The Architect’s Guide: May Edition
Elevators – and Dam Beautiful Ones
See how Hoover Dam’s elevators were brought to life, how yours can be creating new and enjoyable experiences for occupants and more.
Give elevators a lift . . . and get CEU credit
Hey – elevators are interiors, too. For a space that nearly everyone in the building uses, durability inside it is key to safety and longevity. Learn how and get CEU credits!?
3 Reasons Why Hospitality Elevators Need Upgrades
A person’s travel experience begins at the hotel. Are you maximizing their satisfaction from the time they walk in by updating your elevators??
Beautiful Dam Elevators
The refresh of Hoover Dam’s elevators bring a sense of pride and history using Inpro’s printed elevator interiors.
Learn more about Inpro products by downloading a whitepaper here.