact:Thomas Robb Title:Director Phone:(870) 427-3414
  • 7. LEAGUE OF THE SOUTH -- (see 2019 for update, appears Robb generated) NEO-CONFEDERATE – HARRISON no filing
  • 8. OZARK CRAFT LC --- GENERAL HATE – Revoked - Robb son-in-law on state filing HARRISON revoked (See 2019 for update)
  • 9. SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS TRAINING INSTITUTE --- KU KLUX KLAN – HARRISON For More Information CALL 870-427-3414 PO Box 602 / Harrison / Arkansas / 72601 Reverse phone number you get Tom Robb number again
  • 10. THOMAS ROBB MINISTRIES -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – BERGMAN Robb's "Thomas Robb Ministries" website declares that "the Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people are THE people of the Bible."[2] no filing
  • 11. WHITE PRIDE HOME SCHOOL RESOURCE CENTER -- GENERAL HATE - BERGMAN This website is a joint effort of the Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party. no filing

Contact Us

Contact National Headquarters for more information on the Knights Party Veterans League and to submi…

Mark Potok

You're full of shit, Herb. Actually, SPLC wrote a long magazine article specifically defending Harrison. Maybe you should do a little reading up on issues before firing off misinformed bullshit.

Arkansas Town, Battling Legacy of Klan Activity, Awash in Controversy Over Racist Billboard

Herb Lair

  • Article in 2014 then 11 hate groups listed in 2015 after article defending Harrison - give me a break- ? Nice when things are timestamped - I've read your article and most everything I can find. Terrible work and even worse attempts now when attempting to cover it up

5. SPLC 990 Tax Filing 2018

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6. The Knights Party Application

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The Knights Party main site included the most past and future events. These events included the annual Faith and Freedom Conference, the annual Knights Party National Congress, the annual White Christian Heritage Festival, and the annual Christmas Conference and Banquet. The Faith and Freedom Conference takes place in Harrison, AR; costs $55 per adult; includes the White Christian Youth Conference; features Thomas Robb, Rachel Pendergraft, Jason Robb listed as “Constitutional attorney and Knights Party advisor” and entertainment by Thomas Robb?s granddaughters from the Heritage Connection. The National Klan Conference takes place in Harrison, AR, costs $55 per adult, features Thomas Robb and Rachel Pendergraft, and includes fireworks, an awards banquet, a naturalization ceremony, and a cross lighting. The White Christian Festival takes place in Pulaski, TN, and is partially sponsored by the Knights Party, and other organizations including and the Heritage Connection, and includes a car show and parade. The Christmas Conference takes place in Harrison, AR, “to celebrate and Honor our racial Kinsmen Redeemer, Jesus Christ.” The link to the event included an essay by Jason Robb titled “The Anglo-Saxon Jesus,” which explained that despite attempts by the media, JudeoChristian preachers and “their anti-Christ rabbi counterparts,” to depict Jesus as Middle Eastern, that Jesus was in fact white, with blonde hair and blue eyes. 

7. Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents

Three Wishes for Ruby's Residents

This is an 11 year old kid hero who is shining a light on the approximately 845,000 nursing home patients living at or below the poverty level in American nursing homes. She discovered all nursing home patients in this income category receive just $40 cash a month for their personal expenses. These personal expenses include such basics as haircuts, clothes, cell phone minutes, pet care, favorite snacks, shopping, etc. Ruby Kate took a journal with her to nursing homes and asked the question "if I could bring you any 3 things in the world, what would they be?". Their answers were humbling. They did not want money, vans or vacations. They asked for clothes that fit, food for their pets, private phones, shoes, fast food they had not had in years, fresh fruit. Some had correctable hearing problems that could be helped with a $100 device from Amazon. They asked for basics. We met a lady who said she had not had a fresh strawberry in 5 years. That is all she wanted that day.

Now this 11 year old is raising funds nationally to start a nonprofit to sweeten these patients lives across the nation.

Ruby Kate is fulfilling the wishes in her journal. She delivers fast food meals, electronics, clothing, shoes, haircut coupons, hearing devices, realistic baby dolls, pet food....tons of items to nursing homes in her home state and she is not just brightening their day. She is leaving behind items that change their life. That is a kid hero. That is a cause we can all stand behind and support.

These personal expenses include such basics as haircuts, clothes, cell phone minutes, pet care, favorite snacks, shopping, etc. Ruby Kate took a journal with her to nursing homes and asked the question "if I could bring you any 3 things in the world, what would they be?". Their answers were humbling. They did not want money, vans or vacations. They asked for clothes that fit, food for their pets, private phones, shoes, fast food they had not had in years, fresh fruit. Some had correctable hearing problems that could be helped with a $100 device from Amazon. They asked for basics. We met a lady who said she had not had a fresh strawberry in 5 years. That is all she wanted that day.

8. Welcome Home

Kevin Cheri retired in Harrison. He is a member of community task force on race. Award was from State of Arkansas. He was first African - American employee at Buffalo River National Park Service, but not first black hired in area. Not likely he would have retired in Harrison if he had any significant threats from Harrison locals. Check out 3 minute Welcome Home video. Watch for Kevin.


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