ARCS: The Native Token of The ARLE Ecosystem!
David Okocha
BSC Electrical Electronics Engineering (1st), MSC Communication Engineering (2nd) MSC Theology (3rd) Health, Safety, and Environment (Level 3) Cryptopreneur Inventor.
This current dispensation is characterized by different innovative ways of generating income and becoming financially free. Just yesterday, I was explaining to an elderly friend how his wife could prepare some special delicacies and upload them on Youtube to generate funds through her number of viewers, thus the traffic she generates for Google. I told him that Google would pay her since their partner advertisements will ultimately be viewed through her channel. Just any talent no matter how intangible it might be can now generates fund for an individual to last a generation. Infact, some cryptocurrency games generates cash for its players for the level of progress they make in the game. All these are achievable through the power of the internet and Blockchain technology. One doesn’t have to dust up and submit a resume to earn cash nowadays.
Another amazing way people are generating funds now is through the sales of their personal information or Bio-data. Infact, Bio-datas are being described as the ‘new oil’. Bio-datas are meant to be kept confidential and exclusive to the owner of the details except he or she decides to reveal them to a first or third party organization. So this proves that Bio-datas have some intrinsic or financial value in themselves. Many tech Giant companies indirectly collect information and valid means of identification from their new users, selling them to the highest bidders without the knowledge or consent of their users or basically using them for analytics purposes. That’s not a good thing to do as the users are being excluded from the reward equation. To remedy this menace, the core team at ARLE has deemed to fit to create a unique platform where users can voluntarily come to present their personal information for a healthy cash equivalent, albeit with their privacy preserved.
A Review of ALRE
The Arle project was born out of a compassionate appeal to better the lives of people across the globe irrespective of their geographical location. The team aims to make this impact on people’s lives both mentally and socially. But how does the core team aim to make this impact that other companies or charitable organizations have not tried? How do they aim to differentiate themselves? It is through the empowerment of individuals through rights to their data and orientating them on the value their data holds. The team aims to carry out this vision on individuals and large data corporations alike. On Arle’s platform, there will be a ‘rule of code’ which governs and safeguards transacting participants. The code will be enacted with smart contracts and disbursed onto a blockchain network. The ‘rule of code’ will equip individuals and businesses to be able to buy and sell data while observing and maintaining personal data regulations. Again, every individual who decides to provide their Bio-data to Arle’s data banks will be protected by a high level of privacy and they will be compensated in accordance with the data they inputted and how frequently the administrative team makes use of it. The core team at Arle aims to make the buying and selling of data a necessitated part of our lives albeit ensuring that user's privacy and the fair distribution of data trade are maintained. To give a concise definition of Arle; Arle is a universal platform that primarily focuses on the data bank genre and its users. Arle delivers functionality for data banks so that they can function optimally and carry out transactions with businesses and individuals alike, bringing tremendous value to the purchase and sales of personal data.
Here is a short video presentation explaining the intricases of the ARLE and ARCS assets.
Challenges with personal data
But the approach presented above does not present a holy grail, infact no genuine path to success does; there must be obstacles and challenges to surmount. In this regard, it’s the lack of an adequate control of Bio-data from the user’s end; in the nut shell their identity. This is so because many users sign up on various platforms and deliver vital personal information; most time, their KYC verification documents. This scatters their personal data across the internet which ends up on various databases without the prior knowledge or consent of the user. Many companies carry out this action for analytics or monetization purposes; they see Data as the ‘new oil’ and then do anything to get it. To expand on this, many data businesses have been setup to illegally buy people’s personal data unnoticed and then sell to the highest bidders of which many are grand corporations.
Arle’s Solution
The Arle ecosystem is designed to get data from individuals albeit seeking their consent, maintaining their privacy and then fairly distributing their profit share from the data utilization.?Alre eradicates the problem of poor data use by authorizing unified management of user data which gives room for data to be used with the user's consent and their data rights protected. The core team at Arle have termed interfaces that can present these services as a “next generation bank”.?This system in my opinion is just like a chain supply industrial system where each segment carries out their own function for the better good of the entire industrial system. In Arle’s platform, a single service provider will not be able to perform all services and each provider will provide their service as part of the next generational bank employing a single token. So it’s the complexity involved, it is safe to say that the next generational bank is a digital wallet that performs all these services.
ARCS, The native token for Arle’s platform
Since the ARLE project is cryptocurrency based, its native token is the ARCS digital currency. It it’s the digital asset used to carry out transactions in the ARLE ecosystem. It is an ERC20 token and is currently listed in multiple exchanges. It has fared well in the market and have previously peaked $1.5.
The ARCS token has some of the following uses.
First Use: It is used as incentives for its platform users
The core team is devoted and faithful to their platform users. Since internet users are now skeptical about delivering their personal information to medium and large scale corporations because of the knowledge of their information being misused and redirected for other purposes. The Arle core team have decided to compensate their platform users who provide their information to the data bank. They reward them with ARCS tokens.
Second Use: Its grants users the privilege of using ARLE services.
Having ARCS tokens gives ARLE platform users the ticket to use ARLE services. This will directly and indirectly expand the ecosystem naturally since participants will be rewarded for using the ARCS token for their transactions instead of Fiat currencies. Benefits such as slashed transaction fees and some percentage cashbacks are guaranteed. Again, users who want to purchase data from ARLE’s data bank will have to employ the ARCS token to make their purchases; expanding the network scope.
A schematic diagram illustrating the token flow will be illustrated below, but before we delve into that; it is imperative we look at four steps executed in ARCS token flow.
Step one: User's key in their Bio-data into ARLE’s data bank and get ARCS as their compensation.
Step two: Aspiring companies who intend to buy Bio-data go to ARCS listed exchanges and make worthy purchases in the form of ARCS tokens.
Step Three: Now the companies now comfortably head to ARLE’s databank and make Bio-data purchases using their purchased ARCS tokens. The ARLE core team expertly compensates the users whose data have being purchased and then pay IFA some commission for rendering the service.
Step Four: Now the companies can now employ their purchased data for their services and then deliver it back to Alre platform users in return for ARCS.
This is a loop in my opinion and a healthy one at that.
Market Size
The success of every business is determined by the market size and the participants in it. To achieve this success, the core team at ARLE have targeted two demographics. The information Industry market and the financial refugee market; this activity would be executed using ARLE’s information banking initiative department. After some critical analysis described in the future development section, it has being discovered that unbanked populace do not have access to the financial market since they do not have any digital identity and the financial capacity of the unbanked populace is have been estimated to worth about $50 Trillion according to Global Findex with a population of about 1.7 Billion adults.
1) Information industry Market
As earlier stated, Bio-data is referred to the new oil in the information industry. As the value and recognition of personal data appreciates, the market targeted by information banks is increasing year in year out. ARLE’s approach of encroaching this sector is to purchase different types and categories of Bio-data, add value to the user and then return it to the users.
2) Financial Refugee Market
The world bank also carried out the same survey Global Findex carried out and came out with the same result. Up to 1.7 billion people are unbanked globally with a majority of the population sprouting from developing nations. According to the survey, the four most populated countries in the world with unbanked populace are China, 230 million India, 190 million, Pakistan, 100 million, Indonesia, 95 million and then Nigeria, Mexico and Bangladesh. These individuals have no bank accounts. 56% of the population are women and 30% of these population range between the ages of 15 to 24.
I would like to talk a bit about the three reasons why we have this large population of unbanked individuals and how ARLE have proposed to incorporate them into its system.
? First is the issue of cultural believes and gender inequality: Many communites believe that women should not have bank accounts and should remain in the Kitchen, but that’s not true. The world has changed and many women hold sensitive positions in global or world organizations. The individuals in this sector need to be orientated to see the reason why women should be included in the professional genre and class.
? Second is the issue of Education: Most individuals are not educated enough and believe they should not have any bank account. They prefer to save their money in local community groups or by simply hiding their funds under their pillows or in the cupboard. These individuals need to be orientated on the reason why a bank account should be established, the security involved and the percentage interest they could accumulate. ARLE will improvise and include them into their official ecosystem.
? Third is the issue of low income level: So many people are living below optimum level. They feed on less than $1 a day. This is true about many African nations and other developing nations of the world like Indonesia and Bangladesh. Psychologically, the individuals are demoralized and don't see the need to establish a bank account. They have little to no income and feel there is no need to open a bank account. ARLE will include them in her ecosystem and compensate them for providing their Bio-data to ARLE’s data bank.
These points can be summarized into economic power and creditworthiness. ARLE aims to solve this problem by providing and ID/Wallet for the unbanked populace. One that is by far cheaper to access than a regular bank account. The wallet is safe and secure and relies on scoring. Credits will be useable which is also tagged as money.
ARCS token migration swap
ARLE and the ARCS token was born in the year 2017 and the team relied on the Ethereum network for its transactions and token build up. But due to expansion of the ARLE ecosystem, getting record number of registered users and accelerated transactions. The Ethereum blockchain will become unsuitable. The team will develop its own blockchain, one that can handle scalability, performance and customization requirements. The Blockchain will be termed the ARLE proprietary Blockchain infrastructure which ARCS token will migrate to in the nearest future. The community would be informed then and then a swap conducted.
The Ethereum Network is currently the base network for ARCS tokens. But recently the Ethereum network has experienced exorbitant transaction fees and laggy network transactions. The core team have decided to Bridge their network with the Binance Smart Chain which is currently more efficient and affordable. The development is currently in progress and would be deployed in no distant time. This would involve swap from one blockchain to another. The Bridge 's development would be completed by November and the ARCS community members would be notified via Telegram and Medium. The team will provide a web front-end with users. That means users would be able to employ the web to swap ARX between Ethereum and BSC.
ARX Exchange Listings
ARCS is currently listed in Probit, Kucoin and Bitmart exchanges. More exchanges are coming in the near future. The listed exchanges are among the top most rated exchanges in the cryptocurrency industry, they have enormous users and daily trade volume.
TO Buy, hit any of the links below
Bitmart: Buy Here
Kucoin: Buy Here
ARCS Tokenomics
Issuer: IFA Co., Ltd.
Token Name: ARCS
Token Symbol: ARX
Total supply: 400,000,000 (400 million) [updated on 21 May 2021]
Decimal places: 18
Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Token Standard: ERC20
Contract address : 0x7d8DafF6d70CEAd12c6f077048552Cf89130A2B1
ARCS Road Map
The roadmap of a project shows the team's proposed plans and dealings in the immediate and near distant future. ARCS's core team has layed out a comprehensive plan and road map that investors and stakeholders can familiarize them self with. Kindly see the detailed description below. Despite the project's birth in the yer 2017. The team has created an updated roadmap which their dealings would rely on.
ARCS project team
The team is made up of a group of professionals which span across different segments of the cryptocurrency industry. Experts such as Blockchain engineers, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Technical Officer, Cryptocurrency Journalists and other relevant professionals needed to make the ARCS project a huge success. Again, these experts originate from various countries of the Asian continent. It is also important to note that the ARCS project is a community project since the team listens to the opinion to their community members and implement them if need be.
Conclusion and Personal preference
This is a remarkable one, ARLE. I love the concept of the monetisation of personal data. Many individuals are unaware of this innovative way to make passive income by earning ARCS tokens but would soon be introduced to it. The world is getting more and more digitalized by the seconds and every asset one has can now be monetized.?Non Fungible tokens are also creative news ways to generate income for people. ARLE's structure will ensure that its platform user's identity are protected. Large corporations would genuinely be able to purchase Bio-data. ARLE would revolutionize the Bio-data industry.
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Author's Information
Mr. David Okocha
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