Arizona's Family Law Legal Paraprofessional Rule: A Win-Win for Law Firms and Clients
In 2020, Arizona became the first state to allow family law legal paraprofessionals to practice law. Under the new rule, family law legal paraprofessionals can provide certain legal services, such as drafting legal documents, providing legal advice, and representing clients in court under the supervision of a licensed attorney. Here's why this is a win-win for law firms and clients:
At Modern Law, a family law firm in Phoenix, we believe that the family law legal paraprofessional rule is a win-win for law firms and clients. We are committed to providing cost-effective legal services and increasing access to justice for underserved communities. By incorporating family law legal paraprofessionals into our team, we can provide high-quality legal services to a wider range of clients and increase efficiency and productivity in our firm.
In conclusion, the family law legal paraprofessional rule in Arizona is a win-win for law firms and clients. It provides cost-effective legal services, increases access to justice, supports law firms, and ensures supervision by licensed attorneys. At Modern Law, we are excited about the possibilities this rule brings and are committed to providing high-quality legal services to all of our clients.