Architecture as a career is constantly evolving and changing. A major in architecture is designed to provide students with the academic foundation they require to work in the field. Architecture programs teach a combination of administrative, scientific, and artistic skills.
Many students choose an architecture major because they plan on becoming architects. Daily responsibilities for someone in this field involve supervising, designing, budgeting, and assessing the environmental influence of builds. Architecture is an exciting career choice but can also be challenging; it involves both creative ingenuity and technical knowledge.
An architecture portfolio is a vital tool that helps students present themselves and their work in the most creative way. Some golden rules can present your skills and abilities and stand out from other competitors. You should remember that the portfolio reflects your personality, your view of the world, and your attitude.
The architecture curriculum includes design studio, theory, visual studies, history, technology, and professional practice, with design as the central focus of instruction. *
- ADD AN ARCHITECTURE MODEL – The significance and art of model-making are deep-rooted in architecture. They help convey ideas that drawings find tough to express. Architects use model-making to continually develop and understand ideas and to convince and communicate. In an admissions evaluator's priority list of what to look for in an applicant, pictures of architecture models are ranked highly.?
- GRAPHIC DESIGN – The core of any design is geometric shapes and lines, but they are most evident in the practice of architecture. Graphic designs cover product packaging, design of a logo, marketing, name card, brochure, and advertising material. Adding a short write-up on the programs you use to curate the designs is favorable. The inclusion of a graphic design work showcases your creativity with the play of colors, forms, and shapes.?
- LESS IS MORE – You should keep your portfolio as short and simple as possible. Long texts and presentations tend to confuse and exhaust the reader and distract them from the key purpose: to form a brief portrayal of your skills and character in a short time. Give the evaluator a general idea of each piece, clues about the design process, and its intention.?
- SHOWCASE YOUR BEST WORK – The main motive of a portfolio is to reveal your skill sets and abilities. Make sure to include pieces that focus on your personality, experiences, ideas, interests, and space of creativity. Your work should be distinctive, which helps you to stand out from other applicants.?
- PRESENTATION IS IMPORTANT – Visual composition is equally crucial as content. Sometimes, portfolios with brilliant projects become invisible or overlooked compared to the ones with a more alluring presentation. Cluttered pages are confusing and can hide content. The more attractive and concise the layout, the better chances of your portfolio being noticeable. A page's structure, fonts, proportion, and margins say a lot about your skills.?
- PORTFOLIO COVER – Every remarkable story has a seemingly start and a correct end. When it comes to portfolios, create a cover that will set a good tone for the remaining work you include. It entices the reader to understand the potential in you. The design must include fonts and typefaces that blend with your portfolio theme. For the end, you can give a short explanation describing the purpose and concept behind the designs in your portfolio.?
As new ways of thinking emerge in the profession of architecture, the field grows increasingly complex and requires new techniques of inquiry and design. *
Join us live on September 22, Thursday at 6 PM, and understand the importance of Architecture as a Career (with a special highlight on curating an attractive portfolio).