Collection of Comments Posted in 2021 on Digital Identity
Hitoshi Kokumai
Advocate of Identity Assurance by Citizens' Volition and Memory. Founder and Chief Architect at Mnemonic Identity Solutions Limited
The issues taken up are mostly
?1.??????benefits of making use of our own episodic memory as secret credentials and seeds of cryptographic keys
?2.??????catastrophic damages caused by removing secret credentials from digital identity on security and democracy
?3.??????negative security effects of biometrics misused in cyber space
Comments posted in 2022 are available here -
< December 2021 >
What does not exist will not leak, will it? On leak-prone conventional password management
Negatively Effective Authenticator? Which authenticator negatively contributes to identity assurance?
‘In Series vs In Parallel’ and ‘in 2-Layer vs in 2-Entrance’ On security/identity professionals who are indifferent to the difference
Fundamental Difference between ‘Authentication’ and ‘Identification’ Sad to see so many people being ignorant.
Volitional Digital Identity as Antidote against Side Effects of AI and Quantum Computing Our volition and memory are outside the realm of AI and quantum computing
Even Weaker than Very Weak Effects of enlarged attack surface.
< November >
On NFT We know what happened to cryptocurrencies.
Password Should Stay and Should be Removed? On Google's strange move.
Half-baked Discussion On media articles about easy-to-spoof fingerprints
Solid Secret Credential for Blockchain On blockchain for identity security
Maximizing Entropy of Secret Credentials while Minimizing Burden on Citizens? Our own episodic memory makes it possible
Dystopia Comes with Comfort and Convenience Be cautious about what is noisily touted as ‘comfortable and convenient’.?
How Best to Bring Comfort to Cyber Criminals Paradise for cyber criminals being offered by passwordless schemes
Questions Raised over Privacy, Racial Bias, and Accuracy Good to see BBC now mention ‘accuracy’ of facial recognition.
< October >
?Larger Attack Surface on User’s Device Shooting itself in the foot by adding a probabilistic back door on top of the deterministic front door
Truly Big Threat A truly serious threat comes from indifference to the power and value of humans' volition and memory
Publishing by aiTech Trend On Quantum Computing and AI
Nonpredictable Passwords Carried Around on Memo On hard-to-break but hard-to-manage passwords
< September>
Serious Funny Joke? An empirical match rate of facial biometrics has turned out to be 47.6% when there is no ‘make-up’ on faces.?
Password Manager or Expanded Password System What if we come up with a password manager powered by Expanded Password System?
Leak-resistant Secret Credential We should better assume that our credentials could leak at any time.?
Dual Causes of Password Predicament ‘Use of Impracticable Password’ and ‘Non-Use of Practicable Password’?
Advantage of Biometrics Security to Criminals On TechRepublic report of voiceprint as a new password
Quantum Computing and Identity Assurance On the part of user authentication that is not dependent on public-key schemes
Arab Security Conference Hitoshi made an online presentation on the merits of making use of our episodic memory
Threat Bigger than Quantum Computer The threat possibly bigger than quantum computer is non-use of practicable passwords
New Slide - Healthy Second Life of Legacy Password Systems On the backdrop of a tweak to turn image data into high-entropy code
Get graphs to talk the nature of probabilistic biometrics On correspondence between false acceptance and false rejection
Why the password isn’t an enemy of people No password, no safe digital life
THANKS TO or IN SPITE OF?On a claim that biometrics contributes to fewer banking fraud
Theft-prone though Unbreakable On how to make unbreakable passwords
My Face is Your Face and also Their Faces, isn’t it? On 'Master Face'
UN Human Rights Committee on Biometrics?Storing biometric data on identity cards violates privacy
Another Aspect of Biometrics Europe makes the case to ban biometric surveillance
Biometrics is to Password what Back door is to Front door Pictorial analysis of biometrics-password relation
So, what should we do when we see a correct user falsely rejected? Give up the login or accept a lowered security?
What's driving those people to keep spreading the biometrics misinformation Business calculation rather than logic of security
Reality that so many security experts opt to not speak False sense of security spread globally
New Breed of BCI/BMI Coming in Sight Application of Expanded Password System for heavily disabled people
Illusory truth effect of passwordless authentication Chlorine dioxide is to Covid what passwordless login is to password predicament
The first SANE report on passwordless hype?On TechTarget article "Don't believe passwordless hype
Remove the army and we will have a stronger national defense Army is vulnerable to air attack. What is vulnerable to attack is detrimental to defense. Therefore .........
Torturous login is history The login can now be joyful, healing and heartening
Enjoy a comfortable sense of security; a false one, though On Apple FaceID/TouchID
Don’t be so reckless as to rush to removing passwords On US House Rep tweeting Gmail password
Mnemonic Identity Solutions on LinkedIn? Our company page is now built on LinkedIn
How to Eliminate ‘Bad Password’? On "Is passwordless authentication actually the way to go?"
To be more secure or less secure, that is the question On 'Passwordless MFA solutions with biometrics'
Episodic Memory and Blockchain We were aiming to achieve 19 years ago what blockchain now aims to achieve.
Blockchain not to blame On 'The Register' report "Bitcoin is ‘disgusting and contrary to the interests of civilization’ says famed investor Charlie Munger"
Wide choice of secret credentials Not either text or picture, but both text and picture.
Which passwords correspond to which accounts? Recalling the correspondence between accounts and passwords is often much harder than recalling strong passwords.
Get the password removed and we’ll see something very nice "It would be true if this remark were uttered by bad guys"
Fed up with Password "We do not have to stick to remembering something afresh."
Get Away from Dichotomy on Issues of Ethics "Ethics is actually not so powerful as we expect it to be and it is not so powerless as we fear it to be."
Blockchain and Carbon Footprints "We should distinguish the blockchain used for cryptocurrency gambles and used for meaningful applications."
What’s behind ever more insecure cyberspace?? "Quite a few security professionals and tech media have been spreading misguided and misguiding information about security"
Who will bear the costs for rescuing the people who get falsely accepted and falsely rejected? "Dumped into a Rabbit Hole, isn’t it?"
Was correct information given to the questionees before asking the question? On a report titled "Consumers recognize biometrics security tops passwords"
Still attempting to destroy identity security for banking? Horrifying, isn’t it? "Get reminded of the PIN authentication embedded in your smartphone"
Who Benefits??(from passwordless login)
Comments Posted in 2020?are available here.
Key References
For Achieving Solid Digital Identity?on Information Security Buzz (Mar/2021)
Additional References
< Videos on YouTube>
< Media Articles Published in 2020 >
Digital Identity — Anything Used Correctly Is Useful?
‘Easy-to-Remember’ is one thing ‘Hard-to-Forget’ is another?
Identity Assurance And Teleworking In Pandemic?