The Arctic 10+ by White Glacier sets the highest safety and design standards of any immersion suit on the market
Christian Schweitzer
Marketing, Management & Communications Executive | Leadership | PR & Media | Experienced at adding value | Snowboarder & Tennis Player
San Juan, Puerto Rico (19 November 2021): White Glacier has launched the Arctic 10+, a new immersion suit which exceeds regulatory requirements in the United States, Canada and the European Union and provides its users with the capability to survive in extreme environmental conditions including on ice or in cold water complying with the 5-day minimum survival time mandated by the Polar Code.
Made from a three-layer protective system, the Arctic 10+ has an outside layer for abrasion resistance and flame protection. The middle layer offers a second level of flame protection, water tightness, and buoyancy while the third layer delivers a final level of flame protection as well as thermal protection.
When conditions call for buoyancy, such as when used in the high seas, the Arctic 10+ immersion suit allows the user to float above the water, not in it, retaining bodily warmth and extending the rescue window well beyond the 6 hours that is provided by regular neoprene immersion suits.
Among the first customers is global, luxury cruise company PONANT who have tested the Arctic 10+ on the ice sheets and cold waters of Greenland, procuring supplies of the immersion suit for their brand-new icebreaker exploration vessel Le Commandant-Charcot.
The Arctic 10+ being tested in Greenland
“This product is for users that expect the very highest in design and safety standards, where they seek more than just basic safety compliance and the ability to tick a box,” said White Glacier CEO Diego Jacobson.
“Our product is for demanding customers who value the safety and lives of those in their trust, it’s for those that want a product that stands up to rigorous testing and the harshest of environmental conditions while also offering a comfortable and practical product to survive,” Jacobson added.
“I must stress that comfort in an immersion suit cannot be overlooked, as anyone that uses a product that compromises on comfort will find panic sets in and survival times will be affected,” Jacobson said.
The Arctic 10+ has been certified by the U.S. Coast Guard, Transport Canada, and the European Union Marine Equipment Directive meaning it has surpassed all regulatory standards for purpose of use and is well suited for buyers representing global cruise lines, coast guards, offshore oil and gas exploration, deep sea fishing, owners of mega yachts and scientific polar exploration companies.
A distinct feature of the Arctic 10+ is the Splash Tent, allowing users to eat, drink, perform first aid or bodily functions while being protected from the wind, rain, or splashing from waves. The benefit of which allows the user to sleep, recover strength and overall improves survival odds.
The distinct Splash Tent of the Arctic 10+ in use
“Published research has shown that wind and waves can significantly increase heat loss from people wearing immersion suits when compared to those wearing immersion suits in calm water. The Arctic 10+ addresses this issue by significantly increasing the thermal protection and buoyancy offered, as well as giving the ability to seal off from the impact of wind, rain, and waves.,” Jacobson said.
“Whether used as an immersion suit or as a Polar Survival suit to comply with the Polar Code, the Arctic 10+ is the suit you want if you have to operate in any cold water environment be that in the North Atlantic or the Polar regions,” added Jacobson.
Such is the quality of the new immersion suit that a money back guarantee applies to every product sold.
The Arctic 10+ is now available for sale via with orders available to be shipped via FEDEX or UPS globally. To enquire email [email protected]
Media Contact
Diego Jacobson
White Glacier