Architectural Standards
All the Standards are only someone's opinions. Not a source of truth. All of them - are subjective. Logical arguments and narratives need to be proven, to become a source of truth. Either case - it is only a theory.
A good theory is:
- Transparent. Should be the most simple explanation for the observation
- Precise. Should explain statements with just enough precision. Not too wide, not too narrow
- Testable. Should allow verification
When we reason about anything we should be aware of two processes: Organization and Adaptation.
Organization stands for combining already formed schemas with a new one, more complex. Where schema is the result of models organization. Unit of understanding. Structured representation of discovered repeated characteristics.
When information is structured and formed, it can be used for new information discovery and understanding.
Adaptation is the process of changing our way of thinking to meet the requirements of the environment. On its own, adaptation consist of two processes: Assimilation and Accommodation.
Assimilation. Trying to match all to the same template. Understanding of the new elements based on what is already known. If it looks like a duck, and quack as a duck - it is a duck.
Accommodation. It is the opposite of assimilation. Exist schemas are changing to feet the newly assimilated information. Splitting up categories into sub-categories or creating a new category.
All these processes, cognitive development, are happening constantly and continuously.
Cognitive processes are complex.
As an architect, you need to understand what influences your decisions. Are you trying to assimilate the new elements, or you are digging around trying to build new categories which can explain what you have learned about a new system? Adapting your way of thinking? Or do you choose to focus on basic concepts, smaller building blocks, before reasoning about the big picture?
Knowing where you are and why - can help you to optimize the needs. Discover smaller building blocks, search for similarities or change the perspective.
Nevertheless, it is the nature of architects to make complex things easier.