Architecting high performance recruiting organizations
Will Automation displace us out of existence?
Will Recruitment become irrelevant over a period of time?
New jobs in new areas are likely to emerge.
The marketplace will be competitive as ever. In fact there will eternally, be a short supply of niche skills, since innovation in technology will always be faster than adoption of technology.
How equipped are you as an individual and as an organization to stay ahead of competition?
There are four important components that together contribute to a high performance recruiting organization.
1. Social
2. Information Systems
3. Analytics
4. Culture
Do you have the ingredients to propel yourself to a High Performance Recruiting Organization?
How mature is adoption and implementation level? Here is a checklist
Do you want to be in the Search Business or you want to morph into the Found Business?
Is your Social Media Strategy for recruitment aligned with the overall Social media strategy of the organization?
How well has the identity of your relevant stakeholders for this business process and that of the organization been articulated keeping in mind the needs of your organization?
Is there a strategy to grow your audience and network, qualitatively and quantitatively, proactively and continuously keeping in mind the needs of the business process and the organization?
Is there a strategy to engage your audience and network?
Do your consumer’s, advocate your recruiters and other stakeholders in your business process?
Social can be deceptively simple, but requires considerable thought and effort.
Do you have a strategy to convert the eyeballs into cash?
Information Systems
Do you have information Systems in place?
Have they been implemented properly?
Does the information system allow you to comply with process conformance at each stage of the recruitment process?
Has data from all the phases of recruitment cycle been captured completely?
Does the information system allow you to measure the responsiveness of the stakeholders at each phase of the recruitment process?
Does it throw light on roadblocks or any show stoppers at any phase of the recruitment cycle?
Does the information system allow you to capture the productivity of the individual stakeholders?
Are the capabilities to store resumes easy and effective? Are the capabilities to search effective?
Does the information system allow you to effectively communicate with the stakeholders?
Does the information system contribute to help Recruiter’s form good recruiting habits?
Organizations may apply analytics to business data to describe, predict, and improve business performance.
While reporting merely captures what has happened, Analytics analyzes past and current data and reveal patterns and trends.
Predictive Analytics could be leveraged effectively to understand the mysterious equations of the processes and the stakeholders.
The process of discovery is only possible when adequate data is available about recruitment process.
And this is only possible if you have a culture of capturing data in your organization.
Ever wondered how Predictive Analytics can enhance the quality of recruiting while reducing the associated cost and wasted efforts associated with the business process?
Have you ever wasted time on working on Service requests/Job Descriptions which essentially were not genuine?
Is it possible that you arrive at smart sourcing choices, essentially better choices, based on successful recruits that your organization made in the past?
Is it possible to improve your candidate pipeline, enhance and improve the composition of that pipeline?
Is it possible to arrive at effective interviewing options and reduce interview cycle time, thereby improve the candidate experience?
Is it possible to improve your offer to joining ratios?
Is it possible to improve the speed of the entire recruitment cycle?
While Social, Information Systems and Analytics are the three important pillars on which a high performance recruiting organization can be built, how robust is your recruiting culture in your organization?
Do you have an organization structure which can enable the implementation and adoption of Social, Information Systems and Analytics?
Are your recruiter’s knowledgeable and competent?
Does the organization’s culture encourage them to educate and update themselves on subject areas relevant to their profession?
Do you encourage your stakeholders of the recruitment process to comply with the processes?
Are your recruiter’s empathetic to the stakeholder’s and organization’s need?
Do the recruiter’s hone their skills and diligently adhere to the fundamentals and ensure a great Recruiting Culture.
The confluence of the correct configurations of the four aspects discussed, will inevitably result in a High Performance Recruiting Organization.