Arkansas Difference - Stay-At-Home Targeted Approach
From Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Arkansas Difference - Stay-At-Home Targeted Approach

Arkansas Governor Among The Few Not To Issue Stay-At-Home Order (so far hospitalizations par 100,000 are lower than surrounding states)

Click on NPR above and then click on 5-minute listen to hear complete report

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"HUTCHINSON: Well, we've done much more than that. Ours is a targeted response that has proven to be effective. If you look at any of the measuring sticks, we have reduced the spread. Our growth rate is lower than it is in most of the other states, some with even a stringent stay-at-home order.

And one of the things that we've done is not just have enforced social distancing but also wearing masks. That's what is needed as to slowing the spread. And we've been somewhat successful in that. And as a result of that, our case number has reduced its growth. You know, our hospitalizations is 74 in Arkansas. And so we're - I think Dr. Fauci and everyone would be very pleased with actually where we are right now.

And we're going to continue to look at it. If we have to do more, we will. But the stay-at-home order's a little bit misleading because, you know, if we put in a stay-at-home order today, then tomorrow morning, 700,000 Arkansans would go to work. And people would say, what's the difference? - because if you don't have the social distancing or wear mask, then you're going to continue the spread. So we're doing a targeted approach that emphasizes those points, and we make adjustments as needed.

KELLY: But you heard Dr. Fauci - I mean, you're hearing the most senior infectious disease specialist in the country saying, I wish everybody would have a stay-at-home order in place.

HUTCHINSON: Well, also, the surgeon general yesterday had an opportunity in his message, and he didn't disagree with what we're doing. He just wants us to concentrate as much as we can this week, and we're doing that. And so we're following the CDC guidelines.

No doubt Fauci will find the same with Arkansas.

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"Asa Hutchinson has DC experience -- In 2001, at the beginning of the George W. Bush administration, Hutchinson was appointed Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Washington Post columnist David Broder praised Hutchinson's appointment, writing: "The high esteem in which former Rep. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas is held by his colleagues was demonstrated by the 98–1 Senate vote confirming him last month as the new director of the Drug Enforcement Administration

After the September 11 attacks, Congress created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). President George W. Bush tapped Hutchinson to lead the Border and Transportation Security Directorate, the largest division of the DHS, with more than 110,000 employees. Hutchinson was confirmed by unanimous consent by the Senate on January 23, 2003."

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Walmart began in a small town in Arkansas ignoring the conventional wisdom.

"Walmart is the world's largest company by revenue, with US$514.405 billion, according to the Fortune Global 500 list in 2019. It is also the largest private employer in the world with 2.2 million employees. "

Credit Suisse research analyst Seth Sigman Walmart is “becoming more to the consumer, at the most important time.” Demand is making it hard for Walmart to keep its shelves stocked. The retailer has adjusted its store hours and created shopping times for seniors only. 

I mentioned in my prior article Mar. 31,2020 -- "Economic survival from COVID-19 (coronavirus) will be the biggest issue for rural communities. I'm not minimizing all the national health issues, just making the observation that social distancing is inherent in rural markets, and working from home or distance is a way of life.

Note Mike Masterson's article (click above) making my point "There I was alongside my friend chugging and chit-chatting around the golf course on a blue-sky spring day. Fears of contracting a virus weren't on my radar--until my doctor, Ron Reese, came strolling past and spotted me not distancing myself socially."

In small towns everybody knows everybody's business, and are willing to shame friends and family into doing what is right. Reason I have taken exception to all the outside racists shaming of Harrison, that was based on unsupported perceptions.

Rural creativity in handling inventory supply shortages is second nature, not wasting time complaining and waiting for a government solution is expected. 

Note the following activity - creativity, not wasting time complaining - anecdotal evidence - click below for complete article.

Point is “The community has been amazing in making their donations of money and items from their personal supplies, Jackson said.”

The mainstream and social media misses these stories on Harrison, preferring to focus on the garbage circulated by the Robb family and Klan via SPLC and Wikipedia.

By DONNA BRAYMER [email protected] April 7, 2020

We will have 2,000 N95 masks air shipped by Friday, April 10, or Monday, April 13,” Christi Jackson said. “Once we have these to 911 director Daniel Bolen and he distributes them, we will see where we stand on needing more.”

Jackson was asked to begin finding PPE personal protection equipment, or PPE, for the area last week on Thursday, April 2, working in conjunction with Boone County 911 administrator Daniel Bolen. The Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce agreed to accept donations on behalf of the effort. Jackson owns the Copper Rock Barn facility and has plenty of protected storage space for the pallets of supplies being delivered. Jackson said the effort to procure local supplies for area emergency personnel and nursing homes went well over the weekend. “We’ve been busy, but that’s good,” Jackson said. “Lots of individuals have brought out the cloth mask they made. We’ve already delivered 200 and [her husband, Dr. Kevin Jackson] has another 50 to deliver Monday.” “Main Street Merchandise has found us 9,000 gloves which we’ve already turned over to Daniel,” she said. “He’s delivering them to re, police and nursing homes and was so excited to get them.” “The nursing homes are still in dire need of PPE,” Jackson said. “In searching for items, I have found if you’re not first to ask, your last. And if the money isn’t available, we miss out,” she said. 4/7/2020 N95 masks set for Boone County

“The community has been amazing in making their donations of money and items from their personal supplies, Jackson said.”

So fighting the norm or big government or big company is not unusual.

Updates to my prior articles - Arkansas Town Battles Hate Legacy of Southern Poverty (SPLC) Law Center - another fight about perception versus reality. Doing versus complaining!

KKK created an international embarrassment to Harrison by putting billboards up, and publicizing it through a UK tabloid. At the same time they were artificially running up the Harrison area hate groups to 11 in 2015. "Most racists" city in the US. All 11 created by Tom Robb family. I told SPLC if they used the same method on large cities, Boston would have a million, not just 1 hate group! Obviously Robb used the Internet to create catastrophic financial events for Harrison. Everything there is always, and 24/7.

I got recent text from Leica Brooks at SPLC with link to following - nothing specific about Harrison Area Hate Groups? Requesting that I review their article

Herb Lair response via text

Unfortunately it doesn’t appear your methodology has been used in Harrison area hate group selections - KIM (Kingdom Identity Ministries) never was active but even in your (SPLC) research has nothing more recent than 12 years ago ?? Kingdom Identity Ministries?? Really?

Christian Identity leader in prison for past 5 years - not active - Christian Revival Center is same as Knights Party - Tom Robb pastor

Ozark Craft LLC is revoked status - generally means out of business - Tom Robb son in law ran it - revoked means barred from corporate activities- if SPLC knows different let State know - most likely it was closed for lack of activity or consolidated with Knights Group -remove it

SPLC - Thank you, Herb. I’ll share this information with my colleagues in the Intelligence Project. As I understand it, you’ve made these points with SPLC General Counsel. There is nothing I can do to help you bring about the changes you seek. Lecia Brooks Chief Workplace Transformation Officer - senior leadership team at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

Herb Lair response -- Somebody has to take responsibility at SPLC , at least a documented response - not just boilerplates- the detail & time spent requires explanation- at this point the best I can determine Robb and KKK are providing your research. Very frustrating for businesses and residents - cost community in the hundreds of million- stonewalling makes it worse Herb Lair  

Disclaimer: I have made it clear from the beginning that my research was self-funded and independent. My interests are from a capitalists viewpoint. Unlike the news media and social media, I've avoided using single source "free" research from Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Another "free" online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, whose editors admits to using SPLC as their primary source for racism. So easy to determine that AP News, state news, NPR, PBS, Google, YouTube, and numerous publications have made their de facto expert based on being "free".

I have used state fillings, encyclopedias, and news articles from multiple sources.My approach has been to go to source, and avoid perceptions. Those steps have been well documented in previous articles.

My conclusions affect all involved - SPLC, AP News, Wikipedia,Google, YouTube, state news, local news, NPR, Harrison community leaders, political leaders,etc.

My research methodology has been rewarding. Unfortunately it's disconcerting to find out what others have ignored or missed.

Too often the local approach has been re-branding of Harrison. There has been a 6-7 year cycle generally created by the Robb family (KKK). Having lived here most of my life, I felt there was a need to go to source. Finding and curing the root cause and not treating the symptoms ever few years.

There has to be immediate action taken to clean up the KKK presence in Harrison. It has cost Harrison millions for the racists and non-racists. In the future it could cost the community hundreds of millions.

Over the years many have said just ignore it, talking about it makes it worse. Unfortunately we live in a different time when a virus can shut the world down, and when KKK racists can create an international embarrassment to a town by putting billboards up, and publicizing it through a UK tabloid. Obviously used the Internet to create the catastrophic financial event.

Information put on Internet is forever and available 24/7.

What is clear is that the use of racists to "most racists" city in the USA has impacted Harrison Arkansas economically. Now with all the additional impact of coronavirus that could be the fatal blow. Sound serious? It is! Harrison can not only drop another rung on the ladder, but totally fall off of it. The KKK must be eradicated ASAP!

Probably coming down to either public officials taking action through the attorney general, governor, US Representative and Senator; or a group of private individuals and businesses taking action against all the identified conspirators, and co-conspirators (active and passive). Including public officials and leaders who are silent, attempting to ride it out.

The concern involves the business relationships between Stone Financial and Tax Service; Robb Holdings, LLC; Robb Law Firm, PLLC; and Knights Party Committee. There has been misdirection created by SPLC, social media, Robb Family (KKK), and mainstream media. There is a situation that can no longer be ignored. It was missed by SPLC, since they don't use state fillings. Again a big mistake on their end, since they keep identifying multiple fictitious hate groups created by one family that have no memberships.

The information presented in this article and implicit local acceptance (co-conspirators) of the KKK could lead to a major employer leaving the area, and obvious removal of Harrison from future technology projects. I know that I no longer have the youth and energy to fight these battles, at a time when its easier to move.

Ignored or missed problem list

  • Jason Robb, son of Thom Robb, is referred to in publications as the general counsel of the KKK. Having a law office midway between Harrison City Hall and Boone County Courthouse is unacceptable.
  • Robb Law Firm and KKK (Knights Party) share the same principal and agent address on 220 West Stephenson in Harrison, based on state fillings with Arkansas Secretary of State (SOS).Having an office midway between city hall and courthouse is unacceptable.
  • The same principal address for Robb Law Firm and KKK is significant, since Tom Robb, in his mid 70's, made the Knights Party's principal address Harrison, not Zinc, makes it clear that his son will be his successor.
  • Although Pastor Robb's daughter, Rachel Pendergraft, acts as the Knights Party's national organizer and is considered number two within the organization. "However, being female they're not going to allow her to take over for her father." If so, principal address on file with Arkansas SOS would be Zinc
  • There are strict fiduciary responsibilities that are being ignored by Jason Robb, and the Robb Law Firm. Need discussion with Arkansas bar on that?
  • Instructions for leaving the Knights Party money in a will or trust:“If you intend on naming The Knights Party as a beneficiary in your will or trust, our attorney will prepare the legal documents free of charge.” KKK general counsel, Jason Robb, is Knights' Party attorney. He would have done the will or trust or approved it. Any discussion with Arkansas bar on that?
  • Jason Robb admits to using a Russian-built social media platform to bypass control from US companies and government. What could go wrong with that? So Russia now has access to a list of dissidents to help create Russian interference in elections and everything else. Any discussion with Arkansas bar on that? See addendum.
  • Scott Stone, CEO of Stone Financial is listed by Arkansas SOS as the incorporator / organizer and tax preparer officers for Robb Holdings, LLC - One of the holdings was Meinke Car Care Center franchise, which was operated by Jason Robb's sister and brother-in-law Rachel and Scott Pendergraft. Scott Pendergraft indicated in his Linkedin profile that he was an owner, but he is not on LLC. Check for commingling of funds from Klan revenue. Jason Robb has LLC's while Tom Robb family fillings (including Knight's Party) are non-profit. Need discussion with Arkansas Securities Department, TD Ameritrade, and FINRA on that.
  • There is a substantial investment required for a Meineke franchise in the $250K - $500K range. Source of funding? Law Firm? Stone Financial? Banks? KKK?
  • Stone Financial manages 169 clients with nearly $17 million assets under management with no high net worth individuals. File has been updated below.
  • TD Ameritrade is the custodian for Stone Financial. Did their due diligence establish connection of Stone Financial with KKK general counsel,Jason Robb?
  • Scott Stone and Stone Financial are registered with the Arkansas Securities Department. Here's the link:
  • Check STONE FINANCIAL | CRD#: 226690

Having grown up in a family business in a rural community I'm well aware of "old school" economic survival. You're just as good as your last customer. Unfortunately that doesn't work with a global virus when you lose control, there's lots of confusion and paperwork, and surviving can become overwhelming.

There has to be immediate action taken to clean up the KKK presence in Harrison. It has cost Harrison millions. In the future it could cost community hundreds of millions, as well as take it out of consideration for government assistance.

What is clear is that the use of racists to "most racists city" in the USA has impacted Harrison Arkansas economically. Now with all the additional impact of coronavirus that could be the fatal blow. Sound serious? It is!

The concern involves the business relationships between Stone Financial and Tax Service; Robb Holdings, LLC; Robb Law Firm, PLLC; and Knights Party Committee. There has been misdirection created by SPLC, social media, Robb Family (KKK), and mainstream media. There is a situation that can no longer be ignored.

Recent release of the SPLC annual map of hate groups, March 26th, 2020 included the same five in the Harrison Area. My thoughts are SPLC has a new CEO in April. I am scheduled to talk with the Chief Workplace Transformation in the next few days. The General Counsel may be a short-termer, and there's local action items (outlined in article) that need to be addressed first.

The hate map came out with no fanfare over a month late. Probably having difficulty in raising funds. Forced to release it to request funds.

One glaring oversight issue was SPLC's failure to include Tom Robb's son, Jason and his Robb Law Firm; since Jason is an incorporator / organizer, director, reg. agent of Knights Party Committee (Formerly KKK) and his law firm. Also recognized as the KKK general counsel.

Brief recap

In August, I revisited the racial issues long associated with Harrison Arkansas. Since September, I have written several articles on my findings.

Recently the General Counsel for Southern Poverty Law Center sent following e-mail

"I appreciate the fact that you disagree with our hate group listings, but we stand behind our research. We will have to simply “agree to disagree” on this point. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to point out that the SPLC is not defaming Harrison. You state below, and have stated in other emails, that the “SPLC defamation of Harrison has been repeated in newspapers, magazines, and social media.” As an initial matter, the hate group listings are not “of and concerning” Harrison for purposes of a defamation claim. But, more importantly, it is well-settled law that a governmental entity may not state a claim for libel or slander.  See, e.g., N.Y. Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 287 (1964) (“For good reason, ‘no court of last resort in this country has ever held, or even suggested, that prosecutions for libel on government have any place in the American system of jurisprudence.’”) "

Herb Lair response:

"As you may know my research is self funded and has been done independently with no communications with public officials. My interests are strictly as a business owner and a property owner - as well as representing other private entities. Much more complicated than what you are presenting.

If you read my latest article on Linkedin my conclusions are critical of all the handling of Harrison on both sides that affects my personal investments . All I have asked from SPLC is to give any data on how hate groups are selected - in this day of big data and analytics the responses I have been given are totally unacceptable when they impact my income.The selection appear irresponsible and not supported. Prove me wrong!"

What is clear is that the use of racists to most racists city in the USA has impacted Harrison Arkansas. You can take it to the personal level of impact on property value over past 30+ years, as well as salaries. The Klan has made an effort to convince people otherwise.

If you look at cost of living between Harrison Arkansas and Rogers, Arkansas A salary of $50,000 in Harrison, Arkansas should increase to $61,691 in Rogers, Arkansas. Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. Median Home Cost is 87% more expensive in Rogers. Might note the percentage of blacks living in Rogers is very little different than Harrison. Similar comparisons can be made throughout North Arkansas and Southern Missouri towns and cities.

I installed my first in-house cable TV customer care and billing system in Harrison for Bob Wheeler at Twin Lakes Cable TV, my second was in Rogers; reason that I compare current differences between the two cities. Harrison was a clear leader over Rogers at that time.

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Obviously Rogers has some advantages in its proximity to Walmart Headquarters, but Harrison's proximity to the Johnny Morris' (Bass Pro Founder) Top of the Rock and Big Cedar, Buffalo River, White River, Branson, and lakes will prove to be more important in times of more working from home created by catastrophic events such as the coronavirus requiring more social distancing.

"Big Cedar’s new Ozarks National named Best New Public Golf Course in America The recognition adds to Big Cedar Lodge’s list of growing resort and golf accolades. In September, Golf Magazine named Big Cedar Lodge, America’s premier wilderness resort, as the No. 1 family golf resort in North America, as part of its Top 100 Resorts issue for 2019-2020. It was the most comprehensive review of elite destinations in North America, and the most expansive editorial project the publication has undertaken."

Ignored or missed problem list - Arkansas Secretary of State fillings, and additional support information

Meineke Car Care Center franchise costs: Have a net worth of $250K+ Liquid assets of $110K Credit score of at least 675. Have business acumen. Have a desire to be involved in your community. Be driven to lead a team and succeed.

What Does a Meineke Franchise Cost? Cash Required: $110,000 Net Worth Required: $250,000 Total Investment: $300,000 Franchise Fee: $35,000

So how did the General Counsel of the KKK qualify for franchise? Involved in community? Where did the money for franchise come from? What other businesses are part of the holdings?

Linkedin Scott Pendergraft (brother-in-law to Jason Robb) listed as Owner at Meineke Car Care Center Harrison, Arkansas?

While Boone County Director of 911, I did business with Meineke. Owners appeared to be Rachel and Scott Pendergraft from Lead Hill. Recently I found this, "emcee of a the (KKK) conference was Dave Long. He works at the local Meineke outlet. Long was a slim man with the nervous, manic tendencies of a vaudeville comedian who constantly feels like he's losing the crowd".I'm sure he was the office manager.Until the Billboard fiasco, the name had no connection with Tom or Jason Robb or the Klan. So that event directly or indirectly lead to the demise of their franchise. There's probably some bankers (investors) who have remained in the shadows?

Meineke opens with new owner By DONNA BRAYMER [email protected] Sep 16, 2013 It wasn't successful."Former owner Jason Robb said he was selling the business (Meinke) to another franchise owner because he was just spread too thin with his law practice."

Note Scott Stone is the incorporator / organizer and tax preparer officers for Jason Robb, Reg. Agent for Robb Holdings, LLC - Meinke Car Care Center

Might also note the Registration Agent Jason Robb for Robb Holdings, LLC address is at 400 N. Main Suite 1, same building as Stone Financial and Tax Service.

LLC while Robb family fillings are non-profit

Scott Stone Tax Preparer

Stone Financial , Tax Preparer , PLLC is listed as an officer for Knights Party Committee a nonprofit corporation. Reg. Agent Jason Robb

Stone is only non-family listed as an officer.

The nonprofit sites run by the Knights Party, or Robb family, generally ask for pledges or donations, and make members pay to attend Knights' events. There is a history of

Scott Stone and Stone Financial notes

Our team of Certified Public Accountants, Financial Planners, Wealth Managers, and Insurance Advisors are dedicated to the principles of hard work, integrity and excellence. So contact us today and discover the peace of mind that Stone Financial can provide.

Check STONE FINANCIAL | CRD#: 226690 - Saw no one with Arkansas Insurance License (above mentions Insurance Advisors). Not clear about brokers, only indicates investment advisors.

From ADV (1) If you have a number ("CRD Number") assigned by the FINRA's CRD system or by the IARD system, your CRD number: 226690 

Scott Stone not currently registered as broker

EMPLOYER YEARS DATES Pruco Securities LLC 1 month, 4 weeks Feb 2020 - Present The Prudential Insurance Company America 1 month, 4 weeks Feb 2020 - Present Stone Financial 1 year, 1 month Dec 2018 - Jan 2020

Scott Stone is registered with the Arkansas Securities Department. Use search below

Definition of a  Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) is a person or firm who advises high-net-worth individuals on investments and manages their portfolios. RIAs have a fiduciary duty to their clients, which means they have a fundamental obligation to provide investment advice that always acts in their clients' best interests.

On March 18,2020 I posted the following that I received from a Founder and CEO of a Capital Partners Group in Cincinnati, Ohio and Little Rock.

ADV on Scott Stone and on Stone Financial indicates he has no high net worth individuals - note update later that day below.


Primary Business Name: STONE FINANCIAL CRD Number: 226690 (a) Individuals (other than high net worth individuals)     169                          $ 16,898,064 (b) High net worth individuals                                                                                  $0.0


3/18/2020 3:47:02 PM Update to Scott Stone ADV was made later on March 18th after my posting above in Facebook and in Linkedin messaging

WARNING: Complete this form truthfully. False statements or omissions may result in denial of your application, revocation of your registration, or criminal prosecution. You must keep this form updated by filing periodic amendments. See Form ADV General Instruction 4. -- note big drop in accounts and amount

Individuals (other than high net worth individuals) 129 $ 10,148,975

(b) High net worth individuals 2 $ 1,873,766

Stone Financial in Harrison uses TD Ameritrade as their custodian.

Scott Stone appears self-governing of his financial services business mentioned on Arkansas Secretary of State Filings. No other financial advisers are currently employed by Stone Financial per FINRA.

Due Diligence

TD Ameritrade due diligence of Stone Financial needs clarification.

Following is an anecdotal case where TD Ameritrade failed to do due diligence: The arbitration case didn’t revolve around the investments in Mr. Bayliss’ fund so much as the imprimatur TD Ameritrade gave to Mr. Bayliss by allowing him to operate on the custodian’s platform. Sandra Althaus, a radiologist, sought compensatory damages of $407,050 as well as “lost opportunity costs” for the investment and punitive damages, among other claims. The arbitrators awarded her $728,816 in compensatory damages.

A TD Ameritrade spokesman said the firm does not comment on litigation or arbitration. Last year, the Nevada attorney general charged Mr. Bayliss with securities fraud and other violations between April 2011 and December 2015 in Carson City, Nev. The arbitration case didn’t revolve around the investments in Mr. Bayliss’ fund so much as the imprimatur TD Ameritrade gave to Mr. Bayliss by allowing him to operate on the custodian’s platform. TD Ameritrade fell short on due diligence, Ms. Althaus’ lawyer, Philip Aidikoff, a partner at Aidikoff Uhl & Bakhtiari, alleges. He asserts the custodian didn’t properly vet Mr. Bayliss or his investment fund. “When these funds were onboarded [by TD Ameritrade], Mr. Bayliss already had a history of disciplinary issues,” Mr. Aidikoff said. “All TD Ameritrade did was take the word of the issuer in the valuation of the funds rather than doing a third-party valuation. They kept it at a price that was created by [Mr.] Bayliss.” Ms. Althaus invested with Mr. Bayliss because of his association with TD Ameritrade, according to Mr. Aidikoff.

“In her mind, the fact that the accounts were at TD Ameritrade gave her confidence in the investments,” he said. Mr. Bayliss’ firm, Wealth Strategies by Bayliss & McAninch Inc., of Carson City was a registered investment advisory firm from 2004 until August 2016, according to the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website. Mr. Bayliss is no longer registered as an adviser.

Many times when difficulties arise the first thought is circling the wagons, maybe first thoughts should be looking for opportunities - to save lives and improve lives?

Visionaries have always been attracted to Don Quixote’s pursuit of the impossible dream. Some might say this is mine.


US White Nationalists Barred by Facebook Find Haven on Russia Site  By Masood Farivar April 10, 2019

Excerpt from article above: "Jason Robb, general counsel of the KKK, said that while he personally has not been barred from Facebook or Twitter, he began using VK in the last year or two "as I started seeing others switch over to VK and decided to give it a try." "

"VK is not restrictive at this point and hopefully, it doesn't change," Robb said in an email to VOA.

Note: Russia's free-for-all Facebook clone is the only major social media platform that still welcomes people like him to post pretty much anything they want — no matter how racially offensive or provocative — with relative impunity.

The Russian services, no doubt have a covert backdoor entry for their software developers.There are hackers, such as hate trackers and other hackers who will have access to the Law Firm's data.

So as a client of Robb Law, how comfortable are you knowing that?


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