Architects, which fee structure is best, lump sum, percentage or hourly rate?
Ian Motley
I help Architects win better fees while reducing scope creep by applying 'Choice Architecture' to their fee proposals.
To answer this question, I would like to reference an interesting research study called the Ambiguity Effect.?
What is the Ambiguity Effect?
The ambiguity effect refers to a cognitive bias whereby individuals tend to favor options with known probabilities over those with unknown probabilities, even if the unknown option could provide a better outcome.?
Does that make sense??
Let me show you how it works.?
One of the most famous studies related to the ambiguity effect is the "Ellsberg paradox," named after Daniel Ellsberg, who introduced it in a paper published in 1961 and it goes something like this:?
You are presented with a bucket of balls, the contents of which you cannot see.?
You are told that the bucket contains 90 balls – 30 of which are red, and the remaining 60 are a mixture of yellow or black balls.?
The Twist:?
The twist, however, is that you don’t know how many of the remaining balls are yellow and how many are black.
You’re then asked to choose one of the following options:
Option A: When a ball is selected from the bucket, you’ll receive $100 if it’s red.
Option B: When a ball is selected from the bucket, you’ll receive $100 if it’s black.
Which option would you choose A or B?
When this experiment was conducted, the majority of participants leaned strongly toward Option A.
Because Option A provided them with certainty… they were certain that they had a 33 percent chance of receiving the $100 in Option A.
Whereas, Option B provided them with uncertainty… the probability of receiving the $100 in Option B ranged from 0 percent to 66 percent.
Most people prefer the certainty of knowing the probability (Option A) rather than the uncertainty (ambiguity), of not knowing the probability (Option B)… even though the outcome of Option B, could easily be better.?
So you may be wondering…
How does this affect an Architectural Fee Proposal??
The truth is, when making a purchasing decision, most clients want certainty (peace of mind) and they’ll pay a premium to get it!?
Successful fee proposal writers understand this behavior, so they look for ways in which they can increase the certainty (and reduce the uncertainty) in the fee proposals they write.?
… and that’s exactly what we teach our clients to do at the Fee Proposal Workshop.
We show them how to build certainty, and how to avoid uncertainty using real-life examples from Architects just like you to show you how it works.
Learn More:
Have questions? Don’t hesitate to book a one-on-one Zoom call with me at the link above.
We hope to see you on the inside.
Warm regards,
Ian Motley
Blue Turtle Consulting?