Argentina: Game Over
Macri and Messi. False hype, photo ops and national failures.

Argentina: Game Over

Just a few days ago, Iceland had the opportunity to score their first goal in world cup history. They scored it against Argentina, a major soccer nation.

And while the match resulted in a draw, Iceland, a country of 350,000 inhabitants, is able to teach Argentina, a country of over 43 million, a few lessons on social economics.

Interestingly enough, both countries were hit by their most serious economic crisis in the beginning of this century. Argentina suffered its collapse back in 2001, from which it recovered successfully in a period of a decade. Iceland had its own crisis in 2008, requiring just as much time to fully recover. While both countries shared similar paths, they have had drastic changes in their leadership.

The Panama Papers leak in early 2016 brought both the premiers of Argentina and Iceland into the spotlight, along with a few other deplorable tax cheats.

As a result of the scandal, the former Prime Minister of Iceland, Mr. Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson, had no option but to resign. While it would seem impossible for any premier to keep his job after such a shameful event, the President of Argentina was able to stay in office, thanks to both his lack of dignity and honor as a public servant.

Argentina’s president, Mr. Mauricio Macri, a wealthy businessman, has a long history of involvement with organized crime, including his ties to Argentina's most horrible sport. The allegations against him range from contraband, illegal wiretapping and tax evasion to flat out fraud. His companies still owe millions in taxes and debts to the Argentinian State, mostly in connection to the bankruptcy of the country’s postal service. Recently, he attempted to condone those debts, without success.

But if the accusations were not serious enough, the economic policies implemented by his administration have been disastrous to the working class, teachers, the elderly, retired and disabled.

In contrast, Iceland’s current prime minister is a professor of history. His economic policies are the polar opposite of Argentina’s, as they focus on subsidies, equitable wealth distribution and solid presence of the State in social matters. Iceland’s highest income tax bracket is over 46%, helping reduce the gap between the wealthiest members of society and the less fortunate.

Argentina on the other hand has taken the road of trickle-down economics, a theory that is not only morally corrupt, but has also proven to be futile for any nation attempting to apply it. Surprisingly, one of the strongest vocal opponents of this economic theory is none other than the Pope, an Argentinian himself.

In essence, this theory suggests that cutting taxes on the rich, as Argentina has done during the last 2 years, will generate economic growth. To add insult to injury, Argentina's administration has also removed subsidies for the working class, effectively destroying the balance which allowed the country's economy to grow. After less than 3 years in office, the impact of these policies forced the country to desperately request aid from the IMF.

It does not take a genius to know that a chain is as strong as its weakest link. The Icelandic society knows this all too well, yet the majority of Argentina’s society seems to ignore this simple fact.


Argentina’s current administration has some of the most disgraceful public officials in the country's history.

Goalkeeper: Mr. Jorge Triaca

Argentina's current Minister of Labor was not only recorded firing a female employee in a shockingly disrespectful manner, but it was later revealed that she was employed at his country house illegally. He later apologized for his disrespectful conduct, yet had nothing to say about the fact that her employee was not documented. This is the individual supposedly protecting workers' rights in Argentina.

Right wing defender: Mr. Eugenio Burzaco

Not to be confused with his elder brother, Mr. Alejandro Burzaco (left), who has confessed to paying bribes in excess of $ 100 million while committing money laundering crimes in Argentina. Mr. Eugenio Burzaco (right) shares a similar background, as he was also part of Argentina's soccer industry, as a Head of Security of a major soccer club. Interestingly enough, he was also the former Chief of Police of Buenos Aires, yet it would seem he knew little about soccer and crime. The two have shared bank accounts which channeled questionable funds, yet Argentina's justice system is too busy to deal with these allegations, explaining why the FBI had to get involved.

Extreme right wing defender: Ms. Patricia Bullrich

Yet another appalling specimen is the current Minister of Security, who happens to be the former Minister of Labor during Argentina’s 2001 government. The very same government that not only bankrupted the country, but also drove unemployment to over 20%, while cutting salaries and pensions by 13%. To make matters worse, in 2009, she got caught with a DUI. Yet another example of a deplorable defender for team Argentina.

Center midfielder: Mr. Luis Caputo

The former Minister of Finance, recently appointed President of the country's Central Bank, was a former securities trader that forgot to disclose his economic interests in a private firm that made exorbitant profits with the issuance of Argentina’s massive debt. Not only was he involved in having his country take the most debt for 2 consecutive years, but he also made a killing out of it. He not only took record debt as Argentina's Minister of Finance, but now holds the keys to the country's currency printing machine.

Ring wing midfielder: Mr. Nicolas Dujovne

The Minister of Economy, one of the participants in Argentina’s latest fiscal amnesty program, held millions in wealth which he failed to declare. The majority of his wealth is held in offshore tax havens, as he does not trust the economy he is responsible for. Yet another “patriot” playing at the heart of Argentina’s team, while keeping his wealth as far as possible from his country. He is the individual responsible for convincing people to invest in Argentina. A perfect example of "do as I say, not as I do".

Wide midfielder: Ms. Gabriela Michetti

Argentina's Vice-President, a kindred spirit of Sarah Palin, constantly struggles to articulate simple political ideas in a comprehensible manner. As a senior political member of Argentina's current administration, she has openly stated that she has no right to make decisions that impact the lives of others in her society. Perhaps politics was not her real calling, yet she is a heartbeat away from Argentina's presidency.

Attacking midfielder: Ms. Maria Eugenia Vidal

The governor of Buenos Aires, a fierce attacker of Argentina's education system. While running for office, she publicly claimed that teachers should earn at least 40,000 Pesos. That amount is roughly 4 times more than what she actually offered to pay them after winning the elections. The dribbling skills of this public servant would make Lionel Messi look like an amateur. Definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Attacker: Mr. Claudio Bonadio

The untrained eye may think he is a mere referee, but he is without doubt both the most pricey and fierce player in the President's team. Mr. Bonadio has no shame in indicting former political officials for activities which are currently executed by members in his team. Such is the ridiculous case of currency futures, where he is attempting to make a pathetic argument, while going after his long time rival. Mr. Bonadio is a person who will not hesitate to take justice in his own hands. He has been able to instill fear in a famous public prosecutor, yet many in Argentina seem to have forgotten. Chosen by none other than the infamous Mr. Carlos Menem and sponsored by Argentina's vicious corporate media, he is a fierce attacker of freedom, liberty and justice.

False nine: Ms. Elisa Carrio

Not much good can be said about her. In 2001, she accused Ms. Patricia Bullrich of being an infamous traitor. Years later, she accused Mr. Macri of being a corrupt thief, while also treating him unkindly in English. Today, she is on their team. She also lent her residence for interviews with drug dealers, for political gains. Only a mentally unstable individual can joke on live television about the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado, but she did this too. The great Dr. Raul Alfonsin had harsh words to describe her.

Poacher: Mr. Mauricio Macri (team captain)

Without a doubt a natural poacher, in the broad sense of the term. With a total of 214 legal proceedings against him while assuming for the highest office in Argentina, he is a reflection of how business is done in the South American nation. Back in 2001, right before Argentina suffered its economic collapse, he was prosecuted for contraband. His companies continue to owe millions of dollars in unpaid fees to the Argentinian State, as his attempt to condone his debts failed. The President’s family, including his brother, were also part of this fiscal amnesty program, allowing them to launder over $ 100 million in undeclared assets. Once again, not only proving that he leads a team of tax cheats, but also demonstrating that he tailors legislation to his economic interest. He is recognized by soccer fans in Argentina with a worthy chant.

Sponsors: Argentina's corporate media

The main sponsors of this team are two media conglomerates which not only seek to control public opinion in Argentina, but also manufacture consent. Through blatant lies and misdirection, as they have done in the country's past, they are literally able to get away with murder. Attempts to allow diversity of voices in the Argentinian media were thwarted by corporate interests, which continue consolidating power in the South American nation.


Three changes in cabinet occurred in the wake of after Argentina’s match against Iceland.

#1- The removal of the Minister of Energy

Mr. Juan Aranguren, the former General Manager of a British-Dutch oil and gas company operating in Argentina. While being a public servant, regulating the energy market, he held a stake of over $1 million in shares of the European energy consortium, claiming it was not a conflict of interest. Yet another patriot who openly claimed he did not trust his country’s economy, attempting to justify why he held the majority of his wealth away from his country.

#2- The removal of the Minister of Production

Mr. Adolfo Cabrera, the former General Manager of a British Retirement and Pension Funds Administrator in Argentina, was somehow found to be fit for the position of Minister of Production. Not only did Pension Fund Administrators turn out to be one of the biggest fraud schemes in Argentina’s history, but this individual proved to have no clue over simple notions of production. His close involvement with Argentina’s infamous corporate media is likely the only reason why this individual was selected for such role.

#3- The resignation of the President of Argentina’s Central Bank

While it is claimed that Mr. Federico Sturzenegger resigned out of his own will, as in theory, Argentina’s central bank is an independent organization, it is a known fact that the president decided to kick him out. And while Mr. Mauricio Macri prouds himself of not interfering with other branches of government, nothing could be farther from the truth. Argentina’s President has entangled itself with as many branches of government as possible, pressuring them in his own interest.

Early in 2016, these individuals were considered part of Argentina’s “best economic team of the last half century”.

After less than 3 years in office, this team not only took the most debt of any country during 2016 and 2017, but also devalued its currency by roughly 50% in the last 30 days, moving Argentina's treasury bonds into junk territory. As a result of their success, the administration is desperately requesting over $ 50 billion in aid to the International Monetary Fund.



Argentina's recent desperate request for aid to the International Monetary Fund, for the sum of $ 50 billion, is sure to achieve the same results it did in 2001. The country's budget will be cut to the bone, suffocating each an every single social program the administration promised to protect.

Economic strangulation is the method Argentina has chosen to integrate with the financial world. The International Monetary Fund will certainly not disappoint.


Corrupt propaganda, corporate journalism, shallow photo ops, empty slogans and the mantra of “free markets” brought upon the destruction of Argentina’s economy.

Just about every promise the administration made while running for office resulted to be an absolute lie. Just like in the country’s dark past, the participation of vicious media corporations was essential.

The promise of zero poverty, the elimination of income tax for the working class, prosperity, growth and the revolution of happiness, turned out to be absolute lies.

The current administration not only sold-out every democratic principle it claimed to support, but also took aim against the less fortunate. While doing so, the country was forced into the wrong direction. A direction the administration had promised it would never take, while doing everything they said they would never do.


It will take an enormous amount of humility for Argentina’s society to realize that it was fooled into a huge mistake. Unfortunately, humility is not a strong suit for the Argentinian people.

The longer it takes for Argentina’s society to recognize their mistake, the greater the pain it will have to endure.

And while being disqualified from the Soccer World Cup Championship may seem painful to most Argentinians, there is a hell of a lot more at stake for the country than a lousy cup, granted by the most corrupt sports organization in the world.

Some fools may continue dancing and celebrating, but a day of reckoning is sure to be coming.


Not long ago, Argentina had the best team in its history. It was led by courageous spirits, who did not bow to corporate greed, ridiculous market theories nor the International Monetary Fund. It was driven by successful economic policies, social justice and fair play.

Greed, masqueraded as change by Argentina's corporate media, resulted in the country's current decay.

They say the first step to recovery is admitting there is a problem.

There is a path back to success for Argentina, but it will require taking that first step.

The tragedy is that a nation with the best players has picked a losing team.

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You are welcome to share the content of my articles as you wish (e.g. educational material, language courses, etc.). I am grateful to those who have already done so.

You must remember that things never change on their own. A great woman once said:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Spreading the truth is a collective effort. Long gone are the days of the promises that if you spread an email to 10 people, you would get a free phone or a million dollars. If you truly wish to live in a free, democratic and just society, you must be willing to contribute a minute of your time to share the truth among your brothers and sisters.

I appreciate your support and kind words. Each and every single one of you is noticed.

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You can also share the links to the articles, which you will find at the end of this page.

In addition, I wish to thank those who have lent a helping hand correcting the spelling of names, providing links and valuable information, including photographs and artwork. I could not have written this article without your help.

Many thanks for your support.

About the Country:

Argentina has without doubt some of the most amazing landscapes in the world, from the glaciers in Patagonia to the falls in Iguazu, from the height of the Andes to the Atlantic coast, there is something amazing for everyone to see. It is a country with all climates, impressive wildlife and breathtaking sceneries. When it comes to wines, it is world-class. And did I mention the beef ? Incredible. People are extremely friendly, they love to talk and are generally wearing a smile. They are highly educated, extremely opinionated, and everyone has the courage to speak English to help you with anything. It is like taking a trip to Spain and Italy at the same time, but with a Latin American warmth you will find nowhere else. Ultimately, it is a country condemned to success, yet that success is on vacations abroad. If you have the chance to go there, do it.

About the Author:

An academic in his late 60's, who has dedicated most of his life to education. A historian that knows that history repeats itself, and each time it does, the price goes up. A romantic with a soft heart, but an unwavering voice. An American man in love with a beautiful Argentinian woman.

A traveler, who has seen the world and been to Argentina on at least a dozen occasions, in his search for a new home. A professional recruiter, who is able to find the perfect person for that crucial job. A friendly neighbor, who is always willing to help. A God-fearing man, who respects all religions as much as his own. A pacifist, who prays for peace, but knows that some things are worth fighting for.

A Professor of Law, who is not shy to have a heated debate, under the common rules of respect and within the boundaries of truth. An analyst, whose opinions are based on facts. An experienced man, ?who wishes to leave a better world than the one he found.

A person who welcomes your opinion, even if different from his own.

Link to previous articles:

Argentina: heading back to the bottom

Argentina: Play it again, Mau

Argentina: There you go again

Argentinians Unite:

Argentinian Beauty:

Argentinian Courage:

?Argentina's mo$t horrible sport:

Argentina, don't make me cry for you:

A huge loss for Argentina:

The Pope vs. the President:

How do you imagine Argentina in 5 years?:

Difference between Canada and Argentina:

Argentina to repeat 2016 results in 2017. Results may go unnoticed:

Gustavo Daniel Romero Santos

Analista Senior del Banco Central de la República Argentina

6 年

I also admire how well informed you are and your interest and affection for Argentina, Mr Charles.

Gustavo Daniel Romero Santos

Analista Senior del Banco Central de la República Argentina

6 年

Thank you for letting the world know the truth of what happens in my country! Blessings

Fernando Lopez Iervasi

President Hispanic South America @ Microsoft | Harvard AMP

6 年

2022 I'm sure it will be

Virginia Monti

Translation +ideas

6 年

Thanks for the article, Charles. Allow me to add to the list of horrors the recent violent police repression to teachers who were claiming for their salaries in Chubut.

Sebastian Guido Fabro

PS Account Manager at Merck Group

6 年

Siempre interesantes y provocadores tus informes. Muy buenos. Saludos.


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