Argentinian Beauty
Courage, passion, wisdom and grace. True leadership. True beauty.

Argentinian Beauty

Argentina, the great South American nation, had a rough start of the year. For one thing, the Pope finally made his visit to Chile, flying directly across his home country (Argentina), without making a stop. It is no secret that the Pope and the President of Argentina do not see eye to eye.

Some Catholics in Argentina are extremely upset with the Pope, going as far as to consider him a persona non-grata. This is because Argentina’s corporate media has done a superb job at defaming the Pope, while radicalizing Argentina's alt-right base. The reason why the Pope has been tainted by the corporate media is simple: he does not support the neoconservative policies of Argentina’s current administration.

While the Argentinian corporate media continues to manufacture propaganda against the Pope, supporting one of the most corrupt governments in Latin America, the administration of the southern nation displays elevated levels of hypocrisy, without any trace of shame.

Just recently, it was revealed that the Minister of Labor not only insulted and harassed his housemaid through an audio recording, but that she was employed by the Minister as an undocumented worker.

This top Labor official, who is entirely responsible for destroying a blossoming job market, not only has the nerve to harass one of his employees, who happens to be a woman, but also thinks hiring her as an undocumented worker is a decent idea. Not only did he go out of his way to avoid making social contributions for her, but he has the rudeness to harass her via audio recording. This is the person who supposedly protects the labor market.

What else could you expect from a pack of liars who promised to create jobs, but instead are constantly breaking the law, while destroying the labor market ?

But the hypocrisy does not end there, as the Labor Minister publicly claimed to be fighting against undocumented labor (?!).

And while doing so, the Minister's sister, who has absolutely no banking experience, was named as Director of the Board of Argentina’s National Bank, as recently as last month.

Indeed, he is fighting, but only against the workforce of his own country. And he seems to be winning, because the job market in Argentina is an absolute disaster.

In the meantime, Argentina's government publicly accepted that their top official made "a mistake" by hiring an undocumented worker. However, they claim that his apology has been enough to repair the damage.

I beg to differ, as not only the Minister has been absolutely incompetent in generating employment, but he has also destroyed the job market, forcing recruitment firms to close their offices in Argentina. To add insult to injury, he not only employs an undocumented worker, which is illegal, but also harasses her verbally. A true coward.

Frankly, it is no surprise that this administration would support such a clearly corrupt hypocrite, as there is no doubt he is one of their own.

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Let us not forget that at the very helm of this administration is a businessman who not only owes millions in unpaid taxes through his corporations, but secretly attempted to condone his debts to the State after taking office.

Thanks to the efforts of the Federal Prosecutor’s office, this scandal became public, so the president had to backtrack on his secret deal. As a direct result of the Prosecutor’s investigation, the President pushed for her ousting.

Just like in America, Argentina has a spoiled fool running government that doesn’t want to be questioned when breaking the law.

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Not only did he attempt to name two supreme court judges through an executive order, while naming an anti-corruption official who did not have the required legal credentials for the role, but he was publicly requesting the ousting of Argentina's top prosecutor, as her team refused to accept his secret deal.

This is the same President who openly shared his opinions on an ongoing judicial investigation, relating to Milagro Sala’s illegal detainment. But he even took matters further, as he sponsored the illegal arrests of his political opponents in late 2017.

These arrests were overturned earlier this month, as they were in clear violation of the law. The former Vice-President and the Secretary of State of Argentina’s previous administration were both released, after many international organizations condemned the actions of Argentina’s judiciary.

These violations are reminiscent of Argentina’s past, as the country continues heading down a dangerous path, while destroying not only its economy, but also the rule of law.

And as the country continues to take massive debt, its economy and job market continue to deteriorate. Meanwhile, the President issued an executive order allowing his family to launder millions in undeclared assets.

Mistakes and insanity:

The more you read about Argentina, the more you realize there is something seriously wrong going on down there. The country had successfully recovered from its worse financial crisis in 2002, to later grow its economy at Chinese like rates, with full employment. However, ever since the new government took office 2 years ago, the country is in a complete mess.

It will take time for Argentina’s electorate to realize they have made a horrible mistake.

But in all fairness, no great country is immune to such mistakes. Our confused electorate also made a tremendous mistake, of epic proportions.

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This new year will be another tough one for Argentina. The recipes for destruction, which were implemented by Argentina’s current administration, will continue to take a toll on its population.

Just this week, the country announced that during 2017 it broke a record when it came to its commercial deficit. A total of $ 8.5 billion, which may not sound as much, but it's a record deficit that did not occur even during the worst of Argentina's crisis. Our own Donald is smart enough to implement policies that prevent the commercial deficit from deteriorating. However, the same cannot be said about Argentina's president.

To make matters worse, Argentina's Central Bank "lowered rates" to 27,25%. That's right, the interest rate has been lowered to 27,25%.

If you ask yourself: How is an interest rate of 27,25% even possible? Well, for one thing, you should not underestimate the power of corruption and stupidity.

The Argentinian Peso is also breaking records against the greenback. It is just shy of AR$ 20 per dollar. This news is a silver lining, only for tourists, as it makes it extremely convenient to visit Argentina. However, since the economy is doing disastrously, security is starting to become a serious issue.

And while a few continue to have hope in a corrupt administration that has brought a catastrophic 2016 and a disastrous 2017, there is absolutely no reason to think this new year will be any different. By definition, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. As such, it would be insane to think 2018 will be different.

A glimmer of hope

Not all is lost for the great South American Nation, as there continues to be support for honest political leaders who will not let this outrage go unnoticed.

Among these leaders are the great Mr. Leopoldo Moreau, a journalist who stood by one of Argentina’s greatest democratic leaders, Mr. Raul Alfonsin. Mr. Moreau was recently elected to congress representing the great State of Buenos Aires. He has decided to join forces with the people responsible for Argentina's recovery from the 2002 crisis.

He stands together with Mr. Agustin Rossi, a civil engineer who headed Argentina’s Ministry of Defense during the previous administration. Mr. Rossi was recently elected to congress, representing the beautiful State of Santa Fe.

Joining them is also Mr. Axel Kicillof, who is not only an outstanding economist, but also the first successful academic to have ever been at the helm of Argentina’s economy. His credentials are unquestionable. Mr. Kicillof was also a pro-bono Board Director at YPF, Argentina’s biggest company. He was also recently elected to congress, representing the great State of Buenos Aires.

The current administration decided to replace Mr. Kicillof with the former Argentinian General Manager of a European petroleum company, who has done nothing but raise the cost of energy by over 500% in the last 2 years, while making private deals favoring his former employer. It was later revealed that this official held millions of dollars in shares of the company he was benefiting, yet he claimed there was no conflict of interest.

The great Mr. Anibal Fernandez also joins the group of heroes. Mr. Fernandez is Argentina’s version of Senator Dick Durbin. A formidable political leader, with the brains of a financial expert and the legal knowledge to match. A person who has been at the front lines facing Argentina's ruthless corporate media, while being the target of vicious lies and deplorable attacks.

Mr. Jorge Taiana, Mr. Daniel Scioli, Mr. Hector Timerman, Mr. Guillermo Moreno, Mr. Daniel Filmus, Mr. Mariano Recalde, Mr. Amado Boudou, Mr. Juan Cabandie, Mr. Eduardo de Pedro, Mr. Rodolfo Tailhade, Mr. Andres Larroque, Mr. Martin Sabbatella, Mr. Leandro Santoro, Mr. Carlos Heller and, of course, Mr. Maximo Kirchner.

These courageous gentlemen, along with many others, are the committed leaders who won’t let the country be driven off a cliff by the political fat cats that are currently ruling Argentina.

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But it isn't just the men

The South American nation has produced some of the world's most prominent political figures, including Pope Francis, Gen Jose de San Martin, Lt. Gen Juan Peron, Comdr. Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Mr. Raul Alfonsin and most recently, Mr. Nestor Kirchner.

But when it comes to women, Argentina's contribution are second to none.

Argentina’s women have been praised all over the world and rightfully so. Their leadership, passion, wisdom and grace has been recognized not only by academics, who study law and politics, but also by many nations across the world.

It all began with Ms. Eva Duarte de Peron or as she is affectionately called: Evita.

Born into poverty, she dedicated her life to helping the poor and needy. Thanks to her selflessness, she met a successful military officer during a charity event at the Luna Park Stadium. The event was in benefit of the victims of an earthquake in San Juan, Argentina.

She later went into public service, supporting the rights for women's suffrage, which was passed with her blessing in 1947. She fought for the working class, to protect the poor, the needy and the disenfranchised. In recognition to her courage and selflessness she received honors from many nations.

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To this day, she is recognized all over the world, not only by the famous musical or the film, but also by buildings, schools, avenues, parks and even a city bearing her name.

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New York City constantly pays tribute to Evita. And rightfully so, since she is a role model for women all over the world.

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The first musical began in 1978, only 4 decades ago. I still remember the old New York City buses with Evita's name on them. Back then, I was just starting to get to know the great South American nation.

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The buses even made a short cameo in Superman II, shot in Metropolis in 1980.

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Courageous lionesses

And when it comes to courage, Argentinian women are at the forefront.

Just like in a pride of lions, where lionesses do the heavy lifting, Argentinian women are no different.

A great example are the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who did not hesitate to demonstrate peacefully against a brutal dictatorship. They knew it was not safe for them, but the cost of doing nothing was too high for society, so they took the streets.

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But it does not end there. Argentina's recovery from the 2002 financial crisis was also thanks to the work of lionesses.

Some of these courageous women include Ms. Mayra Mendoza, Ms. Fernanda Vallejos, Ms. Vanesa Siley, Ms. Monica Macha, Ms. Laura Alonso (the good one), Ms. Gabriela Cerruti and Ms. Alicia Kirchner, along with many others.

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And among the many others is none other than Ms. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

I have to admit, I myself made a huge mistake when first judging Ms. Kirchner. She always seemed to speak out strongly, showing little compromise when negotiating with Argentina's right-wing opposition. I was also misled into thinking she did not respect the media.

But that was until I did my homework and realized that Argentina's corporate media has been linked to the worst atrocities in the country's history. Nothing short of being a huge propaganda machine, Argentina's corporate media has made a killing by historically distracting the population and profiting through its people's suffering. They have been racking up a fortune for the last 2 years, while Argentina's economy is in shambles.

Ms. Kirchner was not only able to generate a strong job market, with record industrial production, double digit economic growth and prosperity, but she was also able to improve the lifestyle of the elderly, retired and poor.

No other government in Argentina's recent history has been able to do that, including the current administration, which is absolutely disastrous.

Coincidentally, Ms. Kirchner is also known as CFK, and interestingly enough, she shares many of the progressive policies of our own JFK.

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CFK is such an emotional political figure in Argentina, that the country may not have enough streets, schools, buildings and parks to pay tribute to her name.

Not because there aren't many, but because no tribute would be enough.

The corporate media went out of its way to defame the charismatic leader.

Absurd lies, ridiculous fabrications, made up stories and covert misogyny, everything was fair game last year.

But it all failed, as the people of Buenos Aires knew better.

It is no surprise she was recently elected Senator of the great State of Buenos Aires.

Closing statements:

Argentinians claim to have the most beautiful women in the world.

As an American, I happen to agree.

But for the record, it is not just beauty that you can see with your eyes, but beauty that you can hear with your ears, understand with your mind and feel with your heart.

If you ask me, any nation seeking protection should stick to courageous lionesses and stay away from fat cats.

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To the supporters:

You are welcome to share the content of my articles as you wish (e.g. educational material, language courses, etc.). I am grateful to those who have already done so.

You must remember that things never change on their own. A great woman once said:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Spreading the truth is a collective effort. Long gone are the days of the promises that if you spread an email to 10 people, you will get a free phone or a million dollars. If you truly wish to live in a free, democratic and just society, you must be willing to contribute a minute of your time to share the truth among your brothers and sisters.

I appreciate your support and kind words. Each and every single one of you is noticed.

Keep sharing my articles. You can share them publicly or privately, it is entirely your choice. Clicking "share" and later "share as message" will only disclose your identity with the receiver. Make sure you distribute it within your circle of friends, family and colleagues, provided it does not generate you any trouble or inconvenience.

You can also share the links to the articles, which you will find at the end of this page.

In addition, I wish to thank those who have lent a helping hand correcting the spelling of names, providing links and valuable information, including photographs and artwork. I could not have written this article without your help.

Many thanks for your support.

About the Country:

Argentina has without doubt some of the most amazing landscapes in the world, from the glaciers in Patagonia to the falls in Iguazu, from the height of the Andes to the Atlantic coast, there is something amazing for everyone to see. It is a country with all climates, impressive wildlife and breathtaking sceneries. When it comes to wines, it is world-class. And did I mention the beef ? Incredible. People are extremely friendly, they love to talk and are generally wearing a smile. They are highly educated, extremely opinionated, and everyone has the courage to speak English to help you with anything. It is like taking a trip to Spain and Italy at the same time, but with a Latin American warmth you will find nowhere else. Ultimately, it is a country condemned to success, yet that success is on vacations abroad. If you have the chance to go there, do it.

About the Author:

An academic in his late 60's, who has dedicated most of his life to education. A historian that knows that history repeats itself, and each time it does, the price goes up. A romantic with a soft heart, but an unwavering voice. An American man in love with a beautiful Argentinian woman.

A traveler, who has seen the world and been to Argentina on at least a dozen occasions, in his search for a new home. A professional recruiter, who is able to find the perfect person for that crucial job. A friendly neighbor, who is always willing to help. A God-fearing man, who respects all religions as much as his own. A pacifist, who prays for peace, but knows that some things are worth fighting for.

A Professor of Law, who is not shy to have a heated debate, under the common rules of respect and within the boundaries of truth. An analyst, whose opinions are based on facts. An experienced man, who wishes to leave a better world than the one he found.

A person who welcomes your opinion, even if different from his own.

Links to previous articles:

Argentinian Courage:

?Argentina's mo$t horrible sport:

Argentina, don't make me cry for you:

A huge loss for Argentina:

The Pope vs. the President:

How do you imagine Argentina in 5 years?:

Difference between Canada and Argentina:

Argentina to repeat 2016 results in 2017. Results may go unnoticed:

Mauricio Adrian Kopel

QA/QC Customer Representative

7 年

People, please stop giving entity to a guy angry because his poor office closed doors after the worst 12 years in argentinian history. I can tell you believe what you say, even when you actually don't seem to have spent any time in here. I can tell you haven't being assaulted by a guy that used to receive the whole protection by the government's judges, instead of being imprisoned, they used to be declared not guilty because the society didn't gave him the opportunity to be a better man (several times in most cases) but human rights should be for everybody, not for criminals only. What about the rights of every worker that has being robbed by this guys? What about the rights of all Argentinian people that was murdered by this guys with no other choice than thinking you are an asset between his new tv with satellite programming instead of working like the guy next door? What about the last government participants that have being founded with SEVERAL millions of dollars in cash or in bank accounts here and abroad? Please talk about what you know about, not like a pitty guy angry with the world, because you have lost some income. Regards.

Alejandro Carlos Iglesias

Profesional Independiente, Industria energética, Oil & Gas

7 年

Esto es basura K escrita en ingles!

I was born and raised in the States. This is not my country. I am a resident and work here, or at least have tried to, through many governments (sorry you ran out of business when the "K's" stepped down). I'm not into politics and am not Macrista. I just live here and live the good and the bad the "K's" did. They are anything but honest. They are not the heroes as described, they too drip corruption.

I see you dedicated 6 months in 2017 to Argentina. I've been living here for over 40 years. I believe you lack a total's like you got stuck on 1 tree and ignored the rest of the forest.


Online English Trainer - Corporate and Private

7 年

Perdón, pero, con todo respeto, insisto: ?Cuál es el aporte positivo al Networking entre de este post? En una red, justamente profesional, como lo es LinkedIn Existen Redes Sociales para este tipo de post. No esta. Por favor, retiren el post. Se denuncia a Customer Service. Atentamente.



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